On behalf of Cavalry Studios, I would like to get some things in order. I enjoy the concept of epic readings, however, as a full studio we could go so much farther than the oh so typical one chapter story. Here in this thread, I am looking for well, people that also enjoy the concept. And so I ask of you this, my fellow members: What rolls would you like to voice act? (Ex: narrator, one-to-all of the Mane Six, minors/secondaries) What projects would you like to see done first? (Include links to the stories, and possible music to go along with it) What skill do you have with audio editing software such as Adobe (Soundbooth/Audition), Audacity. Or music creation software such as Fruityloops or Logic Pro? Skill levels are self proclaimed 1-10 (1 being you don't even know what they are, 10 being you get paid well to do it and 5 being acceptable but a drive to make it sound decent despite skill [this kinda looks logarithmic... ])
Here's my answers Rolls: Narrator, Luna, OC males, minors. Projects: I have one already (it will be added when I am complete) The five I listed in order are 3,6,4,4,2
Or just OC male characters. There's nobody really on the show with a voice as deep as my natural tone... except maybe Big Macintosh. Lots of dialogue there though.
368631 I'm fairly certain my voice is super sexy, but I've not got the fainteset idea of the technological know-how to transmit it to others. Quite a shame, really.
Still, this looks pretty dern interesting. So umm... cool! My skill levels would probably be something of about a 2 all-around. I once took a class where I learned the most basic of the basics...but beyond that, essentially no knowledge of the programs.
ive been in community theater for 7 years, i have fun with whatever role is given to me. im better at the deeper voices (ive been told i have a spot on Big Macintosh voice), and also i have a TON of fun doing my insane voices.
368641 Probably the easiest thing to do is get ahold of some kind of audio recording software . <<that one is free according to google. record a small sample of say 200 common words, and post it on youtube and then share that with us. That will help us determine how sexy your voice is. Also, I've never taken a class on it, I've just brute forced my way through projects and then showed it off. I've been hit and miss to how well I have done according to the people that have viewed my few works. (however there has been a couple CS teachers impressed with myself when I was in highschool).
I don't have the grandest voice either (first time I really heard myself was through ranting on an ipod) As such, I really just want to be the narrator. Also, editing I am familiar with can make most shitty mics sound decent.
368657 Very well then...I shall look up a site of the 200 most common words in the English language, and mutter them all with various intonations. Prepare yourselves for my voice-vomit of horrible vileness.
Hmm... There is a reason I play non speaking parts in theatre... But of course, that reason is because I'm quiet... I may look into this, I may not, only time and motivation will tell.
368665 I remember the purchase order for getting 3 of those mics for Razorbeam's college radio station. The fact that you have one at your disposal: NOICE! I just have some cheep Logitech headphones that have a separate line for a mic. All connected to my meh of a motherboard. I'm just glad that I have enough experience with Audition to pull out most ambient noise and bleed from my mic.
368666 I actually half hope to get a voice acting job at some point, and I was already hired to do an Australian voice for this weird project teaching various versions of English to Japanese people, so I'm fairly good at a lot of accents and voices, it's just having no good mic that makes it not worthwhile. The built in one on my laptop is not good by any stretch of the imagination.
368687 Voice vomit created. If anyone cares to assault their ears with my obnoxious noises generated through the vibrations of my vocal chords, this is the link.
368748 Because google and youtube colaborated into making my name known, I can only comment here. (I generally like my secrecy unless I am posting through Plus.)
Listening to the top 200 words and not actually knowing what they were, just made me laugh. I'm trying to place your region (My guess is possibly UK, or North East America). My thoughts: You prossibry wouldn't be the best for a dark/demon kind of villain. (Its my worthless opinion that you would need an unforced deeper voice) but good for most male rolls in an E.E.R.(Epic, Epic Reading: the kind Cavalry Studios will help create.)
368766 Hehe...Well technically my accent is Washingtonian (the state, of course. Not D.C.)
But I HAVE lived in Texas for the past...9 years. Any accent you detected was almost assuredly nothing but a humorous, falsified one. I think I have a natural tendency to force a false British accent when I'm feeling either nervous or particularly silly. Maybe I'd be decent at the kind of voice employed in poetry readings, as well. Should I try and put up a reading of my own of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe?
As for the...shallowness? Of my ... non-deep voice ... It's prossibry due to the fact that I don't even turn 18 until October of this year.
Well, I am currently working on an epic reading (I won't say what fic in public) using friends that don't use FimFic as most of active voice support. However, there are a plethora of minor rolls that don't have a voice, so if either of you two 368820>>370613 want to chip in say a couple rolls, I'd be happy to receive the help.
Also, TheToC (TicToc?): Good good. just4Imagemails: hey, a younger voice can pull off adult female mildly well when recorded.
371333 Okay then, just let me know exactly what I need to do in order to help you!
Like, I'll record and email you a sound sample of a voicing if you give me a little script to read, or something. Definitely glad to help out if possible!
