The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel concluded [1/11/2013] with Proud-Dust as the victor by TKO.

Rapid Fire jumps up in the stands, ready to cheer on her friend as soon as she enters the field. "C'mon Emilia! You can do it! Show 'em why you're top gryphon!" She yells it at a mostly empty arena, but every little bit of encouragement helps, and she was going to give everything she had.

Brazen walks into the spectators seats and sees Rapid cheering on the yet to begin battle.Walking up to her he smiles, "I think I'll join you in cheering," his smile turns manic as he turns towards the arena, "Emilia! Show that overgrown mutt who's boss!!" Brazen shouts wildly besides Rapid into the arena.
[[I have no control over Brazen's actions while he is cheering on a friend, so any insults are from him, not me :pinkiecrazy:]]

OOC: Ready to duel

[[Ready to duel as well]]

Lofty walked in, bottle of whiskey in hoof, and took a seat in the stands. Looking around he spotted some familiar faces in the stands, but chose to ignore them in favor of those in the arena. He was running low on whiskey by this point in the day, but he wasn't going to miss the Mage slayer in action.

Group Admin

602973, 602974
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Emilia and Regina should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

[[You want to start this or me?]]

Emilia looked at the Diamond Dog before her. Long, gangly arms with firm muscles in them. They seemed unfit to fight incredibly close range combat. She noted this with a laugh. Still, with the the iron ball attached to the rope being held by her paw and the hooked baton in her other paw, this wasn't going to be an easy battle.

She closed her eyes at the bipedal before her. Calming her heart beat from the sound of those in the stands, Emilia removed herself from the world of the arena. The cheers, the cries, the frenzied anticipation became silent to Emilia. Only the world between her and her opponent reached Emilia. She opened her eyes, a cold glint of ruthlessness glaring at her prey. A cunning smile later and the Mage Slayer had arrived.

Emilia got her break-action pistol out and aimed the barrel at Regina. At the lower body region, she hoped to shoot the Diamond Dog's legs down. A normal bullet in the barrel, Emilia knew she had to measure Regina's reaction time and abilities. A hunter stalks her prey, tiring her out first... before going for the kill. The die was cast as the barrel roared. The bullet thrust forth towards Regina, lunging to pierce her. The curtain of this showdown opened and the Mage Slayer's hunt had began.

[[Approved by Nathan Traveler.]]

Approved by Nathan Traveler
Read by cyberfire22, Doorknobs

[Reaction] Regina did not understand the finer workings of firearms but she knew they relied on the trigger, and that the user was open after a shot was fired. She eyed her opponent's claw, waiting for that telling twitch, then dived to the side and rolled back on to her feet.

[action] Seeking to exploit the opening she charged the gryphon with her meteor hammer flying about her head. As she drew close she hurled the iron ball at Emilia's face, hoping to cripple her opponent before she could reload.

The gun smoking, Emilia looked at the Diamond Dog encroaching towards her to get Emilia in her range. Emilia, anticipating a charge and the iron ball to be used in Regina's tactics, opened her wings and flapped away from the crippling weapon. She read the trajectory with an cautious eye, being the first time it was launched towards her. The iron ball inched close to her face, barely grazing her beak while she dodged, a close mistake in analyzing and the opening she gave at the shooting of her gun.

Emilia considered her options. Long range reloading and firing were the best tactics right now. Once she had gotten more used to the trajectory of the iron ball, she'd be able to dodge, move in and take Regina down in close range combat with her combat knife.

Mid range, huh? But she still has to breath... Emilia's beak curved into a smile as she vigorously flapped her wings away from the Diamond Dog while unleashing a fierce wind upon the ground, scattering dirt and dust for Regina to charge into. This tactic gave Emilia two advantages, giving herself some distance for long range shooting and giving a nasty surprise to the Diamond Dog charging into a veil of dust that might clog her throat or irritate her eyes, possibly giving Emilia an opening to exploit.

[[Approved by Nathan Traveler and Crafter.]]

Approved by _Medicshy, Doorknobs, Cyberfire22

Regina skidded to a stop, quickly covering her snout with her free paw to guard against the initial spray of debris. She softly cursed her kind's sensitive noses

As she reeled in her hammer she took in the lingering cloud of dust and assessed the situation. Charging through would be tactical suicide. Close-quarters combat did not favor the blind. A direct blow with her meteor would be impossible as her foe would have certainly have moved, but perhaps she could use this too her advantage. Her opponent could not see her either.

