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What does your mind envision when you close your eyes and listen to this song?

Something Tim Burton-y

2354958 Something that is both whimsical and gothic. Like a Tim Burton creation or a psychotic child like character.

It's night and you are cold. You are in snowy forest (something like the White Tail Woods but without the path), there's a fine low mist on the floor. It's full moon and everything is surprisingly well lit. You feel a mystical twinkling in the air. There a few orange lights (fire?) visible between the trees but it always seems unreachable.

This is a pic from google that depicts a little what I envision...

A small village, at night. Many people are out, but only a few distinct, such as a flower girl in red or a fortune teller, but most are dark shapes. Outside the village are woods next to a small river, where strange things live, that will try to draw you in and never let you leave. They prefer it if you stay, and hate it if you try to fight back, though it's still infinitely better to fight back then to accept what happens if you surrender. An overall sense of mystery and sadness

The echo of church bells over an abandoned village, worn with age. The bells start at midnight, the first hour of Christmas day. The three spirits, past, present, and future, sing out, bringing the ghosts of the dead back for this hour.

(Forst half of the song) A man playing a piano, and he's a king. But his subjects are deppressed, and stuck in an ocean of despair. They can't swim away nor move, because their chained to the sea bed. Forced to drown in misery.
(Second half of the song) Then the king dies, but someone must keep playing the piano, l*et's just say that the piano is the key to the peoples freedom.* so his son plays the piano for him. But instead of his people drowning in the ocean. He takes that sadness and dams up the ocean for his people. Now they are chained to a sandy beach, and he releases them. The sand represents true freedom. Because no matter what you do to its nature. Freedom is always stalked by the dreadful ocean.

A truly beautiful image indeed.

What does your mind envision when you close your eyes and listen to this song?

A bunch of real old ladies in robes playing bells and a choir of castrated boys singing from a church alter.
Those poor boys are scarred for life. :fluttercry:

A dark and gloomy forest full of unexplainable things. You are walking in this forest searching for something or someone, but it seems that the search started many years ago. (correct me on any mistakes)

Hmmm, hard to describe what the image was. :applejackunsure:
Mystical snow seems to be the easiest way to describe what I saw.

A forest filled with ice coated trees, with snow falling around the trees, swirling as it flows around them.

Well, that was..... disturbing.

2354958 A snowy, abandoned castle when it is close to nighttime. Although it may be strange, I would love to visit something like that just for peace and quiet.

2355159 Something similar to this.

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