The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel concluded [1/11/2013] with Crafter as the victor by TKO.

((I am ready! :rainbowdetermined2:))

Half-wing sat in the audience, needing to cheer on one of his allies.

"Come on, Crafter! Beat that dude! Show them you're the best tinker warrior in Equestria and Vemn Enox alike!"

Crafter stood in the center of the field, unarmored and incredibly nervous. Hearing Half-Wing's cheer gave him a small confidence boost and he waved back. He was glad to have more than just his wife cheering him on.

601767 ((Skysong is cheering for ya too, or he would be if I wasn't afk at school for the next 8 hrs....:fluttershysad:))

((I am here too. LET'S DO THIS!))

601831((LEEROY JENKENS!!))



601844((May the best unicorn win))


Shadow stood, four blades at his side, and looked across at his opponent in confusion. "The bio I read said that you wear some bad-flank ice-shooting armor. I have heard of machines that fold out, but I don't see anything it could fold out of."


((Indeed. Btw, do you know who our judges are, or where we are supposed to send our messages? Or is he going to tell us when he gets here?))

Crafter smirked. "Never doubt a tinkerer." He flared his horn, activating the unpacking device of his armor. Slowly and theatrically, Crafter was covered in ice blue power armor, white tribal stripes dancing about the paint job.

From under the vizor of his helmet, Crafter smiled challengingly. "Once Aurus starts the battle, you shall see why."

601865 ((we are assigned a judge or two, I have no idea who they are though. I am a judge, but obviously not for this one, I'm assuming Razor will tell us when he gets here))

601865 601880
Individual rounds aren't getting judges anymore; there's just judges with time zones and you contact one who's online when you need one. At least, that's how I interpreted it.
Edit: Razor totally just posted a judge thread. You'll be able to grab judges there when he pulls them up.


((Eyup, just saw it. Cool, that answers that question. Now we just have to [almost] kill each other.))


Shadow grinned back at Crafter. "Well, this should be fun. For one of us anyway." His arrogant tone left no doubt as to who he believed would emerge victorious.

Various plates on the power armor twitched in excitement, reflecting the emotions of their master. "Indeed it shall." Crafter's tone shifted to a much calmer one. "Good luck all the same." He said honestly.

((Dis gon b gud! :pinkiehappy:))

Liu takes a seat in the stands and audibly sighs to himself. "Not started yet... that's good. I wouldn't wanna miss this one, would I?"

"I would be quite angry with you if you had." Ditzy said simply from next to Liu.

Half-wing chuckles slightly. "That's right. I'm more interested because it's a Unicorn duel, not just because Crafter's here."

Shadow opened his mouth with a smirk, a less than flattering comment on his lips-- but then stopped. Glancing over to the box where Aurus, Celestia, and most importantly Luna sat watching, he revised his comment. His eyes back on Crafter, and his tone short but not nearly as belligerent as before, "Good luck to you too."

He levitated his crescent moon pendant up and kissed it, then let it fall back down to his neck.

((brb, mail run for aunt))

"Well, I haven't actually seen Crafter fight, so colour me intruiged. As for the other guy," Liu leaned forward in his seat, eyeing the navy blue unicorn ((601917)), "he seems... odd. I'll have to keep my eye on him."

He then rears up on his back hooves and shouts, "C'MON, CRAFTER! TURN THIS GUY INTO A WALKING PONYSICLE!" He falls back into a more comfortable position on his chair, chuckling to himself at his slightly-gruesome request.

"I fought Crafter myself." Half-wing said, shrugging. "He beat me. I've never seen other guy in my life."

"Stab in the face with your horn, Crafter!" he called to the unicorn below.

((Do we know whether we're fighting each other yet? XD))

((Note: I've signed up to be a judge and will be online 'till 5:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time. I assume you're all still awake and ready, so I'd like to volunteer my services**.))

((** So, I understand that a lot of people have different styles. Since this judging business is me volunteering to judge for you and not you being assigned to me, I'm going to give you my judging paradigm. Yes I am biased to certain things, but by telling you ahead of time, I hope to make it possible for you to decide whether or not you want my particular style of judging.

Judging Paradigm: If you've RPed with me before, you'll know that I'm exTREMELY physics oriented. I consider magic to be a part of the Standard Model and will assume that conservation of energy applies to everything regardless of arguments from you. Additionally, I will go to the effort of calculating out the force behind your attacks and notify you accordingly, with the expectation that you at least CopyPaste the resultant force OOC in the bottom of your post.))

601762 "HEY!!! im the best tinkerer there is but YEAH! GO CRAFTER!! "
601968 "sup?"
601997 "TURN THAT PONY INTO A POPSICLE!!!!" Archimedes hollered from the spectator seats before turning to ditzy with a grin "i bet crafter loses in five minutes or less. you?"

((Head-canon says all contestants have seen the roster before the first fight, so yeah!
However, Liu's too polite to mention it until the actual fight.))

Liu cringes a little at Wing's cheer, mental images only worsening the situation. "Geez, and I thought I was being morbid(!)"


Winterjet sat in the middle rows of the colluseum, watching Crafter stand in the arena.
"Go for it Crafter!" she hollered, cupping her hooves in front of her muzzle to amplify the sound "DO IT FOR DITZY!"

602002 602010 602026 602027

Shadow scanned the crowd after the last few comments, muttering under his breath, "A walking ponysickle... Well, at least it can't be much worse than what you have put me through, Luna." His necklace glowed for a moment, and he felt, rather than heard, faint laughter in his mind.

