Pokémon Fics 1,669 members · 899 stories
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Hello everybody! In this fine day (at least around here) I bring to all the presents attention this thread, dedicated to the Pure Pokémon Fics.

We all love the Pony/Pokémon crossovers we can find on Fimfiction, but because that site is created and centered about ponies, that's pretty much all we will ever find here, Crossovers. But the Pokémon fanfiction literary collection is not limited to those, not by FAR. Why, in the Videogames section of fanfiction.net, Pokémon is the most succesful fandom by far, with at least 80 THOUSANDS stories and growing.

Why limit ourselves to that? Talk about the stories you really liked! Why did you like them! What would another member of the group find of interesting, exciting or simply funny in them!

There are some good pearls out there, let's share!

And let me start this thread with a BANG.

The Ash Connection
from I Am Lu

"A string of violent attacks at the hands of a mysterious Pokémon has caught Lance and the G-Men off-guard. Little about the motive is clear, other than Ash Ketchum is somehow a factor. His friends and rivals now must confront an important question: Is he really the fabled Chosen One? Set during BW. Multiple pairings, including Pokeshipping, Contestshipping, and Ikarishipping."

Easily my favourite Pokémon fiction ever. Do not be fooled by the multiple ships described in the summary, this is not a story of love and fluff, this is a story about hardship, PEOPLE and growth.

First and foremost, why should you, who are reading this review, actually READ this story? What would you earn out of it in exchange for the time spent doing it?
Not much about Pokémon battles, actually. There are a few, but this is mainly a story about the PEOPLE who inhabit the Pokémon world and their growth. There are Pokémon because they are an integrant part of who these characters are, but if you want to read about a row of epic battles, this is not the place for that. This is a place for personal drama, adventure and even politics.

If there aren't much Pokémon in there, then, why should you bother? It should be a Pokémon fanfiction, right? What am I to read this for?
That probably depends on how old a fan of the animated series are you. The author, right at the top of the first chapter, says clearly that this story is "dedicated to those who have stuck with the series since 1997. Those who still believe in Ash".

When we started following the series, most of us were teeny weeny childs, fascinated by the cute little monsters beating the lights out of each other, and growing to become cool big monsters beating the LIVING lights out of each other.
We loved their trainers, the people with them too of course, but they were not the true focus of the show, and arguably still aren't. The show is pretty much intended to showcase the Pokémon after all.
As we grew up, though, we became more mature, and interested in people. We stopped watching shows for sheer cool factor, and expected something more out of them, some lesson on how to go about life that by then was starting to appear ever bigger and more menacing in front of us.
We expected the characters, almost our friends in our babbu minds, to grow with us and accompany us on our way.
They... quite... really... didn't. And I'll leave it at that.

Except when they do, like in this story.
I Am Lu, the author, manages to do something I've hardly seen in any other author. He makes these characters grow and mature without sacrificing the core factors of their personalities that we are familiar with.
This Ash is not some kind of "smart Ash", aura wielding or whatever. Is still OUR Ash, kind, dense, childish and dreaming. And he is not the only one. By FAR. The story is not as much about him as much as it is between all the other people who compose his circle of friends, as they all grew up and can still grow by meeting him and each other. How they learn more about the world and how they can change it.

When I was little, I believed in Ash as a nice kid who had big dreams and a kind hearth. Years later, that was not enough for me and I pretty much abandoned the show. Then I found in this story an Ash I can believe in again.

4878304 Im using an iPhone right now so here's one of the greatest Pokemon authors on fanfiction https://m.fanfiction.net/u/159540/
His best Pokemon stories in chronological order are secret admirer,Latias's Journey,and Brave new world hope you envoy reading over 3 million words of Pokemon oh and Latias journey and brave new world each have over one thousand reviews why do I like these three stories that would take way to many words because so much of it is so good I posted this trilogy in the past on this group like way back


I want to recommend Wonderwall by WashiEaglewings. It's a nuzlocke novelization, so it won't be everybody's cup of tea, but I enjoy it quite a bit! I don't really know what to say about it without spoiling anything, but one thing that's interesting that it's not the trainer, but the starter that's telling the story, and that pokemon are able to communicate with people. It's really a shame it's gotten so little attention.

4878302 Here are 2 that are must reads:

A Returning by ratedgdr

Savior by EliteDog

A New Chance at Life and A New Chance for Adventure, by ARCEUS-master. Wishes Aren't That Great by Genjen. Evolution by Jaxxon and Traveler by The Straight Elf.

Ashes of the Past by Saphroneth, hands down.

