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One thing that I wanted to discuss about TFA, and the future of the Star Wars Sagas, is the direction they took with the films regarding the Jedi/Sith. Many people have claimed that TFA is just a rehash of A New Hope, and in some ways that's true, but I hate that we're going back to 2 Jedi Vs Empire/The First Order. The Jedi were exterminated by Darth Sidious/Palpatine and they nearly went extinct. Obi-Wan and Yoda managed to survive, and they managed to train Luke into a full-fledged Jedi (which is very debatable). At the end of Return of the Jedi, we're meant to get the sense that the bad Force users (later renamed the Sith by the Prequels and the Expanded Universe, now Legends) were eradicated and the Jedi will make a resurgence. In TFA, however, it seems we're back at square one. Rey, the apprentice, and Luke, the Master.

Am I the only one annoyed by this? Like many Star Wars fans, I enjoyed the Expanded Universe (again, renamed to Star Wars Legends), and despite my love for the film, I HATE the fact that anything was rarely used. I wanted to see an older Grandmaster Luke Skywalker with dozens of Master Jedi and even more Knights/Padawans. We already know that the Sith have made a massive resurgence in the from of The Knights of Ren, and I absolutely HATE the fact that they're changing the lore and bringing in The Knights of Ren and removing the Sith.

So much stuff that annoyed me about the direction they're taking. Again, I'm not taking anything away from the film. It was great, and it does the franchise justice, but my inner Star Wars Nerd can't help but rage at everything they're doing.


4933694 Sorry, I guess I missed it.

Actually, I'm excited with how things will happen. There are elements of the old EU happening, but not all of course. I'd like to see who Rey is. There's already much speculation as to who she might be, but until we get the rest, it will all just be speculation. There's no more Sith, at least not as we know it. J.J. Abrams has stated that Kylo (aka Ben Solo) is not a Sith--or maybe not yet. Most likely Luke is the last surviving Jedi by this time; or maybe he's not. Most now agree that Palpatine and Vader could not have killed all of the Jedi, as we see in such people such as Yoda, ObI-Wan and Kanan. So most likely in ANH there were still a number of Jedi still alive, but they're getting old, and unless they secretly trained Padawans, the Jedi Order would soon die out.

My head canon is that there are still other people out there like Rey who are Force-sensitive or even trained by Jedi, but have not become full Jedi. Luke never became a full Jedi, though I think he took it upon himself to be a Jedi, since he had thought that there are no other Jedi still alive. In any case, Rey will most likely be the next Jedi.

At this point we still don't know the full extent of The First Order, or if it's just one out of most likely several groups that once belonged to the Empire. I would like to see other groups who still have an allegiance to the Empire but are also against each other--it would make things more exciting, as they will make various alliances and even possibly some trying to ally themselves to the New Republic in order to take out their rivals. More complicated, but also would make for more stories. Possibly the Knights of Ren is also just one of several groups that try to hold on to Sith ideals. It seems likely there are other groups like it, and if so, it would also be interesting how they would fight out against each other.

If that is the case then, then there's another aspect of the old EU that might come out--the Dark Jedi, which seems to be a grey area, something that is between a Jedi and a Sith. It might be that Kylo might be some sort of Dark Jedi, since he's said not to be Sith. Or it could be possible as well that Luke has turned that way--after all, he has been depressed and disappointed after what Kylo turned out, and might have begun rethinking what it means to be a Jedi.

4933959 You make some good points, but one thing I have to disagree with is the Sith. The Sith won't be making a comeback. Remember, the new Trilogy will be doing their best to move AWAY from the Prequel Trilogy, one of which are the Sith.

The Sith were given a rich history in the EU, and were very much redeemed from the abominations of the Prequel Trilogy. However, the new Trilogy has abandoned the Sith in favor of a new order, The Knights of Ren.

4933687 I'm personally fine with the movie not really having to do with anything from Legends, as I want to watch a Star Wars movie with some kinda new stuff, although TFA seems to lean on New Hope a bit much, but I didn't want Star Wars comics and books turned into movies or something like that, eh.

4934010 Well, I did say that the Knights of Ren are trying to hold on to Sith ideals; they're not Sith per se, but they try to keep the Sith tradition alive in some way.

I'm glad the First Order Stormtroopers can actually hit stuff.

4933687 to be honest I love and hate this movie definitely earned 10 out of 10 score but like you said it's like watching episode 4 5 & 6 all over again if you watched Tron Legacy it's just like a parody to the original Tron movie of the only differences is the locations and characters I also did not like how they had to kill off Han Solo and never understood why Harrison Ford was begging you to be killed off he made han Solo a badass in his own right a smuggler a soldier my hero and many more along the way not to mention he finally got himself a girlfriend and a wife later on in the EU if they were to kill a mocking should have been an episode 8 where he not only tried to convince your son again to come back to him but unfortunately has to fight in as well many pools and obi-wan sacrificing himself meaning that if his death is the only way to bring them back that he has to do it that's how are hero should die also everything he was to direct and to exposed it's like we could already guess what was going to happen next not to mention it was turned into too much of a sci-fi action thriller when Lucas did the six films he left us guessing the guy is a bit of a cold I suppose that's how he was able to incorporate it in all six of his works on a side note maybe you can help me I'm creating my own Fimfiction version of Star Wars The Force awakens wear ties into the Expanded Universe the imagination of George Lucas and the writing works on JJ Abrams I'll admit he did right by the film even though I didn't really like the story all that much basically it's called the force awakens so I have reason to believe that is it possible for the first to die that's my story bass let me know what you think hope to hear from you

4933687 Honestly, I'm divided about the film. I love the beginning and middle of the film, but it starts to really irk me with all of the OT fan service (which was already showing up at the beginning) in the Resistance Base on Yavin IV 2.0. I really said to myself "COME ON!" when I saw the trench scene.

On one hand, the characters are somewhat interesting, though more could have been developed. There were some humor that I liked, the duel scene at the end was good for the most part, and man did I love how they showed the Dark Side in this film. Han did serve well as TFA's Old Ben Kenobi, and I liked the how the First Order works.

On the other hand, there were flaws that hurt my praise for the film. Some of which I was expecting, completely rehashing the OT and not telling its own story (sometimes I thought the film should be called "The Fanservice Awakens"): the Jedi being eliminated (A-FREAKING-GAIN! Seriously, it was bad enough with the Legends EU!), Tatooine 2.0., plans hidden inside of a droid, etc., etc., etc. Also, while I do like the characters of Rey and Finn, I saw more character dynamic within the First Order than with them (which is a shame because I really wanted to see more of those two working off of each other), and I thought Rey's Force powers were built up too quickly.

That's all I really have for now. I just really hope against hope that Ep VIII will clear up my misgivings for TFA.


P.S. They dragged out that ending shot with Rey giving Luke his old saber.

I saw the movie a couple days ago and after my hype died down I saw it as a mediocre movie. There was little to no storyline and does not give anything new to the lore.

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