Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,771 members · 1,118 stories
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There is a story I read years ago and I have come back to this site recently to try and find it but I am unable to and hoping to someone might be able to help me. This is going to be a bit disjointed as I try to recall enough details to try and describe it.
In it twilight twilight is kidnapped by a vampire who turns her I to while but also suppresses her memory and tells her she is some important vampire that he rescued (from Celestia I think) he then brings her to other vampires telling them the same thing he told her, stuff happens and due to the memory suppression she ends up becoming two people essentially when twilight memories return. also There was a sequel in the works I don't know if it was ever finished or not part of the reason I trying to find it is to see if it ever was. Also the name that was giving to her memory suppressed self may have been ruby but I honestly don't remember.
I do hope I am able to find it with help from here

You're welcome!

This story was found without the use of FimFetch #BoycotFimFetch

love a good vampony fic, bout half the good ones were never finished though, second princess of the night is one of the ones that was and its delightfull, if you want a romantic romp along a similar vein i recomend precious blood or if you want something silly my roommate is a vampire is nice, or its more serious cousin 'fangs'

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