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Comments ( 5 )
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I don't often get political on the internet, but I was watching the new tonight and this had to happen: Chicago Riots A B C D E Ect.

Listen, I don't care about your political beliefs or what you think about Donald Trump, but this is madness. What were these protesters thinking? This will only increase support for him. You just can't be the bigger man here and not create violence? Sickening.

5102736 From what I've seen, limited as it is, most of trumps followers and trump himself just ignore and ridicule peaceful protest. While that doesn't make resorting to violence right I can see how frustrating that must be.

5103208 It's unacceptable.

They also occasionally throw peaceful protesters to the ground or punch them in the face.

5103335 Quoting Trump in your other post really undermines your point.

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