Thirty Minute Ponies 136 members · 57 stories
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Esle Ynopemos
Group Admin

“Rainbow Dash...” Rarity panted, “...darling... wait up... just a moment, please...”

“Ugh, hurry up, Rarity! We've only gone a few miles!” Rainbow hovered impatiently.

“We have gone a few miles... straight up a mountain, dear. Some of us do not have the luxury of flying the whole way.” Rarity unscrewed the cap of her canteen and took a gulp of water.

“I ain't tired,” chirped Applejack. “This ain't nothing next to applebucking.”

Rarity brushed off a flat stone and sat down. “Well I need a break. The falls will still be there if we arrive a little bit later.”

Rainbow Dash circled in the air. “How long do you need to rest?”

“That depends. How much further is our destination?”

Applejack tilted her head in thought. “I'd say we got about ten more miles to go, give or take.”

“Well then,” Rarity said, sitting up. “I expect I shall be here all week.”

The prompt: A short break


When I posted that Prompt 4 was going to be delayed, I did not expect the delay to last six months. Goodness. But now that group posts have returned, so shall the TMP Legacy prompts. Let's try and get back in the saddle, shall we?

This is a thirty minute writing prompt, meaning you have thirty minutes to finish your story from the time you start writing. You may take as much time as you wish to think, plan, or outline before you begin, but once the first word is on the page, the timer begins. When you are finished, post your story to this thread, and, in the tradition of the TMP mods of yore, I will read and give it a comment when I can.

Traditionally, TMP prompts would have a six to eight-hour window in which to submit, but for these legacy prompts, there will be no limit after the prompt is up. Go ahead and post something a year from now, if you like. Just bear in mind that I'm less likely to notice and respond with feedback to anything submitted more than a day after the prompt. Good luck!

Well, here's mine.

Legacy Prompt #4: Hiatus

Oh, it’s you again, dear. My, has it really been that long since we last spoke? I’ve been so terribly busy these past few months, what with my almost disasterous adventure to Manehatten, that affair with Tirek, and then Twilight’s new castle suddenly appearing, and all that goes with it that I must have lost track of time. It only seems like it was just yesterday that we first sat down. I must say, while I am pleased for Twilight that she has now finally figured out what she is Princess of, I must wonder if this is going to have an effect on my popularity with the nobility and wealthy ponies of Equestria. Not that such a thing would be entirely bad, per se, but so many things are changing now. Oh, but look at me, I’m rambling on. What did you want to talk to me about this time?

Yes, I suspected that you would want to talk about that. It is true that towards the end of the whole Tirek affair that Twilight’s house, and the Ponyville library, was destroyed. Fortunately, she was not left homeless for long, but there were a lot of memories for her in that tree, and she is still coming to terms with that. She feels that as she is, she is still not fit to help fully rule Equestria, and is taking her time to get used to her new station as Princess of Friendship. That is why you likely haven’t seen any decrees about mandatory reading or libraries on every street. Oh, I’m joking. Twilight wouldn’t do something like that-we’d talk her out of it first.

In truth, dear, I do worry about Twilight. She’s always been better at organization and administrative tasks over actual social interaction, though she is getting better. But after the Tirek event was all over, it was like all of the stress that she’d been letting pile up hit her at once. She’s barely come out of her castle at all since then, and I do not think it’s entirely healthy for her. The last time she was overwhelmed with stress, she mind-controlled the entire town. Speaking as a unicorn, I can tell you that a stressful unicorn is a dangerous unicorn, and I can only imagine what it must be like for an alicorn. However, you may rest assured that myself and the rest of us will do our best to help get Twilight to a point where she feels that she is ready to finally take on her full responsibilities, and that she will come back from her self-imposed hiatus from the Princess of Friendship title.

