The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 642 )
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((Hope you get it settled and back to fighting. Weirdly enough me and my opponent get along fine, but it's slow because we each write a ton for each post :twilightblush:))

607750 ((So am I. not as good as #2000 on the dot, though!))

607753 ((I want to fight! I just tried and then suddenly my one successful action ceased to be and I had no way to defend myself... Would you take that laying down?))

((Hell no! Have to admit, there was a bit of god modding there. Reactions are supposed to be closed and actions open ended. There was clearly nothing of the sort there. What I did with my partner was warn them of any particular post I think was too close to god modding territory for myself or him, and then we discussed how we could change this so it would't be that way.))

607777 ((I may also have been hungry, kind of pissed, stressed, and not much wanting to deal with anything, so......))

((Hey, you're only human. As long as we let go of the past and climb for a brighter future, everything will be alright. So stop being hard on yourself and look forward to the fight you're going to have tomorrow.))

607797 ((I also realized that my side might have been minor godmodding, with saying throwing it into the wall, but they could have flipped around and caught it. It's like when I tossed you into the ceiling.))

((Yeah, and I used that to my advantage (ceilings make awesome weapons). In the tournament, it's all about improvising. If you can't go with what your opponent gives you, then it'll be no fun.))

607815 ((Exactly. Makes me sad not everyone realizes that.))

((Yeah, not everything is going to be cut and dry. And as a judge, I'm seeing it in a lot of posts. People dodging this way and that, attacking in predictable manners. Boring! I want to see someone take a punch then give one with some extra force back to their opponent. But no, all I get is the same ol' thing :fluttershbad:))

607836 ((Watch socratic's fight. He just sent a post doing precisely that.))

((Hey, I approve the stuff for the other guy! And what do we have here? Maybe our first death blow of the tournament. Though I can't tell for sure...))

607855 ((It's damn close. I don't think the other guy dies, but if the dodge isn't REALLY good, he's probably gonna lose his magic.))

((Or he could send out a nova blast of fire. Which would be pretty cool. Or something. So, you get swamped with judge posts yet?))

607864 ((Only a little))

((I got hit hard a couple of hours ago. Went to get a snack, came back, and I suddenly had eight PMs. I now realize I should have thought this through before accepting the judge position, but hey, it's still fun.))

607878 ((It'll calm down hopefully eventually.))

((Yeah, hopefully when more characters are dropped from the roster. When it gets down to the 16 vs 16 and under, things will be easier to handle.))

607888 ((One can only hope. Right now it's feast or famine though.))

((Hmm, the guy I judge for against the guy you judge for took the punch too. And now he set the arena on fire. This should be interesting...))

607898 ((I think we may have our first concluded fight))

((Weird, but I'm okay with it. Both of the competitors worked hard and seemed to generally have fun. Let's see what happens next.))

Comment posted by _Medicshy deleted Jan 10th, 2013

607940 ((I don't think he gets a full reaction off of that dude. Socratic sat in there and took the hit to ensure he'd get another one...))

((Hmm, good point. Cyberfire was damaged in the horn, so his magic is as weak as it is. Right now I don't think he could take another direct hit, even with blocking on his side.))

607952 ((I mean, arguably his action could be trying to block, or duck it or something, but he's got to be in death throes at this point. He can't just keep running like a full-plated jack rabbit.))

((Yeah, I think socratic has this one in the bag. Though, I think I need more than one judge for a death blow. Do I need Razor too?))

607958 ((I can't remember if Razor is needed to, But I'm voting death blow as well so that's two. Look in the rules to confirm it.))

((A judge can say when a death blow occurs, but Razor makes the final judgement. That's what I got.))

607965 ((Then PM it to him asking for a ruling with, like, the last 3 posts.))

((Okay, but should I wait until Cyber sends me a PM for his next post or should I do it right now?))

607970 ((do it now. This is the sticking point.))

((Okie dokie. It's in Razor's hands now. And I'll probably get a PM tomorrow for this. Oh well.))

((Quick question. Some time ago Broken Horns was admitted to a hospital after being discovered drunk and unconscious on a sidewalk with several burn wounds (which he'd received previously by hitting on an opponent that new fire magic) on him. After being treated, he awoke to punching his doctor in the face and slapping a guard around silly before being put under by medication. Then he broke out of the hospital through a wall. Will this have any consequences in the future?))

607984 ((not with me.))

((Good to know :pinkiehappy:))

((As far as the actual dueling goes! I am not going to be available until 11:00 my time [16:00 to most] and even that is spotty for homework I should really do, and we're gonna have to wait for Razor's ruling anyway, so I hope we can continue at some point before 18:00 my time.))

607328 ((Here is the official ruling, I can send you the PM if need be.

Yes that's godmodding, and since the skeletons all suffer from reduced stats, I would say that the zebra skeleton could not ever have a chance in hell of making the necessary agility roll to save itself anyways.


609020 ((Alright, so where do we stand?))

609086 ((Your last move in invalid, we go back to I threw the zebra over my shoulder at the wall and continue from there. Your move.))

609091 ((I still don't see how a pony manages to do a judo throw. >.>((Approved by ShadowBro))
Flicking her ears in annoyance as she holds a slight glare, Darkswirl drops control of the Zebra- causing it to tumble into bones and clatter harmlessly against your back as you toss it overhead before she vanishes in a burst of purple light, reappearing halfway across the field next to Galthaz.

((helloooo this is input from a random bystander!
I feel that the argument on the godmodding could have been solved very easily! (if you let it slide that is)
biting wouldnt work on a changeling with their carapace and whatnot
especially if they have vit A and str B

609280 ((Pointless, since they've already 'resolved' it. I bet Razor didn't even look at the thread, and Medic just showed him her side of the argument. .-.))

((I know, i just like tossing in my two bits here and there ^^
why am i not broke yet? .-. ))

609288 ((I showed him the last 3 posts, then asked for his opinion based on nothing more. He responded as such.))

609557 ((So...Are you going to post? :unsuresweetie:))

609630 ((I had class, posting now.))

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