Lightning Dust Is Best Pony 550 members · 499 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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What do you think Lightning Dust's special talent is?

I think her special talent is the ability to absorb electricity and use it to enhance her physical states like the Raikages from the Naruto anime, and sometimes send it out in burst of electrical attacks similar to Electro from Spider-Man. i know it's a stretch, but that's the best I came up with.

Yeah that's a bit out there. I don't think so.

Honestly I'm pretty literal: she's good with lighting as a weather pony.

Fast as lightning, leaves slowpokes in the dust.

A while back I had a little discussion on how dark magic can amplify a ponies cutie mark (rarity with the book thingy) perhaps speed is only one aspect of her cutie mark, and electric abilities could be discovered later on based on how vague and the extent on said cutie mark magic. Kinda like how twilight's cutie mark can mean magic but also hope (that others can change). If Lightning dust got ahold of a artifact like the Alicorn amulet, Lightning dust could be like a electric demigod like Trixie did. Most likely be reformed and be part of Starlight's group of friends


Darn it. I was going to say exactly that. :ajbemused:


Yeah, I say "moves like lightning, leaves 'em in the dust" comes to mind. Her special talent is competitive racing, especially the "competitive" part.

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