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So, in the most recent chapter of my story Que Sera, Sera, I ended it by taking things in a different direction than they had been headed. The story until then had been more of an angst/comfort tone. In the new chapter I shifted things into more of an action/adventure style. Not entirely, but there is going to be a lot more action in the coming chapters.

So my question is, was this a bad idea? Will I be disillusioning my readers? I don't think I could do much about the shift at this point, but I just want to know if making such a change wasn't a great idea.

It depends the reader, quite honestly. Perhaps if you could somehow maintain that original feel within this new direction you're taking it, it may alleviate any hate or angst.

I was disillusioned with a story about Scootaloo dealing with being rejected by Rainbow Dash when the last chapter turned into a Cupcakes wannabe rehash. That was a big, unnecessary change.
I don't think I'd be disillusioned with a change in tone, though. Characters are supposed to live, breathe, and adapt. Sometimes, they do get up and try new things. That's what makes characters real. I haven't actually read the story, but from first glance, I'd say keep it.

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It depends on how long your planning on making the story, and what your readers think. With one of my fics, Oldnew Luna, I wanted to see if I could take it in a more Adventure route. So on my next chapter, I sort of began adding in elements that would set them up for an adventure. Then I waited for some feedback. People said that they preferred a less adventurey story, so I changed course once more and things were fine again.

Well, just as you said yourself, angst/comfort is a tone while action/adventure is a style. You can have an action/adventure style story that has an angst/comfort tone, which is what I think you're talking about your fic is evolving into. I don't think readers will take offense.

I agree with Steel Wing. Don't try to change the story's tone into something new entirely, because then the story may lose its original charm to the reader. However, on the other hand, that can sometimes give it more appeal. It really just depends on how much of a change you did, and who's reading it. Some may welcome the change, and others may not. :unsuresweetie:

Tone changes can come well if there is a logical progression.

My first story was intitally about two characters discussing the nature of changelings, but shifted into an adventure story with a bunch of ponies going off on a quest.

There was a clear shift and set up from the discussion to the quest, so as long as you can connect a change in tone to the earlier parts then it should be ok.

But it also depends on the reader to a large extent.

I think what is most important here is the story. If the story dictates a change in tone, you'll have to do it, and the reader will know, and appreciate if you pull it off well. Just like Fimbulvinter said, it has to be logical.

If however the reader gets the impression you try to force the story into a new tone because you got bored of the old one, this might turn out bad, as in the story bahatumay mentioned.

I'm in a similar predicament. My story starts off dark, possibly grim dark, and then transitions to a slice of life kind of tale. While it's not evident because it's only 3 chapters in, I plan on going back and forth. However, I feel it'll be alright as the story is advertised as "Dark/Adventure/Slice of Life", so I'm not too concerned.

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667800 As long as you keep the pacing consistent, there shouldn't be a problem with this genre shifting.

667803 Fingers crossed I can keep my pacing smooth. First fanfic ever, so it's gonna be an adventure :twilightblush:

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667805 Well, I wish you luck with your writing adventure.

Yeah, in my current fic I'm gradually going from a light-ish story and the way it's heading I'm probably going to have to put a 'dark' tag on it sooner rather than later. Given it's set in the Deus Ex universe this may not be a huge problem. I'd appreciate any outside opinions before I head in that direction.

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