Summary is as follows:
At some point during the Pokémon: Best Wishes series (Delcore Islands, specifically), Cyrus succeeded in remaking the world in his image. Arceus did not like that very much, so he chose a champion to go back in time to stop Cyrus and stop him from breaking the universe. Naturally, having already saved the world several times and having great potential with Aura, Ash Ketchum is chosen to be that champion.
After a week in a pocket dimension training to learn Aura, Ash is returned to the day he started his Pokémon Journey with the ability to restore his friends' memories of the other timeline and sets off to solve as many problems as possible- and, of course, have fun on the way.

It doesn't take itself too seriously, but when it does, it really counts. It's also worth noting that it also fixes and/or lampshades some of the plot holes in the anime that aren't in the games.

(Highlights include Squirtle as a Gurren Lagann Fan, Blast Burn effectively being a nuke, a lot of worldbuilding, Mewtwo being Damage Control for Ash, and everyone being a badass.
Also, Brock saving Professor Ivy with a Crowbar. The context, despite being two sentences, is awesome.)

Seconded. Ashes is great. Some other highlights; Lapras and Snorlax fighting together, Team Rocket becoming some of Giovanni's best agents, and the eternal Muk likes cookies.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

I really wish there was a Pokémon-only fanfic website. In the meantime, Fanfiction.net is functional.

Do Champions Dream of Electric Mice?
T | Romance, friendship | PokéShipping (Ash x Misty)

To stand at the top is hard work and Ash is slowly beginning to feel the pressures of being a Pokemon Master take its toll on him as his losing streak continues. Faced with an uncertain future, Ash turns to an old friend for the encouragement he needs to keep going despite his mounting self-doubt.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance
T | Adventure, friendship

In a world where an evil master oppresses all free Pokémon, a human-turned-Charmander teams up with a fugitive Bulbasaur and embarks on a journey for answers.

Adrianne Unyeilding
9+ | Action, adventure, friendship

A young, wild absol attempts to defend her mountain home from any humans that dare disturb its tranquility. But upon tracking a misfortune that the rest of her species mysteriously cannot sense, she ends up in a situation that she never could have predicted - and ends up travelling with the being that she hates the most, a human!

I've scoured Fanfiction for a bit, but one pure Pokemon fic that has my attention captured is Xenophobe by Kazoot.

With nothing but a blurred memory, a Delphox named Xeno journeys with his one belief: That the gods must be killed in order to free every Pokemon on the planet.

It has quite an interesting beginning.

Transgression by Crukix

I... honestly am not so sure about this one. I've read it halfway, stopped, and I'm not sure I'll pick it up again. Even so, I enjoyed what I've read and I think someone here will really love it, because it's quite incredibly well written. Just, not the kind of story for me.

First and foremost, is a first-person story from the perspective of a ten-years-old girl, and it's BRILLIANT. You can tell the character is just a child, the writer writes is very well without making her unrelatable, impossibly clueless or giving her the kind of pandering, over the top simple-mindness that many author (me included, sadly) seem to consider the ONLY characterization possible for a child. Her relation to the other characters and her team are quite nice to read, and she has an actual goal and passion that drives her forward different and more relatable than the traditional and almost cliché ambition to Champion-hood.

At the same time, we know from the beginning, heck, from the summary itself that there is some kind of really dark, heavy stuff going on under the surface, it's just mostly hidden under the surface and filtered by the innocence and naivety of the young protagonist.

Until, about one third in the story, the plot takes a sharp turn for the gory and grimdark, breaks through the guard rails and plummets down to dephts that even captain Nemo and his Nautilus would flip off at and turn back. And I'm not sure it really needed to. At the very least it is quite fascinating to see how the main character changes and adapt to the stuff that she finds flung in her way.

I can't promise you will really like it, that rule applies to EVERY story and media in existence, and it goes double for this one in particular, but I think it might do you good to at least try and read it, even if only for how it brilliantly handles its Point Of View and characterization.

And if you can reach the end, kudos to you. You have thicker hairs on your stomach than me.

Lost Illusion by yiranY

This story is scattered like a fallen box of rice.

Have you ever lost your grip on a box of rice in your kitchen? It gets EVERYWHERE. Under every single electric appliance, in the space between tiles on your floor and so on and on and on. No matter how much you vacuum or sweep, you'll still finds grains every now and then.