Of course the microphone I use is absolutely a terrible one built in to my laptop, but maybe you can edit out the background noise, hopefully.
Good, good. if you want you can share it through google docs. My editing of noise is so-so, so.... we'll see if I can get the white-noise and grain out of it.
371377 Its a surprise. It will [hopefully] be a good one. or maaaybe i'm just a little
371391 Okay so... is there a more reliable method of contacting you than through this, exactly? I mean, how would I even share it with you through google docs, plus, I don't even know what to create for the sharing right now, anyways. so uh... yeah.
371404 in google docs, you can make a folder "a collection" to stick the files into. when you share, you can make the viewing (and subsequently uploading and downloading of files) to anyone with a link. Share the link. Or, if you want, sobnrood3@gmail.com << that's me
371550 There's nothing in it.. Eh, anywho. I'll stick a text file with a couple random lines for you to do. Hopefully those few lines are too far out of context that you wouldn't know what the project is.
Hey, is it just me, or does it look more like Twilight's hoofing her snout rather than her forehead? Or maybe rubbing the bridge of her nose, right between her eyebrows.
Also, 371554 Any more lines? Either from that project, or from a different one?
Well, The project is out and I'm making an epic reading of HoaD in honor of Razorbeam Unfortunetly, the cast of people doing the main four (Rarity, Twilight, Celectia, Spike) have all bailed on me...
So, obviously this guy 372351 should do Spike. The other three are up for grabs.
And anyone that wants to do a smaller role (Excluding Luna, SHE'S MINE) better speak up.
393086 More or less. Anyways, if you would like, I can do a blog post saying you are looking for audio talent. I would love to voice Spike myself, don't get me wrong, but it's more friendly to offer the people who've read it an opportunity, in case there are any aspiring voice actors in my reader base. Up to you, of course; I'm not going to get 1000 people sending you auditions out of the blue, lol.
On behalf of Cavalry Studios, I would like to get some things in order.
I enjoy the concept of epic readings, however, as a full studio we could go so much farther than the oh so typical one chapter story.
Here in this thread, I am looking for well, people that also enjoy the concept. And so I ask of you this, my fellow members:
What rolls would you like to voice act? (Ex: narrator, one-to-all of the Mane Six, minors/secondaries)
What projects would you like to see done first? (Include links to the stories, and possible music to go along with it)
What skill do you have with audio editing software such as Adobe (Soundbooth/Audition), Audacity.
Or music creation software such as Fruityloops or Logic Pro?
Skill levels are self proclaimed 1-10 (1 being you don't even know what they are, 10 being you get paid well to do it and 5 being acceptable but a drive to make it sound decent despite skill [this kinda looks logarithmic...
Here's my answers
Rolls: Narrator, Luna, OC males, minors.
Projects: I have one already (it will be added when I am complete)
The five I listed in order are 3,6,4,4,2
Addendum:Thought I should mention, google claims that this audio recording software is free.
Male villains please!
Or just OC male characters. There's nobody really on the show with a voice as deep as my natural tone... except maybe Big Macintosh. Lots of dialogue there though.
368631 I'm fairly certain my voice is super sexy, but I've not got the fainteset idea of the technological know-how to transmit it to others. Quite a shame, really.
Still, this looks pretty dern interesting. So umm... cool! My skill levels would probably be something of about a 2 all-around. I once took a class where I learned the most basic of the basics...but beyond that, essentially no knowledge of the programs.
I have a silly voice but I can make it gravely.
Guess I would be Snails...
ive been in community theater for 7 years, i have fun with whatever role is given to me. im better at the deeper voices (ive been told i have a spot on Big Macintosh voice), and also i have a TON of fun doing my insane voices.
368631 Well, I can do a number of things, but villains, OCs, good guys, certain female voices (I think the only one I could maybe do is AJ or RD)
But I have a horrible microphone and no recording software/music software, so... that's a problem
Big mac will get his due... one day
Probably the easiest thing to do is get ahold of some kind of audio recording software . <<that one is free according to google.
record a small sample of say 200 common words, and post it on youtube and then share that with us.
That will help us determine how sexy your voice is.
Also, I've never taken a class on it, I've just brute forced my way through projects and then showed it off.
I've been hit and miss to how well I have done according to the people that have viewed my few works. (however there has been a couple CS teachers impressed with myself when I was in highschool).
I don't have the grandest voice either (first time I really heard myself was through ranting on an ipod)
As such, I really just want to be the narrator.
Also, editing I am familiar with can make most shitty mics sound decent.
368657 Very well then...I shall look up a site of the 200 most common words in the English language, and mutter them all with various intonations. Prepare yourselves for my voice-vomit of horrible vileness.
"Prepare yourselves for my voice-vomit of horrible vileness." 368670 The laughing, it hurts.
Hmm... There is a reason I play non speaking parts in theatre... But of course, that reason is because I'm quiet... I may look into this, I may not, only time and motivation will tell.
