Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,317 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Blue: What song do you listen to when you're feeling down?
Cup: Do you drink Tea or Coffee?
English: How many languages can you speak?
Fear: Tell us three fears.
Game: What was the last board game you played?
Read: What was the last book you read?
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door?
Jump: Do five jumping jacks/star jump.
Kiss: Who's your biggest celebrity crush?
Love: Do you believe in marriage?
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
Naughty: Tell us three things that your parents disapprove of?
Oops: What is one thing you'd like to change/fix?
Picture: Post a pic of your lovely face.
Quality: Name three of your favourite blogs.
Rapunzel: Name three Disney movies that you adore.
Star-sign: When's your birthday?
Teacher: What do you aspire to be?
Unite: Do you sponsor a cause?
Varsity: Do you play/watch sport?
Xylophone: Do you play an instrument?
Yellow: What's your favourite colour?
Zoo: What is your favourite animal?

Send one of the words and I'll respond. This is so you all can get to know me better.

5111127 Mulan, Tangled, and maybe Lion King.

5111544 Abandonment, Spiders, and Aliens.

5111694 No, but I did run into a no parking sign once.

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