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Ok, so I'm busy writing my fic that pretty much focuses on Discord and Fluttershy (non-ship) and it's going well so far. yay! :twilightsmile: But I was wondering in case I need to answer the question later on, what kind of things would Fluttershy and Discord do in their free time when Discord isn't making trouble for every-pony else and Fluttershy isn't tending to her animals or hanging out with the other mane 6? How would they spend their time? What would be fun? What would be cute? What would be logical? What would they both enjoy doing together the most?

I'm asking because they are SO different personality wise, and yet there has to be some common ground when they're together. So if they're not a couple (so no 'Smooch', 'spoon' or 'do the nasty') how do you guys see them having fun?

I'll try and come up with ideas to share too :scootangel: It's just almost 2am here and I need to get to sleep.


I'd say you could give Flutters a secret prankish side of her that Discord finds fun to hang out with. IDK, it's your story, do what you want with it :twilightsmile:

Yes I will :pinkiehappy: But I don't want to go OOC with what kind of things they'd do together. I don't want to make Discord too sweet or Fluttershy too nasty. It's a tricky line to walk

2115524 The both do seem to enjoy a nice tea.

2115667 Hahaha! I've been looking at her comics just as you posted that! XD (or.. HIS comics?) So far though It's all situations and not like every-day slice of life stuff. I'll check out the last one though since I don't know it.

2115698 Haha! You're not the first one to suggest that! I didn't even know about this fanon! I approve!

2115754 Sadly, Angel bunny isn't going to really be around, but I'll keep that in mind for the future! Thanks!

And thanks guys! Keep 'em coming if you got any other ideas!

Discord has no free time. Discord is always busy being Discord. But in his Discord-Time, he spends his time fucking with time, because time fucks you. Time+Discord=flying turnips.


2117218 By George you're right! :moustache:

2116289 I don't think we're really gonna see Angel Bunny that much in the fic.

I have a bunch of these slice of life type scenes in the fic I'm writing, The King Who Would Be Man. Discord plays hide and seek with Pinkie Pie in Fluttershy's kitchen, makes dinner (snapping it into existence, not cooking it), introduces Fluttershy to a lot of games (which, except for Fizzbin, are all supposed to be video games, except that MLP has no computers so Discord's doing it either with a magical view window or he actually puts them in the game), throws a pool party in the middle of Ponyville and gets Fluttershy to come, and solicits back rubs. Which isn't a sexual thing, he's got psychosomatic back pain from being a statue, but he finds it pretty funny when ponies like Applejack misconstrue what's going on. He also takes her into space to show her the planet from orbit, brings her back down safely, and then steals her nose and runs off with it, but he gives it back when she catches him.

He also, reluctantly, talks about himself when she asks, but not very much.

They don't really have a lot in common so I actually see him as burning off most of his manic chaos playing with Pinkie Pie and harassing Twilight, and by the time he settles down with Fluttershy for a while (inasmuch as he ever settles down), he's managed to get himself down to an energy level that's not too much for her. He probably escorts her into the Everfree when she goes, and while I can't exactly see him *helping* with the animals, he might follow her around talking to her while she takes care of them. I think he loves fluttershy, platonically, because she was his first friend, but the fact that they are total opposites means he limits the time he spends with her because he doesn't want to drive her away by being too much of himself.

He might take her to new and different places to see strange animals she's never seen before (there's a suggestion in the story that he might have taken her scuba diving at the bottom of the ocean where they might have met a sea serpent), because shaking someone's world up in a good way by showing them things they've never seen before is a disruption to routine and mundanity and therefore is chaotic, but also doesn't hurt anyone and is pleasant (mostly) for the one taking the trip.

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