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You asked for it, (or at least one of you did, not sure about the rest of you), so here it is! The Fallout 4 speculation thread! Here you can, well, speculate about the newest Fallout game, along with all of the news that has recently, and I mean really recently surfaced about said game. Now, start speculating about what you ant to see. and have fun!
And remember, If a flame is to grow, there must be a glow.

(Video belongs to the XPgamers)

Here's a link to the tumblr: Link!

I'm going to say the Enclave are still around.


2171879 As I've said many times before. There are rumors that there were people going around Boston for the purposes of the next game in the Fallout series. Boston is in the area known as the Commonwealth and people that remember a particular quest at Rivet City in Fallout 3, they're making robotic slaves.

If Boston is actually where the game will happen, will we have said social shit going down?

2171914 I remember that, it came from a reddit user who later revealed that it was just a rumor she started because she was bored. What a bitch.

2171889 The Enclave remnants (Presidents Kimbal and Eden are gone) but it is still a possibility.

2171922 As long as it doesn't take place in Chicago. We don't talk about Chicago...

2171879Yes! Good very Good!
Now, to business!

To those who don't know, there's been a recent domain that had "the Survivor" and "2299", along with the date "11/12/13" (non-American date).

The Survivor must be an individual that had survived something that no one else could (otherwise, he wouldn't have been given the title). Maybe he went through a huge dose of radiation poisoning, but didn't break done, or perhaps he went through an ordeal that would have painted him dead, somewhat like the Courier as he had survived a bullet to the head. This also brings up the question of what the main quest line would be, like he survived the ordeal and he's out for revenge (like the Courier).

Also, the 2299 can point to what we can expect. It's definitely after the events of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, so perhaps we'll see the influence of the Lone Wanderer and/or the Courier. If not, then we'll at least see the aftermath of the main quest lines from each game. And this may be irrelevant, but I wonder if something special will be shown about the year, like a huge event will play out when it becomes 2300. Just an assumption.

Also, the quote "If a flame is to glow, there most be a glow", can point to my previous hypothesis that the Survivor had gone through a large dose of radiation.
This new information, even if I'm completely wrong about my speculation, should be interesting to piece together at the date 11/12/13.

"I'm so excited I could burst!" -Sweetie Belle

I want to see a Fallout in Alaska

2171947 I could see Alaska. I'd also enjoy someplace outside of the US. You know, see more of what the world looks like now.

2171934 Over there is Chicago, we don't go there anymore. (Cookie to whoever gets the reference.)

2171967 I know, I've played all the good games. Cookie for people who don't have to use the internet to know which one is the bad one...

Now, if you guys will excuse me I have some "Communism" to wipe out...

2171947 The state of which I live in!?
I'm down with that.

2171937 The excitement is overwhelming! I'm literally bursting with anticipation.

2171982 If you mean bad fallout games, there are two that I know of, Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel. Especially Brotherhood of Steel, I mean, Bawls energy drink? What the fuck?

2172038 Don't forget Brotherhood of Steel. Bawls energy drink replaced Nuka Cola. Seriously, Google it, I'm not making this up.

2171967 we don't go to ravencroft anymore

2172121 I though that it was Ravenholm.

2172131 i'm probably getting my games mixed up
vault-tec symbol much?
morse code and time december 11th :D
I don't know what this means but one could guess

2172038 Tactics is not the bad one. We talk about Tactics, but not about BoS. That game violates everything that makes a Fallout game.

2173481 2172038 I said it before and I'll say it again: Bawls energy drink replaced Nuka Cola.

They replaced one of the most iconic objects in Fallout with a shitty energy drink! Fuck you Black Isle and fuck you Interplay!

2179054 THATS one of the reasons we don't talk about it. NOW SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!

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