Lightning Dust Is Best Pony 550 members · 500 stories
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She was an interesting character.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5814638 One can only hope. I'd like to see how she's taken life after being kicked out of the academy,, maybe she's bitter about it or maybe's grown up and moved on and accepted it was her own stupidity and recklessness that got her kicked out, though the first seems more likely knowing her character.


I mostly hope she doesn't; her first appearance was so good and open-ended (great for different interpretations of her future) that I doubt they'll match or top it. Besides, I suspect she'd only get redeemed, which would be a real shame - among other reasons - because her dark side is a huge part of what made her so fascinating.

On the other hand, if she did come back I wouldn't mind seeing her act as a kind of recurring rival or antagonist with some good points, or at least some charm (a friendly enemy, perhaps?). Heck, maybe she's formed her own group, or joined rivals of the Wonderbolts who have fewer principles than them. She's got the drive, after all.

Basically, she could, for Rainbow Dash, be like Trixie to Twilight or Flim and Flam to Applejack. So long as she wasn't flanderized like Garble was, I think it could really work and make an outstanding episode (that said, "Gauntlet of Fire" was still outstanding, and Garble at least kept his core function as major bully and threat).

Alas, I err on the side of pessimism. :applejackunsure:

Group Contributor

5814638 When it comes down to it, despite having been my favourite pony since Wonderbolts Academy originally aired in 2012, I don't think we're going to be seeing her again. She was really just a set-piece antagonist, a more unbridled Rainbow Dash that therefore helped the good parts about RD to shine through.

Of course, it's not impossible, but having gotten my hopes up many times before only to be disappointed, I can't say I've got much enthusiasm or expectation for it to happen.

5814707 Fewer principles? The wonderbolts, as shown in canon, suuuuuck. They were so much cooler when they seemed to be elite high-class fliers Rainbow Dash idolized. In truth, they're a bunch of overhyped circus performers Rainbow Dash surpassed when she was 9. These wonderbolts are also douches, regularly throwing childish insults at each other and being dicks to new recruits while pretending to be a military organization... despite being circus performers. These wonderbolts have no problem with trying to poach Rainbow Dash from her own team and having one of their own fake an injury.

A "Darker and edgier" rival group would be a step up from these clowns.


Fewer principles?

Darn... when you put it like that...

Still, there's at least plenty of room below "overhyped jerk", after all. My point is that Lightning Dust would be a good deliberate antagonist, rather than be an unintentional one as a result of bad writing. She's certainly got the skills and determination to make a good rival. She could be used to bring out different aspects of Rainbow Dash in a similar way to how Flim and Flam's various roles (business competitor, con artist, feuding victims) brought out different aspects of Applejack, all while still retaining their core vices.

But yes, I do miss the mellower Wonderbolts from the earlier seasons.

having one of their own fake an injury.

I thought Soarin's injury was real, wasn't it? He was as much a victim of the ruse, and as surprised by it, as Rainbow Dash was.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5817103 I have nor need or want to point out all the flaws in that statement you posted, as quite frankly it'll lead to arguments and headaches.

Group Admin


Hello. I am the administrator of this group. I am necroposting in this thread to inform you (rather a bit late, sadly, but I still think it's worth it) that the only reason you aren't banned is... well... I don't actually have a reason!

I suppose it's because I'm the laziest administrator in the world; too lazy even to ban you. Which, as a matter of fact, I really ought to do. You see, I am well aware of your tendency to repeatedly generate drama from even the smallest seed of conversation, so it's not like I don't have a well and good excuse to block you from participating.

BUT PARA, you might say, THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE ACT OF A TYRANNICAL DICTATOR. And you would be right, for I am indeed a tyrannical and cruel admin and I do what I want. I treat my subjects like the filth they truly are, grinding them beneath the heel of my boot day after day after day until they lose all hope and regress into a state of constant despair, praying only for the end of life.

Anyway, I kinda thought about it, and actually, being lazy doesn't explain why I'm not banning you. It's actually because I think drama is entertaining. So I'm going to resurrect this thread and let you stay unbanned until one of three things happens:
A) the thread proves to a boring zombie with nothing to add, at which point I'll stop caring, or,
B) the thread rapes itself, or,
C) one of my other admins, new or otherwise, shows him or herself to be a bigger adult than me and pulls the plug.

You are probably wondering why I am doing all of this, and indeed why I wrote such a huge shitpost to begin with. The answer is that I am bored and didn't sleep well last night.

Also we kind of do need a Season 7 sticky, so if by some fucking miracle we can manage to have a SSA thread that doesn't devolve into freewheeling, I guess we'll keep it around.

Fuck I could make a way better version of this comment but I'm too fuckin lazy so fuck it


I half hope that Lightning is in Season 7 and I half hope that she isn't. The newer episodes have been hit-and-miss, and there's no telling what would be done with someone like Lightning. She could be made out amazingly shallow, or amazingly interesting. Either way, whatever the show dreams up as her post-academy life probably isn't half as interesting as what some fanfic writers have done or could do.


To you specifically, I love your avatar.

Maybe she starts the shadowbolts but their not bad their just another flight team.


5891680 Wow, when did I take a dump in your cornflakes? Did I win an argument against you, or one of your friends? How embarassing was it? I'm not even mad, I'm surprised. How did you become a group admin? I suppose I should congratulate you on noticing that you're being immature, but... Noticing it is only the first step. What are you going to do about your immaturity? Because that comment right there sure is full of childish insults and ad hominems. Don't worry, I took plenty of screenshots. Also, do you know what freewheeling means?

>I half hope that Lightning is in Season 7 and I half hope that she isn't. The newer episodes have been hit-and-miss, and there's no telling what would be done with someone like Lightning. She could be made out amazingly shallow, or amazingly interesting. Either way, whatever the show dreams up as her post-academy life probably isn't half as interesting as what some fanfic writers have done or could do.

Well, considering Miller's track record...

Group Admin


I'm just going to nip this in the bud by ignoring the garnish and only paying attention to the relevant part. Although you did ask how I became an administrator, and I will tell you: it came about when I created the group in the first place. If you look, you might see my name under the title. Anyway,

that comment right there sure is full of childish insults and ad hominems. Don't worry, I took plenty of screenshots.

Yes, my comment is amazingly childish. I do not intend to delete it. You are under the impression that I am trying to prove some kind of point against you, when in fact the entire reason for me making that comment was to inform you that you amuse me. This post, in turn, is a caution that any further attempts to engage in "debate" or "argument" with me will probably result in you becoming very frustrated.

I am a foe beyond your power, silverstarapple. I am an elder god of fimfiction, a screaming basement ornament birthed from knighty's puckered anus itself at the beginning of all fics. You cannot defeat me. I implore you to give up and waste your time on more realistic pursuits, like Parcheesi.

Well, considering Miller's track record...

I would ship Lightning Dust x Starlight Glimmer so hard.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5891874 To be honest, I'm taking Parasprite's side on this. Every thread you go to on any group ends up in a argument. I do have half a mind to kick you out.

Gilda, Trixie, Starlight, Coco, Flim and Flam, Maud, Mccolt, Garble, Babs, Pipsqueak, Chrysalis, Discord, Derpy, Doctor, Cranky, Matilda, Bullies, Fleetfoot. (Ponies that came back when we thought they were gone)
Lightning Dust, Wind Rider, Blueblood, Featherweight, Gabby, Tender Taps, Sombra, Tirek, Orange's, Hoofields, Sky Stinger, Vapor Trail. (Ponies that we think are gone right now)
Just a few!

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