The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 206 )
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((Sup! I've volunteered to judge for your match, if you'll have me. I've included my Judging Paradigm as an acknowledgment of my bias and so that you can form a judgment on whether or not you want me to judge you.

Judging Paradigm: If you've RPed with me before, you'll know that I'm exTREMELY physics oriented. I consider magic to be a part of the Standard Model and will assume that conservation of energy applies to everything regardless of arguments from you. Additionally, I will go to the effort of calculating out the force behind your attacks and notify you accordingly, with the expectation that you at least CopyPaste the resultant force OOC in the bottom of your post.))

((Are we doing this through Google+? Because I seem to be getting invites and things from people I have never heard of before, and I am wondering if this is Razorbeam setting the thing up, or if it is just a ridiculously unlikely coincidence.))

602204 ((Physics are nice, it would probably make since with two unicorns going at it))

((Unlikely coincidence. Razorbeam encountered technical difficulties.))

((Cool then. I'll take that as a "Yes, I'd be cool with you judging." Do you think Razorbeam would be unhappy if we just got started?))

602215 ((maybe, doesn't he have to set the field something?))

((Ooh, I forgot about that. Oh well. It's a good thing we got this squared away at least. Do you know when he's setting the field?))

((I just used FB to find out, that was definitely Razorbeam that added me. (Yay for the internet letting me know who everyone is!)

I don't know if he would care if we started or not.

EDIT: But that is a good point, he needs to set the field. And give me some walls. *hint hint* ))

Liu lets out a quick snort, not even turning to look at his conversation partner. "Like I didn't know that about pegasi already. Although, what you say about minotaurs is true. Gryphons have the unfortunate pleasure of belonging to both groups, meaning either tactic will be just as effective."

602230 ((eenope. brb again, going to friends house))

"Gryphon's have the skills to back up their violence, though. It'll be harder to goad them into a rage when you know you can be decapitated at any time." Half-wing said. "Although, I don't have much expertise in that area. Gryphon's aren't a problem where I originate."

"If there's any amount of alcohol in their system, they'll react to the slightest insult you give them. Trust me; I've suffered enough bar fights with them to know." He gave a sage nod to Wing, showing his sincerity.

Mark sat down in the stands, and looked towards Crafter out in the field. "KICK HIS BUTT, CRAFTER! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!"

602153 "looks like a fine weapon indeed. i know the importance a weapon can have and the feeling of naming them." *points storm herald at the katana* "storm herald says hi. he looks forward meeting such a elegant weapon in battle" Archimedes said with a smile

"Oh, but beauty is only one of her traits. And hopefully she'll get to meet Storm Herald in battle, too. She'd probably enjoy it too much, but we all have our guilty pleasures, I guess." He shot a quick smile at the blade, then returned it to its sheath. "Back you go; you'll need all the rest you can get for later," he whispered to the sheathed katana.

602315 "heheh, i knew you where a little insane. you like to kill, don't you? you love the moment a living thing turns into a corpse, a insignificant object. and that little beauty loves the taste of blood too i take?" Archimedes said with a grim chuckle, not looking liu in the eyes as he said it

"Ancestors, no!" Liu replied, mortified by the Dog's sudden turn to grimness. "Sure, Cháng Fēng has drawn blood from time to time, but only during severe necessities. I have never claimed another's life, and I don't intend to for as long as I am able!"

((back again))

602336 "you lie or deny your wishes and desires" Archimedes simply stated. his eyes turning to liu, a crazed smile on his face "a drunk sentence is a sober thought and you wanted to kill everyone when you where intoxicated. admit it liu, you would love to slit my throat right here and now. seeing the light in my eyes die and letting Cháng Fēng drink again. admit it liu, i know you want to."

"Oy, Crafter, ya better win! I got money ridin' on ya!" Broken Horns shouted to the tinker.

Liu backed away from the crazed Dog, refusing to let his words hold any truth. "No... no, you're wrong. You're wrong!"

"Wait, you can bet on these?" Liu tapped a chin with a hoof in thought. "Not that I gamble, but still..."

"Ya, made it with this shifty guy out front. Got fifty bits on Crafter," Broken replied, leaning back in his seat to get comfortable for the fight. "And he better win this too."

602432 "am i liu? am i truly wrong? look around you. look at all those creatures. can you look me in the eye and truthfully, by your sword, by your master, by your very ancestors that you don't even feel the slightest desire to unsheathe that katana and slaughter everyone you can? to let her taste blood like never before?"

Liu looked dumbfounded at Archie, then took a moment to compose himself. With a deep breath he opened his eyes, a stern look piercing the air before him. "I swear by Cháng Fēng, by the Lóng de Xīn, by all of Chineigh, by my unnamed ancestors, by Fate Herself... that I have no desire to murder anyone- ever."

He strides forward as he speaks, putting extra emphasis on the last word so that both of their faces are as close as possible: a difficult task, as Archie was at least a foot or two taller than Liu, but the emotion behind the action was there nonetheless.

Ditzy waved to Liu. "Hey Liu, you excited to see Crafter?"

