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I have no ideas to stick with. This is going ro be a tough time. So if you guys are willing, can you help me out?

Story ideas for what kind of genre out of curiosity? What are you looking for? Human, Slice of Life, Comedy, Adventure, Crossover?

4986804 I am slowly growing a deep verse to my main effort and currently writing an entire story just as a piece of canon ancient history to my main effort. Over 300k words of story, not counting notes and plans for a 5 book series. It all started because I simply started with a random, not very well thought out idea of how a human winds up in Equestria. It grew from there and has yet to stop.

That's one of the biggest keys though. Starting somewhere.

Pick some random whatever notion. Then start writing and just let it flow. Think about where the next step is, what each character thinks, feels, does at the time. Do they have history together or is it a first meeting? You can focus on just the immediate moment at first and start spinning in larger plans later.

Give yourself a seed. Doesn't matter if it feels lame, silly, weak, or cliche. Don't have to show it if you don't want to, after all. Simple ideas are easy.

Start something and see how you can make it grow.

Just start, and see where it takes you. :twilightsmile:

4986804 No ideas? But we live in the golden era of ideas! Season 5 was God's gift to fanfic writers. Almost every episode introduced a host of beautiful background/minor characters, all of whom deserve a story. All the delegates from "Princess Spike," all the customers from "Canterlot Boutique," the new foals introduced in "Crusaders of the Lost Mark," and so on. And Pinkie's sisters now have personalities!

Here's some prompts. Answer any of these questions and you have a story.

What was the "nerdy delegate" (they are calling her Frazzle Rock on Derpyburo, but that's a terrible name) buying a gown for? Is she lonely and just bought herself something to cheer herself up? Or does she have a date?

Why is the overweight pony from the end of "Canterlot Boutique" famous? Is she an opera singer? A comedian?

Why is the filly with the freakish super strength freakishly strong? Is this a super hero origin story?

Why does a filly need ridiculously long hair extensions? How did she talk her parents into this?

Why does Pinkie pick on Limestone so much? Is it just because Limestone is so prickly it's just too easy? Does Pinkie honestly want to get her sister to loosen up, or is she just having fun getting a rise out of Limestone? Do they even like each other?

Almost every episode should raise questions like this.

And then there's the season finale. Every new time line introduces enough questions to give you headaches. For instance, there's one pony who's future you never see. Twilight Sparkle. What happens to her after she fails her entrance exam? And who becomes Celestia's student if not Twilight? Moondancer? Starlight?!!

And what happens to Nightmare Moon? She only wins in the third time line, does she just not return from banishment in the other time lines? But that goes against prophecy. So if the Nightmare returns then who defeats her? Princess Celestia? Twilight, but this time without her friends?
Starlight Glimmer?!

These are just suggestions, of course. I think you'll be happier finding your own ideas, I'm just suggesting where and how to look for them.

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