She began to spin on the spot, slow releasing slack on the rope. As she reached her maximum speed Regina unleashed the full length of the rope, swinging a wide arc right through the cloud. While the ball delivered the most damage the rope was still a weapon itself. If she could not strike her opponent she could still entangle her. If the target was hit by the swinging rope the heavy iron core would carry the rope around and around her foe, binding them until they struggled free. That is of course if she hit the gryphon at all.

OOC: It's 1:30 AM here so this will be my last post for the night

[Reaction] She expected a wild shot. From seeing it earlier, she knew the ball and rope had a wide arc if thrown. She knew the intentions of the throw: capture or damage. She might as well use it to her advantage.

She arched her wings back, prepared to flap them against the ball and rope to slow the velocity of it. Even then, Emilia's experience couldn't protect her completely from the sheer speed that the ball and rope was going. From the moment the ball and rope came into sight, survival instincts kicked in. She abruptly shook her wings forward, pushing wind against the thrown weapon.

Even then, that wouldn’t completely stop the ball and rope, the iron ball and rope still swinging fiercely at her. She anticipated this and angled her body to let only her waist get captured by the rope. She gritted her teeth in preparation of getting the wind knocked out of her by the binding of the rope against her stomach. The iron and rope wrapped around her and constricted her stomach.

Once captured, Emilia was carried by the momentum of the ball and rope, the weight of the binding iron ball and rope descending her to the ground. She fell towards the ground and was dragged across it. Despite the pain assaulting her, she smiled at the distance she managed to cover away from Regina.

[Action] After the pain of her flesh being dragged across earth, Emilia thought back to her tactics and saw the direction of where the ball and rope was thrown. Her eyes narrowed. The velocity of that launched projectile couldn't have been from a halfhearted effort. Most likely, her opponent had an opening from the momentum it took to launch that ball and rope. Plus, Regina’s only beyond mid range weapon was bound to Emilia. This was her chance to get in a shot.

Pushing through the pain, she stumbled up straight and arched her wings out. Gathering two small, but sharp blades of wind from both of her wings, she flung them towards a rough estimate of the area the ball and rope was launched, where Regina was.

Going by guesswork and prior visual exposure to Regina's height, one blade of wind was aimed at her torso and the other, her legs. She launched them hoping to cripple one of Regina's limbs. Shot diagonally, the blades of wind tore through the cloud of dust and propelled themselves forth, hoping for a bite into Regina's flesh.

[[Approved by SwiftEthan, ShadowBro and Crafter.]]

Approved by _Medicshy, Cyberfire22

[Reaction]As the rope swung itself around the gryphon Regina could feel the tension run up her arm, signalling a successful catch. Before she could pull her close her powerful ears picked up a whistling noise growing in volume. As quick as she could she threw herself on to her back, laying flat as the wind blades soared over her.

[Action] Rolling back onto her hindlegs Regina pulled the rope taught and circled round the wall of dust. As she caught sight of Emilia she kept the rope taut and began to close the distance.

[Reaction] The sight of the Diamond Dog dragging her across the ground, towards the diamond dog's preferred range, prompted Emilia to not play around anymore. While resisting the pull of the rope, she arched her wings high in the air, one aiming her next display of magic at the waist area bound by the rope and the other, aiming at Regina.

The Diamond Dog's expression, looking strained with effort, told Emilia volumes of how exerting this was to her. How stretched to the limit the rope must be right now. Emilia smiled. Perfect, excellent chance to break her weapon.

[Action] The higher the rope's tension gets, the easier it gets to cut it. This is a theory that is indisputable. She aimed a wing at the restraint that bound her waist and another at Regina. She gathered her blades of wind, wider and sharper than before, and unleashed them onto the aimed areas.

The blade of air hammered against the rope that bound her, aiming to sever it, and the other was lunging towards Regina's legs, hoping to cripple her movements. What Emilia did was a sadistic choice. The rope was between the blade of wind and Regina's legs. It was taut with Regina's grip on it. It would snap if further pressure was applied to it. The sword of wind cutting forth, Regina would either have to give up her weapon or her further movements.

[[Approved by ShadowBro, Nathan Traveler and inoeitall.]]

Approved by Twilight at Dusk
[Reaction]The distinctive ringing noise filled her ears again, only this time the cause was immediately apparent. As the blade flew towards her she dropped her weapon and leaped forward, curling into a ball as the other blade sliced through her braided weapon.

[Action] Regina landed soundly before rushing her opponent, her arm outstretched. The meteor hammer was now useless for long range attacks but it was still bound around her opponent's waist. If she could grab the other end of the severed rope Emilia would have nowhere to run.

[Reaction] As fast as the charging of the Diamond Dog was, as long as one knew the objective of the rush, one could avoid it. Emilia knew that the bound was still attached to her. She knew all Regina needed to do was grab onto it and the Diamond Dog would have her in her grasp and range. That's when Emilia will get her.