And bless their hearts, but the other princesses have been an absolute gem about this whole thing. Cadance in particular has been of particular help, taking the time from her schedule to travel down here once a week and talk with Twilight-Goddess knows that mare has been a balancing influence on dear Twilight ever since she earned her wings. Now, I really must be going, darling. I’m late as it is for my spa appointment with Fluttershy. As always, it has been a delight talking to you. Are you still at TMP? Where are you now, then? I don’t believe I’ve heard of The Forum before. Is it a new publication? Regardless, I shall have to order a copy. Do let me know when your article is published, dear.

Legacy Prompt 4: Vacation


Lyra looked up, toward the doorway the shout had come from. Bon Bon stood there, her saddlebags slipping off to land in the floor, as she grimaced and shook her head. Lyra took a tentative step toward her. "You okay, Bonnie?"

Bon Bon looked over toward Lyra, her eyes blazing. "Lyra, you're my friend," she snarled, "so I'll give you a chance to leave before I snap. If you're still here in two minutes, though, I'm not responsible for the consequences."

Lyra rolled her eyes. "Sure, Bonnie. Hold still." Without waiting for a response, Lyra started walking toward her roommate, a golden gleam flickering to light on her horn. The same gleam covered Bon Bon, briefly locking her in place. Lyra's wasn't powerful enough to hold the immobilizing grip long, but it did last long enough; by the time Bon Bon broke free, Lyra was right beside her, one foreleg locked around the cream mare's barrel in a hug while her magic was deftly manipulating the muscles in Bon Bon's neck and shoulders. Gradually, the combination had its effect, and Lyra felt Bon Bon sink into her side as the anger drained out of her. A brief chill swept over Lyra as it happened, and the unicorn mare grinned. "You feeling better, or you need a longer drink?"

Bon Bon shook her head. "No, I think I'll be alright now. I did need that, though, all of it. Thank you."

"Hey, I aim to please." Lyra stepped back, locking her legs against the shakiness in them. "So what's the problem? Or am I likely to set you off again by asking?"

Bon Bon took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before she let it out and responded. "It's mostly just frustration, Lyra. I've gotten several large orders at the shop recently, and, well, some ponies don't seem to realize I can't just magically whip up whatever they want in an instant." She shrugged as she continued. "It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for Filthy Rich's order. His daughter is in my shop constantly, 'checking up' on whether I've finished or not, and that filly's arrogant attitude is practically poisonous. I suspect even a normal pony would be able to feel it, but for a changeling? Sheer torment." Bon Bon shook her head. "And then anypony else in the shop gets riled up at her, or at me because of her, and it between trying to placate all of them my own production schedule starts slipping, which just makes the whole cycle spin even further out of control. And that leaves me even more on edge, which... well..."

"I'll admit, that sounds bad," Lyra said, slowly swinging her head. "Anything I can do to help?"

Bon Bon laughed, the rueful sound echoing out through the room. "Probably not," she said. "I'm not really sure what I can do, is the problem. I need a vacation, Lyra, some time to ground myself again, but if I'm not running the shop I'm just going to have some of my more irate customers hammering at me for a reason why I'm not in there."

"I see." Lyra allowed Bon Bon to finish stepping inside, the unicorn mare frowning in deep thought for several minutes. Finally, she looked up. "Bonnie," she said, "do you mind if I show my cousin Meadowsong around Ponyville tomorrow?"
Bon Bon looked up, startled at the strange change in topic. "I don't see why you need to ask me that, Lyra. It's up to you, isn't it?"

Lyra rolled her eyes. "You're not listening, Bonnie. Again, do you mind if I show Meadowsong around Ponyville?"

"Look, Lyra, I don't see why..." Suddenly, it clicked, and Bon Bon slowly began to grin. "Now that you mention it, Lyra, I think that would be just fine with me."

"Eh, good enough, maybe." Lyra looked away from Rainbow Dash's impromptu 'exhibition' to her guest. "What do you think, Song?"

The violet-maned green unicorn standing next to her grinned. "She's pretty good, I'll grant. But is she as good as her cheering segment lets on?"

Rainbow looked up, having heard the comment. "I'll show you how good I am," the pegasus mare said, a cocky grin covering her face. "This time, a double buccaneer blaze!" Without waiting for a response, Rainbow took to the sky again.

