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I'm looking for some creepy children's songs. Preferably ones that aren't very well known like Ring around the Rosie. Anybody know some creepy songs from their childhood?

2152053 You remember the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918? Here's a rhyme about that, one I hadn't heard of until recently:

There once was a bird who's name was Enza
I opened the window and In flew Enza (influenza)

The flu was transmitted both by birds and the air... that's one of my favorite rhymes, too.

2152079 never heard that one before. Interesting.


This is from one of my favorite episodes of Buffy. Scared the crap out of me.:pinkiecrazy:

Sing a Song of Sixprnce can be quite creepy if used right.

2152131 I heard that one, good stuff.

Around the mulberry bush is creepy depending on the version. The one I'm thinking is the one that ends 'we all fall down'. This is said to be a reference to dying of the plague but I can't remember where I read this info.

2152424 pretty sure your confusing something with ring around the Rosie.

2152467 Seems right. I feel old...

2152053 Ring Around The Rosie and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star can both be extremely creepy if used right. Just look at the Dead Space trailers.

not sure if this would, count but the whaler song in dishonered is pretty creepy

It doesn't get much creepier than this.

Any children's song can be creepy depending on how you use it. Mainly because children are creepy, but also due to the rule of mundane things being made just a little sinister when they're out of place. You wouldn't want to hear 'wheels on the bus' in a cemetery late at night or 'do you know the muffin man' in an abandoned factory.

On the other hand, I was always partial to Oranges and Lemons. Most of the song is a fairly innocuous reference to several major religious sites around London. The last lines though, part of a children's game that accompanied the rhyming song, were "Here comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head. Chop chop chop chop The last man's dead!" Even just the change in the cadence of the song at the end makes it sound like some sort of evil chanting.

Aren't children grand!?

Of course if you want something a little less subtle...the Hearse Song.

Tili Tili Bom is really creepy. It's a Russian lullaby and I'm not sure how kids could sleep after hearing that s**t

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