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My favorite gun in all the video games I've play so far is definitely the halo 4 dmr for me I like it because it's a mix of overpowered but not so overpowered you can't take out the guy using it also DOOMS super shotgun is fun too

For me, its a three-way tie between the Battle Rifle from Halo, Revision Zero from Destiny 2, and the Triple Take from Apex Legends.
I love the Battle Rifle for its design and the fact that it was one of my first experiences with Halo.
I love Revision Zero for its versatility and ability to switch between a 2 round burst and 4 round burst.
I love the Triple Take for its concept of a shotgun/sniper in one of my favorite Battle Royales.

There was this really old game for the 360 called Timeshift, had a really funny gun that was basically a SMG with a Flamethrower alt fire if I remember correctly, have to go with that definitely

The idea of a game for the 360 being described as "really old" makes me feel old. Though I will say that weapon you speak of is pretty nice. That game had a lot of interesting, fun ideas I wish had been used more in other games.

Honestly one of my favorite firearms comes from a game that otherwise tends to be unfairly panned, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

The Bogonella shotgun, which always has a lovely, hilariously crude opinion to share about your enemies.

Also, because I desire to show how I am a washed up ancient crone as far as this fandom is concerned, I'll deep cut by saying another one of my favorites is the chain gun from Wolfenstein 3-D.

It's so satisfying in how it can stunlock almost all enemies in the shooter that more or less invented the FPS trope.

Though for a codifier, my final one would go to another shotgun, this one being the Super Shotgun from Doom 2.

Extremely satisfying to end a lot of demons at once with this powerful beast.

Dunno if I can list a singular favourite, but I do have multiple 'love to use it' weapons.

The Plasma Beam from Metroid Prime 1 being one such weapon.

I’m honestly surprised no one said it yet but the BR in Halo 2 was absolutely amazing and so fun to use, even in Halo 3 it was fun to use.

Soma Prime (from Warframe). An LMG that can easily shred hordes of enemies with a single magazine and still have bullets left to spare. And with the new Incarnon system it can transform into a full-auto shotgun that hits even harder.

Haven't found a game where I could wield an AA12 shotgun, so I'll stick with the M1 Garand.

Nobody's said it yet, so the RYNO.

Specifically the RYNO V.

Not only is it the fifth version of a gun so epic that its name is an acronym for Rip Ya a New One, its a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher with dozens of barrels, and is awesome enough to blast Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture WHILE it's being fired.

KS-23 from Insurgency Sandstorm.

Okay, I'll give you that one. It *is* easily my favorite version of the RYNO.

That is a gorgeous gun actually to bad we can't make anything like it irl yet

I've only played 1 or 2 games that have the m1 but everytime I use it in said games it's a beast I'm hoping it's added to cod mw2 next season

The halo 3 br is my personal favorite

M1 Garand from the MOH series

M83 barret.

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