This story is almost like that. It tries to tackle so many subjects, characters and subplots it gets really hard to follow everyone and everything. The author makes a clear effort trying to keep everything together, to make the various characters respective arcs and developments collide and stick to each other, but sometimes... it just doesn't work. But maybe that's a strenght. A lot of the characters here make dumb decisions, seem to ignore the feelings of other while they try desperately to care for each other, and in the meanwhile stuff just KEEPS HAPPENING. Kind of like in real life. The world is not nice enough to let you conclude a certain problem, a certain subplot, before throwing other shit in your way, without leaving you the time to adapt, or understand why something happened a certain way. Also, timeskips.

Not everything will be clear or logical at first, some things that might raise your eyebrow for how contrived they sound might actually be explained later and actually make sense. If you decide to read this story, don't let them turn you off, because while it's not a masterpiece, it has a LOT of interesting ideas thrown in, and some painfully relatable characters, for how dumb and imperfect they are, even morally.

About the story itself, it's a "Pokémon civilization story". As in, no human, no trainers, no gyms. Pokémon have managed to build a sort of society, but it's not a candy coloured society like that in the Mistery Dungeon series. Here only the strong prevailed and managed to build some semblance of society, those being the Dragons, and everyone else serves mostly as just prey.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Predestined Fate
13+ | Adventure, angst, drama

Two friends, an amnesiac, and a savior have been brought together by the strings of fate to stop a malevolent being from destroying the world. Will the world survive or is it destined to lose? However, a dubious power is stirring within a member of the group. Will their skills be enough to conquer two challenges at once or slowly lead them to their demise? Only time will tell.

Yesterday, something seemingly impossible happened: I found as story on FictionPad that was ACTUALLY GOOD. And not in a Frozen effect kind of way. It's currently a bit hard to follow, but I'm sure things will make more sense as it progresses. The story is basically a twist on the all-too-common PMD2 retelling, where Pokémon civilisation is more advanced than in the actual Mystery Dungeon games.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how active the author is.

Please check out FictionPad. It has great potential and is a lot more user-friendly than Fanfiction.net, but it's so dead that I haven't gotten a notification since January.

4878302 One that I've really enjoyed is The Road to be a Pokemon Master series by FanaticLAguy06. The series currently has two completed arcs, with one currently in progress and three more planned.

The basic premise is that Serena and her mother move to Pallet Town at the age of seven, so she and Ash start their journey together. As a result, several of the plotlines of the original series are altered, some in small ways, but others in very unexpected ways. Also, Ash is not as dense as he was in canon, although he still has his moments. Finally, several characters appear much earlier than in canon (such as Paul and Riley), and some appear who never even appeared in the show (Leaf, who starts her journey at the same time as Ash, Serena, and Gary).

The story is very well written, and I think it really does capture the spirit of the show. It's an Amourshipping story, but it does a great job at balancing the romance aspects with the adventure ones. You can really feel the characters, both human and Pokemon. In addition, the relationship between Ash and Serena develops beautifully; not so fast that it feels shoehorned, but not so slow that it feels that we're being let down. And, of course, the battles are very entertaining to read.

That being said, it can get very dark at times. The author does not shy away from some of the darker aspects of the games (such as the murder of Cubone's mother), and most of the villainous characters are much more willing to use brutal, even lethal, methods to achieve their means. Furthermore, the story often points out many of the dangers of owning such powerful and destructive creatures (case in point: at the Kanto League, one of Ash's Pokemon ends up causing a nasty incident which almost gets him kicked out).

Overall, it's a very well-written story, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to read it. Be warned, though: it's a long read (The first arc is 62 chapters long, with an average of 10000 words each).

The Kanto Arc (Complete)

The Orange Islands Arc (Complete)

The Johto Arc (In Progress)

4878894 Finally got around to try and read a few recommendations of other people. I'll admit, at the beginning the first-person-POV from a completely intelligent Pokémon did turn me off a little, but seriously...

Archive of Our Own is a bit of a mess, I've found is good mostly for relatively recent fandoms (Steven Universe, Undertale etc) and I'm not sure I ever even searched for Pokémon fics there, but man does this one deserve. Some of the best characters I've read in a fanfic in a looong time. Pokemon being able to communicate like that has been a staple of Nuzlocke comics since the beginning, and despite how jarring it is sometimes, it's necessary for us to connect and care for the Pokémon as characters. Having it in a WRITTEN story as a first person POV enhances the jarring part quite a bit, but boy does it take the "caring" through the roof.

If anyone else is reading this, go check it out. IronWilled really found a gem.

Thank you so much for sharing it with us, you beatiful man/woman weird internet person.

Storm Warning, The Rise of a Champion by Atomitrox

The tale of a young trainer and his Squirtle as they take destiny into their own hands, whether the journey takes them through the sun or the shadows. Adventure, friendship, love, and hardships... A lot can happen in just three years. Original region and characters.