As they watched the show, Lyra leaned in closer to her 'cousin'. "You doing okay, Bonnie?" she whispered.

The disguised Bon Bon grinned back. "Better than okay," she whispered in return. "I've seen several of my customers in the crowd, and none of them have even given me a second glance." Then, a bit louder, "I guess she is as good as you said, Cuz. So, what's next on your agenda?"

Lyra grinned as well. "Probably the spa," she said, "the mares who run the place give a relaxation treatment that's to die for."

"In that case, lead the way." Bon Bon waited until Lyra turned, then fell into step behind her. "And Lyra? Thanks for inviting me to visit; I'm really enjoying this."

Lyra grinned, then snickered. "Happy to oblige, my friend. Happy to oblige."

Legacy Prompt #4: "As The Day Is Long" by Gojira007

"For the last time, Rarity, get outta my way."
"Even if I did, darling, you'd be a heap on the ground before you even made it back to the fields. Your leg is broken."
"Aww, c'mon now, Rarity, ya saw the X-ray. It's just a short break, a little bitty thing. Ain't nothin' a tried 'n' true Apple can't handle."
"Short or not, it still means you can barely walk right now, let alone buck."
"Nonsense! Ol' Kicks McGee's just achin' t'buck some apples!"
"That your leg is aching, I have no doubt...."
"So you'll let me go?"
"Oh now don't look at me like that, Applejack! It's not my fault that tree fell on you, is it?"
"No, but it is your fault the door outta here's blocked."
"It is for your own good, darling, you know that."
"All I know is, every minute I'm in here is a minute I ain't doin' my job!"
"Honestly, Applejack, you would think after the last Celestia-only-knows-how-many-times your stubbornness has gotten you into trouble, you'd have learned your lesson by now."
"This ain't about stubbornness, Rarity. 'S'about responsibility. Big Macintosh can't work those fields by himself-"
"-and he won't have to. Our friends have volunteered to help him out until your leg heals, while I have volunteered to make sure you don't do exactly what you're trying to do now."
"Anything t'avoid a dirty ol' field, huh?"
"At this point, I think I might have preferred the dirty old field. My point is, you are not needed out there, so stop trying to kill yourself over it!"
"Now Applejack, I can't let you...wait, what?"
"Fine. You win. I ain't needed, so I'll just...stay right here."
"W-well...good. That's...that's what you should do."
"Applejack, darling, are you...are you alright?"
"My leg's broken, Rarity."
"Well yes, but like you said, it's only a small matter, it will heal quickly enough...!"
"My leg's broken, and it don't matter."
"Isn't...that a good thing...?"
"Rarity...this farm's all I got. Workin' the fields, buckin''s all I do. And now I can't do that, and it don't matter. The whole place can just...keep goin', without me."
"It's like you said. I ain't needed."
"I didn't mean it that way...."
"But it's true just the same."
"Nononono, no. No tears, darling."
"I...I ain't cryin'...!"
"Of course not. And I'm not wiping the tears from your cheek."
"R-real cute...."
"Applejack, you silly, stubborn can't really think that about yourself, can you?"
"T-tried not t'think about it at all...but it's been gnawin' at me fer a while, 'n' now this...."
"This is only temporary. And as for the rest...let us ignore, for the sake of argument, that one Applejack is worth five ordinary mares-"
"I...I only c-count four mares in th-that field, Rarity."
"-let us ignore all that. You are so much more than simply the sum of your labors. You set an example that all other ponies in this town aspire to. You are a supportive sister, and a loving granddaughter, and an irreplaceable friend."
"...I...I'm a pretty good arguin' partner, too...."
"Excruciatingly so. That farm is not all you have. That work is not all you are. Please don't let this...short little break, or anything else, convince you otherwise."
"...I won't."
"P-pinkie promise."
"I think I need a little more than that this time, Applejack. You have been known to work around Pinkie Promises, after all."
"Heh...f-fair enough."
"...darling? Do be careful where you put that hoof, you only have so many to spare right now...better to keep it on the ground than my shoulder...."
"Rarity. I promise, on our friendship, that I won't let nothin' convince me t'give up on...well, me."
"Now that promise, I believe in."
"Hey, Rarity...? Thanks. For...y'know...takin' care of me 'n' all."
"It is, and always shall be, my sincerest pleasure."
"Now for the last time, Rarity, get outta my way. I wanna at least see what kind of work Big Mac 'n' the girls're doin' out there."
"...never change, Applejack."

