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509407 Yeah, but I'm a Star Wars 'tard, so. :rainbowlaugh:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Ah, so you like it because of the plot? (no pun intended :derpytongue2:)

Group Admin

I found this video and It is so sad I cryed. [youtube=kGaV87CtXWY] If you're in a bad mood don't watch it lol

It's been a week since anyone posted to this thread? Well, hate to have it die out...

Well, here's something I've had sitting around for a bit. One day, in a silly mood, I decided to sync a piece of music from Ar Tonelico II to part of a MLP episode, using just ffmpeg command line options.

The results were a little odd, but here it is, ponies bathing to semi-appropriate music:


(For the curious, the song is "A Secret Meeting At Midnight", and is, in fact, played for bath scenes in the game...:)

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


That is a cute music. :twilightsmile:

Ar Tonelico? I didn't read much about it, but it seems a bit like Riviera for me. Did you play it?

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Who else loved the new site theme? :pinkiehappy:


Actually, I played Riviera quite a while back, but can't really remember it well any more. They do both have the whole promised land thing going, though.


Mixed feelings, really. I like a decent amount of the changes, and being able to add group banners is cool. The fact that the site banner I was using was removed, and the group folders are harder to get to is a bit irritating. (The group I runs main purpose is archiving fanfiction by category, so not having the category folders on the main page makes things slightly awkward.)

With all the changes on the backend, I'm sure it'll take a little while for the changes to the ui to settle down, though. It already looks better today then it did right after the change yesterday. :scootangel:

Just for general amusement, here's a remix of Sweetie Belles song from the last episode. :unsuresweetie:


Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Ah, I asked because the graphics and style seemed very similar to it. :pinkiehappy:

Yes, there is some things that got a bit weirder too. :derpytongue2:

Still, I was kind of enjoying the new buttons, like the 'source' button on the banners. I enjoy being able to see who is the artist who did those pictures. :scootangel:


And Sweetie Belle is just adorable! :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

This new site layout is confusing... I already broke the banner. :facehoof:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin



I am sure this is only a phrase. Did you have it saved just in case? :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I don't know. :fluttershysad:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin



Don't worry. We just need a new banner then. :twilightsmile:

Better yet, do you remember who made it? Perhaps he or she has it saved just in case. :raritywink:

Group Admin

It was by Flutters Glasses.


This banner?

(Still had a tab open that was showing the group with the banner intact...)

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Well, time to revive this thread. :pinkiehappy:

I wanted to invite all those who play Minecraft to come visit Mine Little Crafty. Here is the link if you are curious: Mine Little Crafty

The admins and helpers have finally finished Canterlot, and it's true a vision to behold. :pinkiegasp: In fact, I believe it's the biggest Canterlot that I have ever seen on a Pony server.

Don't miss it: come check it out! :raritywink:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Some food for the thought:

How much violence can I put in a fanfic before swapping the Teen tag for the Mature one? I am currently writing several stories (still didn't publish any of them, lol) and a few of them contain violence.

Could I consider Mature violence to be guts being splattered on the floor, while Teen is just blood falling from wounds?

548743 You can have quite the boat load of violence in teen rating (baby dismemberment in the Hunger Games as one particular example) you just can't be to graphic about it, hinting to the gore, mentioning stench, saying it reminds me of a meat locker and/or processing plant. It's all about how you lessen it to make it stronger, the protagonist comes across something and then immediately turns away as the scene will forever haunt him to the end of his days. Even when having violence happening at the time, it's all about keeping things in the dark, using onomatopoeia for the "crunch" of bones or for flesh, "sounding sickeningly like quickly ripped vinyl suit.


Could I consider Mature violence to be guts being splattered on the floor, while Teen is just blood falling from wounds?

I would say this is accurate. Although, it is a kind of grey area as to what is considered 'graphic violence' (Mature) and what is considered 'mild violence' (Teen).

I personally don't think it's the amount of violence portrayed in a story, but the manner in which it is described through the narrative that makes the delineation between 'Teen' violence and 'Mature' violence. Alexstrazsa made a comment post somewhere (I don't remember where I saw it) that worded it a lot more eloquently, but it pretty much boiled down to how graphic the descriptions of the violence are.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Hmm... that is a pretty good way to put it. Have a upvote each. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

We need more happiness in here. :twilightsmile:

And also have some pony: :pinkiehappy:


^ Perhaps we could put that video (the pony one) on our main page, just during the holidays? :raritystarry:

Group Admin

It's up to you... not sure what that has to do with the video I found though. :rainbowhuh:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Didn't had much. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Let's add some more feels into the mix. The Traveling Wilburys were one of these great superbands, where all the members were famous musicians in their own right. And one of the songs they recorded was "End of the Line".

