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s1 #1 · April 25th · · ·

what happened to Ghislaine Dedoldia in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation?

I remember when the internet had MLP everything those were fun times.

Only Foghorn Leghorn’s know-it-all rambling would deconstruct even the most complex of anime plots and characters!


Only Foghorn Leghorn’s know-it-all rambling would deconstruct even the most complex of anime plots and characters!

Sounds like a challenge for him. Imagine, Warner Brothers owning Kingdom Hearts.

Foghorn: Now lookie here, son, this keyblade of yours, I say, this keyblade is getting to your head. Going around, cracking locks and sealing doors, that's no good, son, only thieves and locksmiths do that sort of thing, yet here you are picking fights with shadows and cult followers, claiming about them stealing hearts and such. Just how would your mother feel knowing her baby boy is getting himself into this kind of trouble? Why I bet she's at wit's end of knowing where you are, she must be balling her eyes out right now for you to return home. Look at you, son, your hairs a mess and you're wearing clown shoes, do you think that Kairi girl want's a hobo clown for a husband?

Good sir, you made my day.:rainbowlaugh:

Hey, it's Lost Pause! It's been years since I've seen his videos. His laugh is kind of contagious.

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