Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,771 members · 1,118 stories
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2193320 every single episode 1-8 at least twice for some 15 for others

Finally! More fans! The 9th mid season finale was painful to watch :'(

I know, poor *spoilers*!

I knew that *spoilers* wasn't really *spoilers* at all, and he was lying to Dean. It seemed weird. I nearly died when that Angel killed *spoilers*.

I was actually shouting no the whole time, it pissed my brother off, but he didn't get what I was seeing. And the fact that *spoilers* is coming back and is actually going to be helping Dean get *spoilers* out of *spoilers*, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

Me too! It's gonna be great! I hate *spoilers* so much. Casting all the *spoilers* out of *spoilers* was a dick move. And he wants to be the new *spoilers*, too. I want to stab him.

Exactly, I actually feel bad for *spoilers*, he doesn't even know how bad *spoilers* is planning on fucking him over in the end. The poor little *spoilers*. Not to mention *spoilers* going to war against the two other clans of *spoilers*, this season is going out with a bang, I'm sure of it.

Eyyup. I heard that they may go up to season 19. Can you believe it?

Seriously? Holy fuck! If these guys play their cards right, then by the time the show ends, they'll probably never have to work a day in their lives ever again!

I was pretty surprised when I was told that. If they're going to actually have 19 seasons, they need to keep up the good work. A plot gets exhausted pretty fast if you don't move it in the right direction.

I agree, I just hope that they'll end the show before it becomes another "Simpsons" or "Family Guy" situation.

Let's just hope that they're smart enough to end it before it starts to drag to a point where it becomes unwatchable. Did you know that the show was already supposed to have ended twice?

Yes I did. The first was when Dean went to hell, and the second was when Sam jumped into the cage with Michael/Adam.
I would've died if it had ended with Sam in the cage. He's my favorite character. Poor Sammy :(

Indeed, I'm actually glad that they didn't, but now they're saying that "10" is the magic number, and from there a spinoff will take its place. If they end the show at 10 seasons, I'd be okay with that, as long as it came to a satisfying conclusion.

Haha it's like a demon deal! 10 seasons, 10 years. And at the end of the final episode, the hounds will drag us all to hell. Unless you have salt, hipster glasses touched by holy fire, and a demon killing knife, of course.

Ah yes, those stupid looking glasses. I couldn't take Jared seriously when he was wearing them, he just looked so silly.

A funny post:
The year is 2030. Sam wants to go to the grocery store.
"Sam, you're still recovering from the trials."

Seriously Dean. Sam is ok, you can stop using that excuse now, hm?

Well, considering he had to use it as a cover to keep all of *spoilers* activities hidden, I think I can let it slide.

I suppose, for Sam's own safety. At least Cas isn't a *spoilers* anymore. I miss the trenchcoat, though. ;-;

Everyone does, it's what made Cas, well Cas!

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