And they did a music video of it. Thing was that Roy Orbitson died before they had done the video. So they did their best to make him present anyways. There's a rocking chair rocking with his guitar on it, and when they get to his lead vocals, they focus on it, rocking by itself, show his picture in a nook, and show the other members of the band looking around.

Makes for a haunting video with a lot of feels. And the songs themes were very appropriate for it.


Oddly, the Apple Family Reunion was what reminded me of it. Specifically Applejack's parents...

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Relevant music video ahead: :pinkiehappy:

Two weeks since anyone's posted anything to the random chat?

Here, have some David Bowie:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


I guess everyone is still on end of the year holidays. :rainbowlaugh:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Well, my bro has recently bought Scribblenauts Unlimited by Steam. It seemed like a fantastic game, and I am happy because it shows that it's possible to buy through Steam where I live.

So I was looking for games to get by Steam, preferably a City Building or RPG. Something online would also be pretty good. Any suggestions? :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Nooooo... get out of my headcannon!

Random thing I don't think I should blog about

So yesterday I was chatting with a "Power of Friendship" Steam group, I'm only a member to enter the group chat (sheesh)
I don't have the exact copy and paste, but some guy with a Fluttershy avatar was ramblind in voice chat about how he doesn't play Team Fortress 2 because it's "too violent" and "Fluttershy wouldn't like it" (I'm serious). Anyway, I jokingly mention that the chat has turned into "vocal Twitter" and the guy FLIPS OUT. He starts whisper-yelling at me (this was at night) about how I'm a sinner who should rot in hell and that I'm not a "true brony". I ask why he's doing this and he says "I CAN TALK ABOUT WHATEVER I WANT AND I DON'T HAVE A TWITTER"
then he blocks and tries to kick me from chat
I'm still confused


You need not overly trouble yourself with those who would rather hide behind a thin veneer of kindness, dropped at the turn of a mere phrase. While I know things of that nature are always unpleasant to be a party to, you need only remember that while there are crazy/mean people out there, there are also those who find it far easier to simply be kind instead (myself and others in the group for instance).

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


> Opposes violent games.
> Is violent with real people.

Sadly hypocrisy is a major trait these days. :facehoof:


Ever tried Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale? There's a demo of it you can download through Steam. Every RPG always has these little shops that sell you all the equipment you need to go down into the dungeon and kill monsters. In this one, you are the one running the shop, though. :twilightsmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Didn't. I will do it now.

*checks on youtube*

Capitalism, ho! :twilightsmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


And it's not that expensive either. :yay:

My bro already bought from Steam... I will ask him how to do it. :scootangel:

Remember, kids: not everyone knows as many words as you!

Ah dude, I have so many more "hypocritical bro-knee" stories. I think the most hilarious is where a Derpy Hooves fan scrreched "DERPY ISN'T OFFENSIVE YOU RETARDS"

Do you guys have separate accounts? The game is tied to the account, not the computer.
Unless you mean he bought it FOR you...


:fluttercry: Apologies for coming off as a bit stiff. I never meant to offend, it's just that I tend to default to formal patterns of speech when flustered or with a new group of people. Bit of an introvert and all. :twilightblush:

At any rate, all I meant was that while there are lots of mean people out there, there are also lots of nice people who just want you to have a good day. :pinkiesmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Yep. Separate accounts. X3

It's because I am not American, so it's a bit harder for me to buy stuff. However my bro showed that it's possible to buy from Steam without an international credit card, so I plan on getting more games from now on! :scootangel:

Yeah, but it's like all the nice people are wherever I'm not. ;_;

If I may make some suggestions, get the Valve Complete Pack. SO good.

612454 I here ya' man. Sometimes one can only grin and bear the fools.

Maybe /r9k/ can help me


Yeah, I got the impression the translators had a lot of fun translating that game from Japanese. "Capitalism, Ho!" is classic. I mainly suggested the demo first so you could see what you thought of the actual shop-keeping part of the game. It won me over with the characters and backstory. though.


If you do decide to get the Valve complete pack, and want to try playing Half Life 1, go download Black Mesa Source. It's a remake of Half Life 1, with Half Life 2 quality graphics. (Though it isn't complete.)

Of course, I personally prefer Portal & Portal 2 from that pack, anyways, since I'm more interested in puzzle solving than fps, in most cases...

But it's good to own a part of history ;_;

Group Admin

This pic is awesome:

In case you're wondering, its a ponyfication of a scene from Spirited Away.

And this one is hilarious:

I may as well post some more music here. This song is called "My Own Hero", by a musician going by "Joni Minstrel". She likes to sing songs about revolution against the monarchs. This is one of her more serious (and better) songs, though.


Group Admin

I wonder if promoting my new story would be a misuse of power... nopony wants to read it. :pinkiesad2:

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