Esle Ynopemos
Group Admin

3694757 I see that the hiatus refers both to the downtime since Season 4 ended as well as the gap in TMP prompts. Rarity has such a fun voice to write for, doesn't she?

It looks like Twilight could use a short break. Hope she comes around all right.

Esle Ynopemos
Group Admin

3694760 I've seen the idea of one of Lyra or Bon Bon being a changeling before (possibly in one of your stories, come to think of it. Maybe? I forget.), but you use it to produce some very lovely interactions between the two of them here.

Goodness, poor Bon Bon has some demanding customers, though, if she doesn't think they'll let her get away with a single day away from her kitchen!

Esle Ynopemos
Group Admin

3694928 This is a very sweet exchange between Applejack and Rarity, and it feels quite true to their characters. It would upset Applejack to hear that she's not needed, even if it's just a temporary thing while she has a very legitimate reason why she shouldn't be out working.

Also, I see what you did with the prompt there. :trollestia:

3695015 Heh, yes. Wordplay of that sort was always one of my favorite elements for TMP's prompts (most often in your responses, as I recall x3), so I couldn't resist giving it a go in my first legacy response. ^_^
Glad you liked the story, too. I was inspired by the prompt sample to do something all dialogue, so I didn't really plan anything out other than the premise-Applejack with a broken leg, Rarity taking care of her-and instead just sort of let both characters' voices and dynamic guide me. Happy to hear it seems to have worked out. 8D

3693092 Prompt #4: "I'm out of practice so I ran out of time and can't title"
Applejack squinted in the dim lamplight at the month’s expenses - Tree wrappings for the saplings, fertilizer, consultation and pest-control from Zecora, repairs to the plow, shingles, seeds for winter wheat. Everything was in order, but it left the ledgers further in the red than she’d like. But with Applebuck season on the horizon, and especially with some of the honeycrisps bearing more fruit than the last year, they’d surely break even.

-click-... Applejack flicked her ears irritably and began the tedious calculations of how many apples would go to produce, how many would go to cider, how many hours of hired labor they could afford for the Northeast and Western fields… -click-... Applejack looked toward her bedroom window just in time to see a pebble hit the lower pane of glass dead-center. Only one pony was quite so precise and dramatic as to catch her attention in a way normally reserved for bodice-rippers. Applejack found a slight smile on her face as she snuck past her Granny’s bedroom door with an uncanny silence that came with a decade of dodging creaky floorboards for midnight snacks and curfews.

Down the steps, dodge the fourth from the bottom entirely to keep the noise down, stick to the right side of the throw-rug, unlock the door. Applejack swung it open slowly enough that the hinges didn’t whine and frowned. Sure enough, Rarity was on the stoop. But the bottle of bourbon and two glasses she had with her meant it was time for another one of those talks. “Whyn’cha come in to the kitchen?” Applejack offered, gesturing Rarity in with a cheeky smile and courtly sweep of a foreleg. Rarity smirked and trotted by, nearly as silent as Applejack on the way to the table. Rarity wasn’t a supermodel, but she had the grace of a dancer, and her hoofsteps certainly had less weight behind them.

Rarity poured them both a single and sipped at it for a moment. “Thank you,” she murmured, before tilting her glass again.

“Ain’t no thing,” Applejack said, keeping her voice warm and low. “When I told ya to come by anytime a light was on, I meant it.” Rarity’s soft grin sent more warmth shooting into Applejack’s chest than the mouthful of smoky liquor. “You wanna talk about it?”

