The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,364 stories
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Group Admin

Hello, Diamond Cutters. Looking for a simple, little exercise to help you work on your writing and create more Diamond Tiara-centric entertainment? Then why not give The Diamond Cutter Anthology a try?

Think of it like an improv exercise. We present a prompt, a certain situation that Diamond gets into, and you provide a story based on that prompt, being as creative as possible without getting inappropriate. The story you write can be as long or as short as you want it. Just PM it to me in raw or Google doc form, and I'll add it to the story proper as its own chapter. I'll also include your name next to the title so people know who wrote it, but If you want it to be anonymous, that's fine too. Also, make sure to tell me the title of the story and the prompt you're writing for when you submit it to me so I know how to organize it.

The Anthology's a little over a year old now, but it's still open for anyone to participate at any time. I myself still have a number of prompts left to write for as I only wrote for about the first half of them. If you want a more detailed explanation of the Anthology, here's the link for you:
More Detailed Explanation

Here's the link to the actual story if you just want to read some of the current responses:
Diamond Cutter Anthology

If you need more information about the prompts, here are links to the threads that discuss each prompt in detail:
10th Prompt
9th Prompt
8th Prompt
7th Prompt
6th Prompt
5th Prompt
4th Prompt
3rd Prompt
2nd Prompt
Original Prompt

Keep up the good work with your writing, everyone. Hold onto that passion and make the most out of it.

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