""Five minutes?! Ha! Crafter's gonna ice this guy!"

A moment later, his forehoof collides with his forehead. "I just made a pun, didn't I?"

602039 "you still drunk? also i owe you a tub of electrified ale and you better drink all of it"

"I'd challenge you to a morbid-comment competition, but I'd blatantly win." Half-wing said. "Besides, I have to hold my victories til' when we meet, Liu."

((Well, I guess I won't be judging your round then. We've had this argument before, Kapuchu. :ajbemused: ))

((I may be judging yours, however :3))

((No you won't, because we're sending the posts to any judge who is available as per our own choice, and I will absolutely NOT be sending my super physics based posts to you, for reasons both of us are familiar with. :pinkiesmile: ))

((At least... I think that's how it's going. That's what the thread said, at least.))

((Honestly, I am comfortable with physics based fights, but I am curious as to how much energy you believe magic to have. And how much energy you believe my "Phase" ability would require.))

((That's why I said I 'MAY' judge your fights, because you MAY send them to me :P Aaanyway, good luck!))

"Alright, I'll drink it... but I want to be chained to the floor when I do, with the strongest shield spell around me. I do not get anywhere near Cháng Fēng and no matter how much I ask, or beg, or plead, you do not- I repeat, do not give me any more! Capishe?"

((Magic is a latent thing, so its energy is dependent on how much you invest into it. That being said, conservation of energy still applies, so something basic like levitation would require you to exert enough energy to move the object up and over. Depending on how you do it, this could be a small or a large number, so I would need you to be descriptive about how you're doing the action.

Phase is making something briefly incorporeal, which would imply that you are moving its mass, briefly, into a separate plane of existence. This would require some craziness with the timespace continuum that I can't do the math for (mostly because it doesn't exist yet), but I'll equalize this action to Twilight's Teleports (in terms of energy), which are apparently intensive but not mind bogglingly so. Consequently, I would say that you have a grand total of about 5 minutes of constant usage available to you. Keep in mind that most objects are going to be moving at speed, so you will probably only need to Phase for about 10-15 seconds, at the extreme far end. Your constriction of its range is also extremely plausible and we can chalk up your teleporting issues up to inexperience.

Does... this make sense?))

(( 'kay! Good luck to you too! :pinkiehappy: ))

Liu lets out a happy sigh. He knew that he'd been paired against Wing, but he didn't want to be the one to let it out first. "We're both capable warriors," he said, "but if Fate favours my hoof over yours, then there is nothing you can do to change Her mind. However, if She favours your hoof over mine, then I shall accept Her decision with great humility. Either way, when the time comes, the best pony will win. Hâoyùn, péngyôu," he says, holding a hoof out to Wing.

((Translation: good luck, friend.))

((Makes sense to me. The main thing I was wondering was that the difference in energy between moving something like a sword, and moving some amount of mass into another dimension, seem so insanely different that you would have to try to move a mountain before you reached the energy required to shift dimensions. Although, I am no theoretical physicist, so what the heck do I know? :twilightsheepish: And the idea is to use the "Phase" ability on walls and such.))

((Eh, same principle with the walls. You're not going to stand in the middle of a wall, right? Five seconds to leap through, maximum. You'll be okay. I also assume the magic is like a muscle (in that you have to exercise it regularly to keep in shape), so since you're a Champion, you automatically get the ability to swing swords and stuff with the proper force and training.

Now we just need to know if Crafter would be willing....))

"The lady Fate makes her decisions on our individual actions." Half-wing replies. "But may she forever be in your favour, and let the best pony win." He firmly grasps Liu's hoof, flashing a grin. "Because I'd rather go down fighting with a friend, even if we fight for different sides."

((And that's how handle a fight between shield-brothers.))

602058 ((send to me maybe? you know, the guy with the lightning cannon? :pinkiehappy:))

((Seems much more likely, I'll have to remember that. ))

602074 "Cháng Fēng? is that your sword?"

((I hope you've seen Scrubs, because the Guy Love song is playing in the back of my head and it fits so perfectly! :rainbowkiss:))

Liu nods back to his friend before breaking the hoofshake. "Just thank the ancestors that we're facing each other, not one of the dragons or minotaurs."

"That's her, alright," he says in a cheery tone, unsheathing his katana. Two single engravements mark one side of the metal ((唱風)), the other side unmarked in any way. "She's as perfect as katanas come, and I've had her since I was eight. Enchantments help even the odds against magic and she's more durable than she looks. Where most swords of her kind would snap like toothpicks, she'll shrug it off as if it was just the wind."

((Ahaha, I've got Gary Jules - Mad World in mine xD))

Half-wing turns back to the arena area. "I think I could take on one of the minotaurs in an equal fight, I am a small target after all. But I wouldn't be able to deal with a massive dragon, slow as they may be."


"Eh, fighting a minotaur requires brute force, and although I'm an Earth pony, a head-on approach isn't my specialty. I'd rather face a dragon: serpentine through their attacks and locate their weak points."



"One word - Beserkers. If you anger a minotaur enough, he will make mistakes." Half-wing says, mockingly. "Although, I don't go against the weak-point approach. It's the best way to combat a Pegasus. Clip their wings."

((Contact ShadowBro, I believe he's ready to get going on judging your match.))

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