It wasn’t exactly an assumption that Rarity had something to get off her chest. Bringing whiskey instead of red wine meant it was something big, but it wasn’t like Rarity would stop by the farm after midnight for a simple social call. Normally, Rarity at least pretended that she was bringing a sliver of culture to Applejack’s shamefully rustic existence, but sometimes, she would cut loose and remind Applejack that she could hold her drink as well as any other Ponyville mare. Applejack fiddled with her empty glass and snorted quietly as Rarity poured them both another drink in silence.

Halfway through the second whiskey, Rarity cleared her throat delicately, soft enough it was more implied than heard. “How’s the farm this month?”

Applejack barely controlled the urge to roll her eyes. “We’ll manage. A little in the red, but Applebuck should bring it back up easy.” A pregnant pause full of more bitter drink. “How’s the Boutique?”

Rarity’s eyes darkened suddenly, and the corners of her mouth trembled slightly. “Busy,” she grunted. “Incredibly so.”

Applejack’s bulletproof smile found its way to her lips somehow. “Lotsa orders coming in, huh?” She lay one hoof on the table, an open offer for Rarity, should she want the comfort. “Must be hard to balance with everything else.”

Rarity grimaced for a few choice seconds, then drained her glass in one swallow. “I daresay it’s gotten a bit easier to do than I imagined it would.” Applejack could almost pretend the rough edges of Rarity’s voice were from the whiskey. Almost.

“So you an’ Pinkie…”

Rarity smiled, a brittle thing that hurt to look at. “We’re taking some time to figure ourselves out and re-assess how we fit into each others’ lives.” The pathetic sniffle Rarity gave sent Applejack’s heart into her stomach before it climbed slowly up her throat. She swallowed nervously, her mouth working on nothing.

“Sorry to hear that, sugar,” Applejack mumbled, pulling her hoof back. She sidled around the table awkwardly and leaned against Rarity’s slender shoulder, offering what little comfort she could. “Can’t say I’m too surprised, though, what with how … needy … Pinkie can be, sometimes.”

Rarity shook her head miserably. “She’s not the problem. She’s never the problem -- I keep … I keep promising I’ll balance work and the rest of my life, and then I just slip up and let the same, stupid mistake happen all over again.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. She knew what it was like to work in a trade that didn’t have consistent hours. She understood what it was like to drop from the outside world for a week at a time because something needed to be done right, and needed to be done right now.

“Pinkie’s more reasonable than you’d think,” she said, nosing lightly into Rarity’s silky-soft mane, “and you’re one hell of a lady. She’d have to be dumb as a goat an’ twice as stubborn to let you go ‘cause of somethin’ as petty as scheduling.”

Rarity’s grateful, noiseless laughter shook through Applejack’s ribcage, and she nuzzled Applejack’s cheek. “Thank you, Applejack,” she sighed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Applejack smiled bashfully and took in the soothing scent of Rarity’s high-end shampoos. “Reckon you’d be just fine, strong mare like yourself. But you’re welcome.” They sat for a while longer, until the call of sleep tugged on Applejack’s eyelids and she couldn’t hide her yawns. Then she settled Rarity into a guest bed and pulled her sheets tight against the cold of early autumn and waited for sleep to take her.

Quite possibly in mine; I had a small collection of stories during the TMP live run set in that same universe. Even did one during the final prompt, which I suspect is probably what you're remembering. And I thank you for the compliment.

Personally, I suspect most of Bon Bon's customers would be understanding... but that the two or three who wouldn't (of whom the miniature menace in the story is the prime example) would be more than enough to exhaust her. She's probably overestimating the number of them simply because those few can individually drain her endurance far more than they ought to.

Esle Ynopemos
Group Admin

3697711 I really like this. I like the way Applejack knows everything she needs to know about the old farmhouse to move silently at night, I like evocative phrases like Applejack's bulletproof smile, and I especially like how warm and close a friendship is portrayed here.

Rarity's visit is the cause for a short break for Applejack, and the cause of her visit is problems precipitated by her inability to take short breaks. A nicely layered approach to the prompt.

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