She anticipated the charge, awaiting the moment that the end of the severed rope would be just before Regina's grasp. The moment before that, Emilia simply twisted her body counter-clockwise, turning around and whipping the rope away from the reach of Regina's paw.

[Action] Using the momentum of her spin and the advantages of the Diamond Dog still in motion, she seamlessly moved from defense to offense. In the middle of her spin, using her right foot as a pivot, she charged a mid-level spell of thaumaturgy. Noting the diamond dog's keen sense of hearing, she charged with a more higher frequency.

Her aeromancy charged through vibration of the wings, allowing weapons of wind to be formed through that action. Her vibrating wings, sounding a louder ringing than before while gathering weapons of wind, served to attack Regina's higher sense of hearing while preparing the actual offense.

When she finally faced Regina again, she was ready for the Diamond Dog who was still in motion and at a range it would be hard to dodge in. She unleashed a burst of air towards Regina's stomach, the most inflexible area to dodge with for all bipedal creatures. Emilia switched from a slashing impact to a smashing impact with her magic. She allowed the slightest of smiles.

This was almost point blank range, there was almost no chance of dodging with Regina still charging. The burst of wind bristled through the air and swung forth to hopefully hammer into Regina's body. Coupled with the velocity of the wind, the attack of Regina's ears and the relentless charge of the Diamond Dog, this burst of wind would deal severe damage and separate the two, giving more distance between the two.

[[Approved by ShadowBro, Twilight at Dusk, Chainlinc3 and inoeitall.]]

Comment posted by anAngryHamster deleted Jan 11th, 2013
Comment posted by _Medicshy deleted Jan 12th, 2013
Comment posted by anAngryHamster deleted Jan 12th, 2013

Approved by ShadowBro

[Reaction] As the rope spun out of her grasp her ears were once again assaulted with the tell tale ringing of her opponents attack. With her momentum carrying her forward she could not escape the wide area of attack. She would have to settle with lessening the blow. She thrust her arms forward as the solid gust of wind collided with her . The force struck her palms first, collapsing her arms into her stomach. She had absorbed only a portion of the blast and the wall of air still knocked her off her feet, sending her rolling. (-15% HP)

[Action] Regina righted herself several meters away, assuming a quadrupedal stance. Her arms ached and all sounds were dulled but she had avoided a worst-case scenario. She fought through the pain, refusing to let up and allow her nemesis time to prepare her weapon for another shot.

She darted to the left, driving herself forward with all four powerful limbs. The charge lasted only a few feet before she swung herself around and ran the other direction. She continued abruptly changing direction as she closed the distance between her and her opponent. Sixteen feet to the left, eight to the right, ten to the left; the pattern was random and gave no indication of when she would turn. Could the gryphon hit a target who was solely focused on avoiding her attacks?

[Reaction] Emilia arched an eyebrow at the Diamond Dog's silly theatrics. Those moments were useless and wasteful if Emilia wasn't aiming at her. Knowing a lost cause when she saw it, she arched her wings out. Bending her knees, she kicked down the ground and flew straight up. Soaring high in the sky, Emilia smiled.

She was many feet away from the diamond dog. She allowed her wings to rest every few seconds, deciding on long strokes of her wings flapping instead of short ones. There was no way the Diamond Dog could touch her now, with her long range weapon gone.

[Action] That being said, Emilia focused her mind, steeling it from any distractions and concentrating on a display of magic. She breathed a deep breath, the world between her spell and herself was all that existed. The evocation gathering at her wings was a higher caliber than the previous spells. This was a spell that could potentially turn into a sharp blade or a widespread catastrophe.

The blades of wind gathered on her wings, becoming sharper and more lethal than before, she was going empty her magic stores from this strike alone. She believed in her advantage that this magic was going to carve a giant wound into Regina when it hits. That's right... Emilia smiled. When, not if.

[[Approved by _Medicshy and Nathan Traveler.]]

Approved by inoeitall

[Reaction] The gryphon's cowardice showed once again, but so did her stupidity. The farther she was from her opponent the easier she could dodge her attacks. With no other options available she retrieved the severed rope laying on the arena floor.

[Action] Regina darted into the forest of earthen spires that dotted the colosseum. She approached the largest one she could find and positioned it between herself and her opponent. Quickly she began to knot the end of the severed rope, forming a crude sphere. It would not function as well as an iron ball but it was indeed an improvement. As she worked she listened to sound of her foe's charging attack and waited for the signature ringing that would signal her strike.