602491 Archimedes looked the pony in the eye. now THAT, is something i can believe. "heh. seems i thought right about you then" Archimedes said. the crazed grin being replaced with a friendly smile as he patted the ponies shoulder with an armored pawn. "im truly sorry i said all those things but i wanted to be sure. after what you said when you where drunk i was... conflicted. i wanted to think you where better then that but what you said worried me. i humbly ask for your forgiveness." Archimedes lowered himself to one knee and lowered his head, not looking the pony in the eye.

Flabbergasted for a moment, Liu begins to chuckle to himself. "You drive me to the darkest recluses of my mind and force me to swear by all those I hold dear, just to prove where my conscience lies? If you enjoy philosophy and pan-pipe music, then you'd get along with Grand Master Sho Fung magnificently. I forgive you, buddy... although, from now on, let's keep the mindgames to a minimum."

"Of course," he replied coolly, "I'm just not too sure about his opponent. He seems a bit... shifty, to me." He then shrugs half-heartedly, saying, "Then again, I've never been a good judge of character, especially from this distance."

"And you never can tell with unicorns." Ditzy said, "Should make for an interesting match."

"Remember that one unicorn who blinded you for a day and sent me to non-Limbo through concussion? Yeeeeeah, unicorns are complex at best." He sat down, watching the contestants in the arena preparing for their fight. "Not like pegasi abilities: weather and flight are easier to understand, even for an Earth pony like me."

602545 "dunno if i know what a pan-pipe is but i bet i would like it" Archimedes chuckled as he rose again. "thanks for forgiving me liu even though i did something awful. i promise i will never do it again, on you at least" Archimedes finished with a laugh

"Eeyep," Ditzy agreed. "That's what makes all special though."

Moon Shadow sat back on his haunches and gazed out towards the stands again. "Well," he began conversationally, "it seems you are the crowd favorite, but this must be the strangest crowd I have ever laid eyes on. Part of me thinks I should have gotten out more over the past couple weeks, but the part of me that's listening to them is glad I didn't."

Crafter chuckled sheepishly. "Well, I'm not complaining."

Group Admin

601593, 601831
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Shadow and Crafter should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

602651>>602230 ((you ready to start?))


((Yeah, I'm ready.

ShadowBro, should we just PM our re/actions to you?

also: first strike, who gets it?

also also: Crafter, what does your armor look like? (for targetting weak points :pinkiehappy: ) I am currently under the assumption that it looks like this, but I want to make sure.))

603477 ((You have higher agi, so feel free to strike first. I play defensively anyway :raritywink: As for how the armor looks, think Steel Hooves from Fo:E. After seeing the link, yes, only with a cannon on his back))

603477((Try sending your post request to another judge))


((Just sent it to another 2, hopefully these two aren't completely swamped with messages already.))

((Approved by: Rainbow Bob, Nathan Traveler))

When Aurus’s speech ends Shadow’s horn glows, and he draws out one of his short swords. The instant it is clear of the scabbard he darts towards Crafter with the sword swinging at his target’s legs.

603682 ((approved by Nathan Traveler))
[reaction]: Crafter stomps a hoof to the ground, raising his ice shield around his body to block the inbound attack.

[action]: once safely inside the ice dome, he began to pour energy into the cannon in preparation for his attack.


(( Is this Ice Shield a solid wall of Ice around him? or some kind of magic floating shield.
Am I supposed to ask you this? I have never done this before...:twilightblush:))

603751 ((it's a thick semi-circle of thick ice surrounding my character))

((Hey, still up for judging. PM me.))

((Approved by: Chainlinc, Nathan Traveler))
[Reaction] Shadow’s sword bounces off the wall of ice, and he releases it, letting it fall to the ground to save time.

[Action] He doesn’t slow at all as he pulls a dagger from his belt and lunges toward the wall. As he touches it, Shadow’s horn flares, and the area in the wall of ice directly between the two combatants shimmered for a moment. Shadow sailed through the now intangible wall and shoots his dagger forward with as much telekinetic force as he can muster, aiming to shove it down the barrel of the charging cannon.

((heh, I just got the message back from Chainlinc and Nathan Traveler, and they gave me varying responses... One said this took quite a bit of energy because it is likely a magically dense/strong wall, the other said it took 5 seconds off my 5 min timer... I'll let you get the final say there. Next ones are coming at you.))

((Edit: Bleh, I just realized I switched tenses halfway through...))

603837 603758
((Awesome. Thanks again for having me!))

((derp wrong one))
[reaction/action]: Crafter was surprised to see Shadow phase through his shield, but it ultimately didn't matter. Taking advantage of the closeness between them, Crafter fired his cannon point blank, sending the freeze ray racing towards his opponent.

((Should I be sending it just to you? I personally think it is a good idea to have one judge that does the entire match, so I sent my move to only you. On the other hand, I have been told that FimFic has an unreliable PM system and I don't want to keep Crafter waiting, on the off chance it was dropped. :twilightsheepish: (I seem to use that emote a lot) This isn't saying you are taking too long, I am just wondering these things.))

((The PM got dropped. You'll have to recompose, because I don't have anything from you....))

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