Good luck, compadre(sp?)!
368665 I remember the purchase order for getting 3 of those mics for Razorbeam's college radio station. The fact that you have one at your disposal: NOICE!
I just have some cheep Logitech headphones that have a separate line for a mic.
All connected to my meh of a motherboard.
I'm just glad that I have enough experience with Audition to pull out most ambient noise and bleed from my mic.
368666 I actually half hope to get a voice acting job at some point, and I was already hired to do an Australian voice for this weird project teaching various versions of English to Japanese people, so I'm fairly good at a lot of accents and voices, it's just having no good mic that makes it not worthwhile. The built in one on my laptop is not good by any stretch of the imagination.
368687 Voice vomit created. If anyone cares to assault their ears with my obnoxious noises generated through the vibrations of my vocal chords, this is the link.
Because google and youtube colaborated into making my name known, I can only comment here. (I generally like my secrecy unless I am posting through Plus.)
Listening to the top 200 words and not actually knowing what they were, just made me laugh.
I'm trying to place your region (My guess is possibly UK, or North East America).
My thoughts: You prossibry wouldn't be the best for a dark/demon kind of villain. (Its my worthless opinion that you would need an unforced deeper voice) but good for most male rolls in an E.E.R.(Epic, Epic Reading: the kind Cavalry Studios will help create.)
368766 Hehe...Well technically my accent is Washingtonian (the state, of course. Not D.C.)
But I HAVE lived in Texas for the past...9 years. Any accent you detected was almost assuredly nothing but a humorous, falsified one. I think I have a natural tendency to force a false British accent when I'm feeling either nervous or particularly silly. Maybe I'd be decent at the kind of voice employed in poetry readings, as well. Should I try and put up a reading of my own of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe?
As for the...shallowness? Of my ... non-deep voice ... It's prossibry due to the fact that I don't even turn 18 until October of this year.
I have quite a bit of audio programs I can use to modify voices if that helps.
Well, I am currently working on an epic reading (I won't say what fic in public) using friends that don't use FimFic as most of active voice support.
However, there are a plethora of minor rolls that don't have a voice, so if either of you two 368820>>370613 want to chip in say a couple rolls, I'd be happy to receive the help.
Also, TheToC (TicToc?): Good good.
just4Imagemails: hey, a younger voice can pull off adult female mildly well when recorded.
371333 Okay then, just let me know exactly what I need to do in order to help you!
Like, I'll record and email you a sound sample of a voicing if you give me a little script to read, or something. Definitely glad to help out if possible!
Of course the microphone I use is absolutely a terrible one built in to my laptop, but maybe you can edit out the background noise, hopefully.
You make me nervous when you hide things from me, Doorknobs.
Good, good.
if you want you can share it through google docs.
My editing of noise is so-so, so.... we'll see if I can get the white-noise and grain out of it.
Its a surprise.
It will [hopefully] be a good one.
or maaaybe i'm just a little
371391 Okay so... is there a more reliable method of contacting you than through this, exactly? I mean, how would I even share it with you through google docs, plus, I don't even know what to create for the sharing right now, anyways. so uh... yeah.
that's me
in google docs, you can make a folder "a collection" to stick the files into.
when you share, you can make the viewing (and subsequently uploading and downloading of files) to anyone with a link. Share the link.
Or, if you want, sobnrood3@gmail.com <<
371524 Consider link currently shared!
Only those with the link may edit it O_O
I mean uhh...
or maybe
... eh.


There's nothing in it..
Eh, anywho.
I'll stick a text file with a couple
lines for you to do.
Hopefully those few lines are too far out of context that you wouldn't know what the project is.
I saw nothing.
... Once I've got something to record with, I'll join!
Hey, is it just me, or does it look more like Twilight's hoofing her snout rather than her forehead? Or maybe rubbing the bridge of her nose, right between her eyebrows.
Also, 371554 Any more lines? Either from that project, or from a different one?
I think it's supposed to be equivalent to a human pinching the bridge of his nose.
368636 Well, I'm British. Does that mean I'm automatically good at villains?
Well, The project is out and I'm making an epic reading of HoaD in honor of Razorbeam
Unfortunetly, the cast of people doing the main four (Rarity, Twilight, Celectia, Spike) have all bailed on me...
So, obviously this guy 372351 should do Spike.
The other three are up for grabs.
And anyone that wants to do a smaller role (Excluding Luna, SHE'S MINE) better speak up.

Three megagasp nuke?
More or less. Anyways, if you would like, I can do a blog post saying you are looking for audio talent. I would love to voice Spike myself, don't get me wrong, but it's more friendly to offer the people who've read it an opportunity, in case there are any aspiring voice actors in my reader base. Up to you, of course; I'm not going to get 1000 people sending you auditions out of the blue, lol.
Pfeh, I doubt more than 15 would actually do something about it.
But sure, I won't mind
You might be surprised.
I will be, however I can't stop you from making that blog post nor would I want to.