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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

So, we're coming up to "The Giggle", same time as the other specials.

RTD has a warning:

And he's said some *interesting* things:

Maybe the Doctor never left the Land of Fiction or something...

--Sweetie Belle

Can we als9 talk about the other specials? Because I died when I saw the captain for the last special was a HORSE!

Cannot wait for this to go live on Disney+. The clips that I've seen have me HYPED.

I loved this episode! NPH was great as the Toymaker! I laughed so much when he danced to the Spice Girls song. I haven’t heard that song for so long.

The New Doctor is great, really enjoy his charisma and am looking forward to the next episode.

Now for the spoiler talk;
First off:
- Bi-regeneration?!? What?!?

Now for the real spoiler talk;
I am really happy with this split of the Doctors because if you think about it; it’s like a new game plus mode for the Doctor.
14 has 100% his story and finished everything he could and is now relaxing properly for the first time ever with a family.
Whilst 15 is now enjoying the new game for a brand new adventure with everything he knows that’s happened.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Still really processing what I think about the episode.

One thing I am wondering is... are we going to get a UNIT spinoff that has David Tennant as the Doctor, as well as Donna, Mel, Kate Stewart, Shirley Anne Bingham and such? It really kinda seemed like they had a whole setting ready for it and cast and such, and I'd be interested in a second UNIT era...

In the thread for that episode or a new thread, definitely! This one's for the Giggle, though.

--Sweetie Belle

I would love to see that UNIT series. Props to Donna for absolutely securing the bag for a new job.

Group Admin

On the whole, this was probably the weakest of the three specials for me. It started out strong, peaked at 'Spice Up Your Life', and then... bi-generation

Which, alright, on the one hand? A happy ending for 14/10/whatever. Nifty. On the other hand, I'm praying that this isn't a spinoff. I love David Tennant, but it's Gatwa's time in the spotlight, and Tennant is only going to detract from that. According to some sources, the bi-generation was the toymaker fucking up and bringing Gatwa's Doctor into existence earlier than they should've, and Tennant will eventually become him properly. So make of that what you will. Personally, I think he should become the Caretaker. Honestly the bit that irks me most was giving him a second TARDIS. Come ON Russell, you JUST had him ask 'oh, without my toys, what am I?' If you're going to actually give us a Doctor on Earth spinoff, you should at least do something interesting with it.

The plot itself was... gotta admit, pretty flimsy. There were some good setpieces, some EXTREMELY creepy dolls holy shit, and some heartwarming moments, but in general? The whole 'Giggle' bit was only there at the start and in Kate's massive breakdown, and the only 'games' played by the Toymaker were drawing cards and catch. C'mon. Give us 'The Nightmare Fair'. I dunno, I feel like there really wasn't a lot there given all the hype around the dude's godlike powers. NPH did great, but the script just wasn't there.

Aside from that... I dunno. Mel wasn't there much, hopefully they'll fix that in the upcoming series, because the Carrot Queen needs some actual good screentime. 'Spice Up Your Life' was iconic, very Discord-esque. Someone should make an animatic of that. The catch scene was... as tense as it could be, I guess? Again, I'm pretty underwhelmed that this god-being lost just because he missed the ball. Give me some trickery at least on a par with the Toymaker's original defeat, Russ.

My personal rankings for these three; 7/10 for Star Beast, 10/10 for WBY, 5/10 for the Giggle, and a score of 7.5 for the whole 60th.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Where my general thoughts on the episode are settling:

I'm tending to feel that this wasn't as good as the second episode, which is really a classic, but better than the first.

I do generally find myself feeling this would be better as a two parter. I don't think the Toymaker or the problems going on with the human race got enough time. The Toymaker was great in all the time he got, and I did love the Spice Up your Life scene, and "Well, that's all right then!", though Rory should've gotten a mention.

Loved having Mel back and mention of Glitz. Wish she'd gotten a little more, but she was great in the time she got.

I am hoping for a UNIT spinoff, and they seemed to have set one up. I was initially thinking it'd be great to have another UNIT era with 14, but on reflection, I think they'd be better off just having him do occasional guest appearances in it, largely because Donna would be working for UNIT now, and he lives with her.

I wasn't sure how I felt about the bigeneration at first, but, you know, 4's regeneration to 5 was pretty wonky too, and there's room for it. I just hope they mostly focus on the 15th Doctor, at least for now. If you are going to give us a 14 spinoff, give us a fugitive Doctor spinoff, and an 8 spinoff, and spread things around a bit. (Or, you know, maybe "Short Treks" for Doctor Who? A series featuring short adventures with various different Doctors and/or companions?)

Mostly wasn't sure how I felt about aspects on this, and had to let it sit in my mind a bit. I do think that in the time we got with him, 15 was great, and I'm ready for more!

--Sweetie Belle

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