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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The whole series is written by Chibnall, though episode 4 has Maxine Alderton as co-writer (wrote Haunting of Villa Diodati).Hmm. Weeping Angels, Cybermen, Ood, and a Sontaran riding a horse?

--Sweetie Belle

Well, I'll try to judge this next year for its own merits, but I can't say I'm optimistic. I will miss Whitaker, though. Poor woman never got a fair shake as the Doctor.

Big Finish to the rescue, hopefully?

That trailer showed so much, yet so little.

Anyone else getting the odd (Ood?) feeling that the reason we're getting a serialized story is that they're trying to play damage control? Pick up the pieces of the fallout and try to regain the viewers by making something that's more like Classic Who? I'm not saying that's what it is, or that's all it is, and I'm not against it either. It's just a weird feeling. Still looking forward to this, I've been starved for some good, or even just decent and entertaining, television for a while now.

Also, I noticed the Sontaran looks more like a Classic Era design.

Group Admin

The Sontaran design is excellent, we are achieving heretofore unseen levels of potato.

Overall, I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Chibnall is definitely taking a unique move here with this level of narrative control. I'm going to withhold further judgement until the series starts.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'l admit I've been getting "Trial of A Timelord" vibes, and the thing with that was that the series wasn't doing well at that time, and they were trying to save it. and I liked Classic Who. I always was there for 4 part serials (or more).

Well, you know, in "Trial of a Timelord", they scrapped their previous plans for a season, and Big Finish did them as Missing Episodes later. Maybe some of the episodes that weren't done in season 13 will also show up in Big Finish as missing episodes?

--Sweetie Belle

I'm aware of that, but in that case, a lot of work had already been put into early development before they were forced to change plans. In this case, Flux was likely the plan from the start, with some possible adjustments to deal with the ongoing pandemic. We probably won't know until someone on the production crew tells us otherwise.

And as for Big Finish, I'd want them to give Whitaker original stories, with new writers.

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