The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel concluded [1/11/2013] with Goldenarbiter as the victor by default.

Rapid Fire cheers loudly in the stands, sending out all of her love even though nobody had even entered the field yet. She wasn't going to miss this fight for anything, and she had a feeling that her fiance was going to need every ounce of encouragement he could get. "Go get 'em Wastani! I believe in you! Show that big lug who's boss!" Little Wastani vs. Skarn... She shakes her head, smiling. Hope you've got a lot of tricks up your sleeve.

Noticing Rapid sitting in the stands already, Snowfall walks over and takes a seat next to her. "Well, looks like we'll be cheering for opposing sides in this one. I wish you luck for Wastani. If Skarn fights as well as he did in his last sparring match against me, he's gonna need it," Snowfall says, a challenging smirk growing across her face.

Rapid smirks back. "Wastani may be small, but he's smart. If anypony is gonna figure out how to beat the big guy in a fight, it's gonna be him." She then returns to cheering, all of her confidence resting solely on Wastani.

Trixie trots in with a dull expression. She sits and rubs her once broken leg, she mumbles to herself, "You better be good tonight Skarn. Trixie dosn't want to have lost to a loser."

((I am, as far as I know, good today. What time is the beginning?
Also, for whenever it starts: (not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but screw it.))

Wastani trots into the arena nervously, shaking his head. What have I got myself into? he asks himself as he sees his rather tall opponent on the other side of the field. ... ... Oh well. he thinks as his worried from becomes the smirk of an analyst who knows how to win.

Brazen trots in and sits next to Rapid and Snowfall, "This sucks, I have no idea who to cheer for. I know both of these guys the same. Oh I know, you two, convince me who to cheer for," Brazen says looking over to Rapid and Snow, thinking that it was the obvious answer. "Oh wait, better idea," He takes a bit out of his saddlebag and flicks it into the air, then catches it and nods, "Got it." He turns to the arena arena, "Best of luck Wastani!" Brazen shouts into the arena.

Mark sat down, and then immediately stood up again to cheer. "HEY SKARN, I'M CHEERING FOR YA, PAL! DO SOME WORK!!" He sat back down.

((Alright, so I'm good from about three to five fifteen EST, then I gotta go till about nine EST. But I'll be back then, so we can do that shiznis when we need to.))601549 602237

((It's banter. I doubt that we are going to be penalized with it.))

Skarn leaned up against the wall and watched as the small zebra came into the arena. He huffed to himself, and began to take off his armor, placing the pieces inside of the bearskin sack, along with embedding his sword into the ground and placing the shield on the ground.

Group Admin

((Banter's fine. I would be insulted if you didn't.))

602407 ((By EST, you mean GMT-5, right?))
Weighing the pros and cons of having the large quantity of rope wrapped around his torso, Wastani theorized it would just as likely get him used as a bolas, so he ditched it by the door, but made sure his cloth bundle was still attached to his back.


((What. EST as in Eastern Standard Time.))

602428 ((yes, and as far as I understand, EST (my time zone,) is GMT-5. But some people tend to refer to whatever the next time zone over is as EST during daylight savings time. I personally don't care about that, I just want to know what you are compared to GMT.))


((Could you do me a favor and tell me what GMT is? I think it's Mountain Time, but my brain is a bit frazzled due to sleepless nights for the past three days.))

602444 ((Greenwhich mean time. The prime meridian, GMT-0, etc. Also, dun'a worry, I am no stranger to the insomnia.))


((Ah. So, have I already answered your question, then?))

602455 ((Umm... no. Wait, Is mountain time GMT-6, or GMT-7? FUUUU))


((I live on the Eastern Coast.))

602464 [[Screw it, what time is it there, right now? Because it is 16:18 here.]]


((Same. Thank god I can read Military Time.))

602472 [[eh, 24 hour clock is just easier to convey time in.]]

[[Now, where's our judge, I want to get this over with quickly, so I can stop feeling nervous about messing up a bajillion posts because I've never done this before...]]

((Moutain is GMT -7, aka EST -2))

"You too Brazen? Well, I suppose that's alright. It would be unfair to Wastani if everypony was in here cheering for Skarn." She lets a devilish smirk crawl across her face as she finishes her taunt.

((602472)) Turning back to the arena, she shouts in the loudest voice she can, "GO SKARN! YOU GOT THIS, BIG SEXY!"
((Yes, that's your new nickname according to Snowfall. I hope you like, because she certainly does.))


