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Hi, so I would like to get some good solid reviews on my stroy: Equestrian Battlefield: A Halo crossover. It's my first story and I request that durring the review you not be gentle. But dont be bruttle either.

Reasons why to read it:
First off it is my first story and i want to get a feel for how good i'm doing so far. The story bases around ten UNSC ships: UNSC Last Frontier, the four horse men (UNSC Death, Pestilence, Famine and War), UNSC Forward Unto Dawn II, being the most important of the ten ships in the story (however I have not reached that part in writing yet). In the begining it runs a little slow and shows my lack of experience but the story quickly picks up its pace. I am always changing the plot in my head so where it goes today will be completely different tomorrow. Large amounts of action are to come in the next few chapters.

The story is told from the view of Taylor, an ODST. Many things are to come later on...

Since you're writing a crossover, how much of Halo would the reader need to know to understand what is happening in the story? I've never played Halo before, so would I be totally lost if I read this story?

I am guilty too of constantly changing the plot, but listen: This is not good. While it may sound attractive to be making it up as you go along, you will eventually come to a point where you are asking yourself "What next" and have no idea what to do, or end up backing yourself into a corner with no logical way out. First things first, I'd sit down and write a general outline for the overlying story arch your story takes.

This, this, and a million times this. If you are indeed making things up as you're going along, STOP NOW and TURN BACK. You need to plan out everything before publish, even if it takes months to figure stuff out. It can only go downhill if you don't.

838970 Just go right ahead and add another million to this. I've been planning out the background for one of my stories since 3 months before the start of season 3. You can not take too long to plan out a story.

Heh, I've already begun planning the lemon scene that occurs in the SEQUEL to one of the stories I am writing. Damn skippy, son!:eeyup:

838895 I wholeheartedly agree with the people saying you should plan out your story ahead of time, but let me just clear something up, since I was once in your position, received the same advice, and misinterpreted it.

You need to plan out the plotline of your story before you start writing: Yes, yes, and yes. Otherwise, you WILL get lost and your story will go up in flames.

You need to have specific details: Yes, to a certain extent. After scribbling out the general plotline, you need to have events, conflicts that arise from said events, characters, and the resolutions of the conflicts all planned out. It's not enough having a vague idea of where you're going, but you don't need to know what colour dress Rarity will be wearing in the second last chapter.

The original ideas are set in stone: No, absolutely not. Everything is still subject to change. You control the story, not the other way around. You may find that some things work better than others, and changing things later on is fine. You just really need that original planned skeleton to fill in first, before you start giving it bone transplants.

One more thing, don't put up posts like this. At least, not in this group. Our system requires that once an author receives a review, they must provide a counter review for the reviewer's story. If you want reviews, start reviewing other people's works instead. You're going to have to do it anyways, if you get a review. At least this way, you can get advice from authors whose stories you enjoy and want to write like.

Group Admin

Will this require foreknowledge of the books as well as the games?


To answer the first question: a basic understanding. You need to know what a human frigate and cruiser class ship look like, what an odst is, what a spartan is, and who the covenant are (taking away brutes engineers and prophts.) other than that not much.

In terms of writing the story I know how it's going to end. And I already have chapter names that lead up to the conclusion of the story. So here are some chapter name spoilers:
Meeting Old Friends, Back to the Old Grind, King of the Hill, The Four Horsemen, Always Darkest Before Dawn.
Now if you're good with foreshadowing you can basically determine whats going to happen in these chapters or what the chapter is mainly about. Those are my 'story planning'. The only time i felt writers block on this story was when i was writing the first chapter. That I had planned out on paper and we can see where that went, and no I wont edit it either. Sorry for those of you who have ocd and hate that.

Last, I posted this to ask for reviews and not get critized and nagged about how I'm not planning my story (even though im sure it comes from the 'helping' part of this group but planning just doesn't work for me. Sorry to burst your guy's bubbles.)

Anyways, have a good morning, day and or evening.

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