Duelist Unit 223 members · 111 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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Hey everypony! Since we have a group of duelists I thought of the idea of having a duelist unit duel tourney! The date isn't set in stone yet, but it will be once I get an idea who would want to participate. We would of course using Dueling Network since it's the easiest way to duel. So if your interested in competing in a tournament, or using this page for your own Tournament put it here. :pinkiehappy:

1450147 I'll give it a shot, but I'm leaving on seeing either of these decks in there:

Mecha Phantom Beasts
Six Samurai
Dark World
Elemental Dragons
Synchron Decks (usually leads to bonus anger)
Decks that Spam Level 5's for easy Volcasaurus or ZW - Leo Arms summons
Decks Spammed with Cheap Cards
Decks that are purposefully meant to stall (Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, Swords of Revealing Light, etc).
Any Broken Decks (decks that combine cards that don't belong in the deck-type (Gishkis combined with Hieratics and Constellars)
Etc. (List is incomplete, but I can't stand decks that make it impossible for the opponent to win and the user to lose; decks that don't really require strategy or thought from its user).

Bonus Anger if I See:

Starlight Road, Geartown, or Super Polymerization

In fact, there should be a set list of decks that can't be used by duelists here so that any deck we face each other with in the tournament can be fairly and evenly matched.

I would be willing to play.

I can do this. I need to fix up my deck though since my DN deck is horribly out of date.

That's just shallow and mean spirited... I mean, c'mon!

First, Starlight road isn't really that powerful. It has to have at least two cards being destroyed to even activate! It prevents mass destruction and you get a Stardust that you can't even summon back after tributing it for its effect cause it wasn't summoned properly. I use a copy in my synchro deck, and more often than not, it's been a dead draw unless I summoned Red Dragon Archfiend with two spare monsters in play... (I rarely go for him unless I just want to beat down with Red Nova)

Second, Super Polymerization. Again, not all that powerful... I've used it MAYBE twice, and I have two copies as side for my crystal beasts! (along with some E-hero stuff, like Gaia, Great Tornado, and Neos)

Third, limiting decks people can play... Some people aren't that great at building decks, so they copy things they see online. I get that. It happens (a TON if you live in Key West, FL...) But telling someone they can't play a deck for no reason other than it's a build you don't like is, again, mean spirited and wrong. A lot of decks today still use Synchro monsters, usually as a stepping stone to summon rank 5 XYZ's like Tiras and Adreus. Unless they're archetype decks, I've seen a deck run Junk synchron/Warrior for no reason other than quick access to a level 5 to overlay with The Tricky.

Fourth, broken decks... And? At one point Exodia was broken, but you don't hear anyone complaining about it now do you? Same thing with every deck you can find online. At one point someone found a way to break an archetype or a creature type or a summon type (Synchro, Fusion, XYZ, etc) and Konami came out and out right banned or just limited how many copies of a card you could have. It's why I can't use my Trishula (love how that dragon looks, btw) and why I don't have more than 1 Envoy of the Beginning in my chaos dragons. Pretty sure someone will find someway to break everything Konami prints for yugioh in one way or another...

Finally, to end my rant... Why not set up the tourney so that cards on the limited list are treated as forbidden? It'd cut out a lot of key cards, like One for One in synchro Decks, that help make the decks what they are. I know for a fact that if I needed One for One in my Synchro deck, but couldn't use it, it'd set me back a few turns, at the least.

(Disclaimer: Not trying to start a fight, just putting the opinion out that certain limitations are a ridiculous idea.)

Group Admin

Dueling Network? Bleh. Sorry, but their shuffler is a piece of crap. I'd rather not open with 3 of one card and 2 of another every third game, thank you.


I could enter, though it would be best to use Yu-gi-oh! Pro. That does all the rulings for you.


This is very true. My own personal deck may seem broken to others, (One I use in local tournaments) though it also has it's weaknesses like every other card.

Some I dislike such as Evilswarm Ophion, though only because it restricts my deck. To outright ban it is rude and unsporting. Any good player of the game should just try to find a way around it and edit their deck if need be to cover it's weak points. Example, Dark Imprisoning Mirror really sets back Evilswarm decks. Darkworlds hate Macro Cosmos, ect ect.

As for the limiting, that knocks out some staples such as Monster Reborn, Dark Hole, and so forth. They have been limited for a reason, to stop people misusing them over and over. I think the best solution would to have just the up-to-date ban-list.

I'd consider joining, but I don't even have one truly devoted deck in DN, and it'd take a while for me to actually decide on what to use.

Depending on when it happens though, I might join.

1452028 The reason I think DN is better is because you don't have to download it. And I also kind of want to the simulate a real life duel.


Rightio then. I could give it a shot, though I'd have to know when to do it since time isn't always available in my case.

OK everyone I've got an idea of how many people want to participate so I guess we could have the tournament Sunday the 18th. (time isn't chosen yet) the since its the weekend. All you need to sign up is put your DN user name, and a deck profile. Now I want this to be a fun tourny so I'll let you guys vote either to have a tournament of using meta or non-meta decks (I prefer non meta so everyone has a chance, but since I'm not dueling I'll let you guys pick). So the voting will close by Friday morning and entry will be closed at noon on Saturday so I can make the bracket. It will be in single advanced format.

Now to sign up send me a PM so your deck isn't revealed to the other players.

So if your up for it vote and sign up.

I'd honestly prefer YGO Pro too since my deck has some really odd rulings (That I admittedly abuse) and I get yelled at all the time for illegal plays.

Tournament Update:I decided to move the tournament back a week so those who were working on their decks have more time. So have fun practicing for it! So it will be Sunday the 18th


Just made a TIMELORD deck that was used by Z-One in the 5DS anime. I got their rulings from both internet source and Yugioh Pro.

Note to Konami?

Do NOT release the rest of the Timelords! They are more broken than anything I have ever seen. So if we do use Yu-Gi-Oh Pro, don't let anyone use the Timelords. ^^

1450147 I'm game as long as we use the new September list.

That, I can agree with... I mean SERIOUSLY?! what the hell were they thinking when they made those cards?! I played them in Tag Force 6 and I won EVERY SINGLE DUEL with them! They're just that broken!

Although, they DO happen to make an excellent deck for Doctor Whooves...


There are ways to get around them such as banishing, negating summons or just full out negating effects. However, those come with cards few and far between when you need them.

One card that trips them up is Gravity Bind. XD

As for Doctor Whooves...

DW: You know, these beasties really suit me for some reason, They must be like me, always ready to be on time!


...I just updated Yugioh-Pro with the new ban list. Why is every Timelord now limited to one? D:
Please don't release them Konami! DX


So, are we going to do this today or tomorrow? Considering Timezone issues. :S

Well I actually don't have enough people signed up yet. at the moment i only have 3 deck lists and names. I won't host the tournament until I have at least 8 contestants (not including me because i am not dueling) 1546639 so once I have the right number I'll update you all on the tournament. So just a reminder to sign up give me your deck list and your dueling network user name through a private message. (we are using DN for the fact its easier to get on than yugioh pro, and you don't have to download it.

Shit, it sucks that I missed this. CURSE YOU VACATION!

1618152 Well I didn't have it yet because I didn't have enough competitors. So you can still sign up. I will announce a date once I get enough players.

1627438 Woo! Count me in!

1632569 Just follow the instructions to sign up!

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