Skarn was reconsidering putting the metal sheaths back onto his horns when he heard a certain somepony cheer loudly over the crowd for him. Flicking an ear and putting a big, stupid grin on his face, he slid them back on.

Turning to the mare in the crowd, he smacks his chest and drops down to one knee, giving the crowd an elaborate Minotaur salute.

"Hey, you saw what came up on the bit, I wasn't sure who to root for, but the coin came up tails," Brazen shrugged before looking back to the arena waiting for the battle to start.

602553 Trixie stands and shouts, "You better not lose, or Trixie will teleport you sixty THOUSAND feet up next time!"

602497>>602553>>602579 "That's your reasoning? C'mon! Look at the size of the guy! How can you not root for Wastani?" Rapid turns to the arena again. "Hit him where the sun don't shine!"
She then looks over at Snowfall, smirking. "Sorry. Gotta give him every advantage I can."

Hearing what Rapid says to Brazen, Snowfall looks slightly horrified. "Hey now! None of that. I need those you know. How am I supposed to congratulate him for winning if he's spending the night with an ice pack?"

Rapid just shrugs. "Alright, I'll ask him to hit them softly."

602670 Smiling as he hears the one voice he cares about in the audience telling him to fight dirty, he takes a moment to look up, and spot Rapid Fire in the crowd. I know why I'm here now... he thinks. And I'm here for you. Wastani waves to that particular segment of crowd.

Rapid waves back doubling the efforts of her cheers. "YOU'VE GOT THIS BIG GUY! SHOW THAT MINITAUR WHO'S BOSS!"


Brazen laughs at his friend's enthusiasm, when it dies down, he chuckles out, "Heh, minitaur, heh," he continues to snicker.

After all of Rapid's comments about 'precision attacks', Snowfall just can't resist the temptation to take that comment the wrong way. Looking over to Brazen, she stage whispers, "I promise, there's nothing 'mini' about him." With a lecherous smirk and a wink, she leans back into her seat and continues to wait for the match to start.

With that Brazen returns to laughing quite loudly, "Oh Luna, did you two set that up?" was all he could ask before returning his laughing fit.

Group Admin

602237, 602407
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Skarn and Wastani should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

603306>>602553 [[Erm, A, how do we pick a judge, and B, how do we determine who get's first post?]]

((You pick any or all of the judges that are in an appropriate time zone to review your post. As for who goes first, RP decides I believe.))

Group Admin

((You can decide between the two of you who goes first, and the best way to pick a judge is to go to the list of them and see which ones are online. Any online judge will do.))

[[ Too whom it may concern, I'm going to be AFK for a little over an hour. expect me back by 22:00 EST]]

[[I'm Back. Producer, Respond to this when you're ready, and we'll go find a judge.]]


((Well. Shit. OK, so today I'll be on sporadically from 5-10:30 or 11 our time, Golden. So, we can find a judge then. Sorry for no-showing 9-10 last night, the fingers of sleep finally claimed me and I didn't feel the need to wake back up.))

604702 [[Right, well, me being on at 5-10 may be a little spotty, because that's work hours... lol. Any chance you'll be up past Midnight?


((No, not really.))

605808 [[well tits, I guess we should just post when we need to, I guess... you have any preferred judge? because I can pretty much get medicshy to judge whatever post I make, because he is pretty much the only person up whenever I'm up.]]


((Well, Nathan Traveler comes to mind, but go for Medicshy, I guess.))

605917 [[Right, well.. since you haven't made a move yet, I will... Gonna go recruit a judge...]]

Stalking around the ferocious minotaur, muscles coiled, Wastani slowly circles his foe. Upon waiting for what felt like hours for the bipedal creature to make the first strike, Wastani decided that he would, quickly drawing a ceramic jar and tossing it straight for the foe's chest, and preparing to jump out of the way of any retaliatory strikes.

[[Judged by MedicShy]]

Snowfall sits in the stands next to Rapid watching the opening exchange of the fight. "Really? Against an opponent like Skarn, he's using a jar?" Snowfall starts to laugh, but stops after a moments thought. "Actually....depending on what's in it, that might not be a bad tactic. Skarn's a powerful warrior, but intelligence never was his forte...."

Rapid just smirks. "Intelligence is Wastani's bread and butter. With enough ingenuity, I think Skarn might be in a run for his money."

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