Not quite an "empowerment" story, this one.

I remember, reading Traveler some time back, how at some point I realized that the "Ash Ketchum" in that story wasn't really... you know... Ash Ketchum. Done on purpose or not, the author had created a very smart, focused character of his own (aka OC) that we can believe becoming so incredibly competent in Pokémon battling despite the extremely young age, but at the same time is kind of socially awkard. And that was actually fine with me and still is, Traveler is one of the most enjoyable and interesting Pokémon fictions I've ever read.

The point is, trying to make Ash both the air headed, happy social butterfly that makes him the kind of character he "canonically" is AND the relatively overpowered Pokemon trainer we WISH he was often results in... questionable stories. At the same time, people do tend to do this, to fit their own OCs and their story in Ash' own story and journey, to different degrees, because it makes the main character, the setting and the story as a whole immediatly more relatable to readers. It's easier to like.

This means that OC focused stories usually do NOT have the same kind of attention and success. In cases like Storm Warning, this story, it is really a pity.

As I said, this is not an empowerment story. The protagonist does grow and get more powerful and mature over time, both as a trainer and a person, but the circumstances in which he does all of this growing up will probably make you utter a swear or two while reading. And that's the soft way to put it. The hard way is admitting that the character JUST CAN'T GET A BREAK! Sweet sky above, just... let the kid be happy!

It's a GOOD story, it doesn't shy away from the human drama of the characters, showing us their limits and issues as humans beings, and making them more relatable as a result, even if relating to them might be a bit unpleasant because it means recognizing a bit of our own issues we can have. To that purpose, the setting of the story is also worth mentioning, as it has a more realistic approach to Pokémon and Pokémon journeys, with all the changes to canon that it requires. To that the author adds a "darker", more mystical subplot that frankly I don't think was needed (with all the stuff he already deals with) and hasn't paid off yet in any way beside some yet unnecessary worldbuilding. Darkrai visiting the kid in his dreams and torturing him gratuitosly to prepare him to be possessed and jackshit the world. Or something.

All in all, I recommend reading it. It's a good story, with relatable characters and drama, interesting "realistic" worldbuilding, a gripping plot (if a bit too gripping) and nice fighting scenes.

Just... do not expect it to brighten your outlook on life too much, ok?











Ladies and gentlemen, Pokemaniacs and Beauties alike, allow me to introduce a project that I've been working on and has been very well received by the fanfiction.net community. Presenting Why We Die, a Pokemon story that infuses the events of the Pokemon Y video game with the events of the anime. In this timeline, Ash Ketchum dies a hero's death, saving the lovely Serena, with whom he had fallen in love, from Lysandre's sinister and misanthropic schemes of destroying the world in order to create a "beautiful" new one.

Or so it seemed.

In truth, however, Ash is still very much alive, but he's not the charming young man he once was anymore. In fact, he isn't even completely human anymore. Thanks to the unpredictable combination of the power of the Mega Ring and the power of the Destruction Pokemon, as well as being in physical contact with the Legendary Pokemon, Ash Ketchum actually merged together with Yveltal, creating a creature that could very well be the next stage of human evolution. With both Ash and Yveltal hellbent on getting revenge for what happened to them, there may very well be nowhere for those who remain of Team Flare to hide. Thing is, when the world finds out about Ash and what he's become... well, the other evil syndicates of the world, such as Team Rocket, see the profitability and world-domination potential of such a creature, and attempt to create an army of these "Poke-humans."

I hope to see your faves, follows, and reviews soon!

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

I read a short fanfic where Power Rangers get Pokemon.

Wes Ravenfield, an Umbreon who wishes to become the world's greatest treasure hunter, has been failing in trying to find anything to prove his worth. But, upon discovering a sacred idol that could bring about chaos on the world, he will journey throughout Mysto with his brother and ex-girlfriend, along with new friends along the way. As they get closer, secrets will unfold.
What I like: The character development, the very slow romance, the characters themselves, the battles and the world built for the story. (That's as much I'm willing to say without spoiling anything)
What I don't like: Doesn't have a big enough dislike in the story to mention.

I've begun writing a pure Pokemon story on my Devianart here's the links. The story is called Poke Paradoxes
Part 1- https://www.deviantart.com/chrismaley0/art/Poke-Paradoxes-938103500

Part 2- https://www.deviantart.com/chrismaley0/art/Poke-Paradoxes-Part-2-938191909

I know this is off topic, but does anyone know how to help me in Magikarp Jump? https://www.fimfiction.net/group/1074/pokmon-fics/thread/512699/pokemon-magikarp-jump-account-transfer

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