[Reaction] Emilia's eyes spied the Diamond Dog hiding behind a rock spires. Her eyes narrowed and a smiled crept on her beak. Perfect. She continued to charge her aeromancy, changing the nature of the magical attack to a slashing nature. Towering over the rock, she remembered the severed rope earlier could still be of use to Regina. Her smile now turned ruthless. That was a mistake, Regina.

[Action] She made sure that the diamond dog's eyes weren't looking at her before taking out the gun. As if rewinding a clock in her mind, she remembered all those years of reloading the bullets that would end the lives of those who crossed her.

Making sure the sound of the wind gathering at her wings was much louder than the reloading, she pulled the hinge of her gun with her talon, releasing the chamber lock and collapsing it for reload. She slipped a bullet inside, and with a flick of her wrist, the barrel closed. She put it back in her holster, not wanting Regina to know it was going to be used.

If things went according to plan, Regina was digging herself the greatest of graves. All that's left was for Emilia to to shove her in and bury the dog with her own claws.

The Mage Slayer's hunt was about to reach its climax.

[[Approved by Crafter, inoeitall and Nathan Traveler.]]

Approved by Nathan Traveler and SwiftEthan

[Reaction] Regina's fingers pulled the final the final loop of the knot tight. With her makeshift weapon complete she exited her cover.

[Action] The incorrigible gryphon had not moved an inch. She must have thought herself invincible from her perch in the sky. She would not think so for much longer.

Regina gripped the unknotted end of her rope and spun it at her side. The knot hung at her feet, soared above her head, and returned back where it started. The ball of fibers reached its lowest point for the final time as Regina released the projectile, sacrificing her weapon once again. The knot flew upwards toward its target, the stomach of that insufferable goose, the length of rope trailing behind.

That bird could not hope to dodge without upsetting those carefully prepared air currents she had been preparing. Those spells were maintained and launched with her wings and in the sky they were also her only means of movement.


[Action] Emilia sharpened her mind and magic like a blade and began her movements. Keeping the vibration of her wings alive, the magic was maintained. The knot thrust forth, Emilia prepared her plan, calming her heart for the moment. She allowed her stomach to be hit by the knitted rope, thanking Celestia that air resistance and the fact it didn't hurt as much as the iron ball and chain. The moment the force of the rope impacted her, she flapped her wings back, giving her a forward momentum. She dive bombed from the sky towards Regina.

Once she reached past Regina's arms with blinding speed, thanks to the pushing back of her wings and the acceleration of gravity given to her descent, she unleashed her aeromancy at Regina. One wing thrust diagonally downward at Regina's shoulder and the other wing swinging diagonally upward at Regina's stomach. Two blades of wind, charged through a long period of time, were slashing at point-blank range. There was no escaping now.

[The rules say one can sacrifice reaction, taking a hit, to opt for a more possibly unavoidable action.]
[Approved by Twilight at Dusk, ShadowBro, Nathan Traveler and inoeitall.]


This was insane. Did Emilia intend to take them both out? At such speeds she could never stop in time. It appeared she didn't intend to. She had but one option, to meet her foe head on. As the gryphon entered the final stretch Regina thrust her fists forward and she suddenly experienced a great deal of pain. A splitting pain moved through her stomach and shoulder, her fists ached from striking the gryphon's collar bone and face, her breath left her as the gryphon collided with her chest; Regina was aware of all of this as the two rolled and bounced along the ground.

The combatants eventually separated and came to a stop, lying in individual heaps. Regina was lucky enough to land with her opponent in view. One of Emilia's forelegs was bent at an odd angle while her wings splayed out on the dirt, to sore to even retract. The diamond dog smiled, revealing blood-stained teeth. Slowly, she drew her arms closer and began to lift herself up. When her arms refused to move anymore she planted her foot along underneath her body and pushed. Every move she made was agony but she was standing tall once again. Regina took one step towards her opponent and fell to the ground face first. She would not know until she awoke in the infirmary but she had lost the bout decisively.

603276>>617002>>617974 ((As a judge, I am now ending this fight. The killing blow against Regina was determined by myself, ShadowBro, Nathan Traveler, and inoeitall on the Judge's Bickering forum, leaving Emilia as the victor.

anAngryHamster's final post was approved by myself and ShadowBro, as well as Proud-Dust since Emilia was being controlled somewhat.

Razorbeam, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing here, so I'll just declare the fight ended and leave it at that.

To both of the contestants, ShadowBro would like to convey his congratulations to you both for an excellent fight, and I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you both for the interesting match. I'll leave off here.))

Group Admin

((Yep, duel concluded. I will edit the first post to reflect that, and close the thread.))

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