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A young unicorn named (insert name here) has spent most of his childhood listening to tales of the Elements of Harmony, still under the guise that they were continuing on their glorious adventures somewhere far away from his own home. One day, he asks his father what has become of his childhood heroes and he is mortified to hear that they had passed on. Though his father attempts to console his crestfallen son, the unicorn finds that the world around him has lost its luster. The idea that an end is inevitable has darkened his, once bright, life and he finds no true meaning in anything around him anymore. If it's going to end a 40 or 50 years, than why bother. After a few years struggling to come to terms with his depression, the naive unicorn finally comes to a conclusion that the only thing that could make things in this dull world better would be to go and bring back his beloved heroes no matter the cost.

Not my style. I'll leave it alone.

Question: How old is the unicorn at the time of the story? By that I mean, how old is he when he goes to bring back Twi and co?

This idea is epic, but I'm already writing too much stuff.

they called me mad for wanting to create a story about a magically transforming foal, a story with almost no plot and a foal with no name (hee hee) MAD THEY SAID! Well who is laughing now?? ME HAA HAA HAA HAA... haa... haaa .... Yeah trying to insert a serious plot into my rather silly story is starting to knock my screws loose, but I'm using allusion and weird things to try and create forshadowing and questions to answer... wait what was this thread about again? *scrolls up* ohhh yeaahhhh... sorry

Viking Hooves out:rainbowwild:!

Lotta fics with the Mane Six passing away recently, anyone else noticing that?

848057 I think more than a few people (myself included) noticed that ailcorn Twi should be immortal, which means outliving her friends. Lots of different takes on that out there, this story (Impressme's idea) is definitely a new one though.

No I won't be picking this one up, I already have an Immortal Alicorn story.

Interesting idea, but wouldn't the unicorn realize that time travel never leads to anything good, or disrupting the natural cycle of life is bad, or at least the unicorn would have better coping mechanism than whatever leads to trying time travel resurrection?

I might just take this one up. It would take me a million Ice Ages to get it out, but just maybe.

No guarantees, though.

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