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(This is my first group thread, so be gentle)

I really love Discord, especially his personality but in my story I have to make him a protagonist (AKA Good guy) I don't want to say what the story is because that would be promoting shamelessly. I don't know how to transition him from bad guy to good guy and because of that I have not updated my story in months. Its really starting to bother me that I can't think of a way to transition him to become a protagonist. Please help me with ideas, motivation or just anything that will get me going. (But please mostly ideas.)


Discord's already has been reformed, just rolll with that.

1647345 Ignoring the rather UNhelpful images being posted around, take a cue from Keep Calm and Flutter On.

Assuming your story takes place in an AU, thereby necessitating this change, what Discord needs is something/somepony to fight for.

He needs a tether, a motivating factor, since Discord doesn't really have a strong motivation for being evil (Like NMM) or anything tying him to his villainy (Like Chrysalis) all he needs is proper motivation and/or a sense of duty, in KCaFO he gained both with Fluttershy's friendship.

That's just my opinion, this is Type Cast signing off!

If you do not want to go the "reformed by Fluttershy" route, you could try doing one of the things that WWE, ROH, and Impact Wrestling would do to make a heel a face. Have him come to the rescue of an already established Babyface(:trollestia::twilightsmile::yay:) who is at the mercy of a Super Heel.


POst ting dis somwhere else noaw


We're postint this thread somewhere else now.

1647552 In a thread I'm going to make.

1647567 Dank kuu for duh forrow

Before "keep calm and flutter on" I had this idea for Discord where Twilight and this OC need to obtain information from him. So Twi creates a spell that allows the OC to sorta mind meld with Discord (at this time he still is a statue).

The two talk and eventually Discord agrees to help but in exchange he wants to be free from his prison. So he transfers his conscious to the mind of the OC. The statue crumbles and Discord lives on in the mind of the OC.

This is inspired by Scorpius from Farscape, just in case you happen to be familiar with it.

The basic idea is the Discord is diminished to nothing more than a mind living in the mind of the OC. What neither the OC or Twi know is that he actually is slowly regaining power and will one day be powerful enough to escape from the OC's mind and regain his form and power.

But as the story progresses Discord is forced to see things from the perspective of the OC and the other ponies and ends up sympathizing with them.

1647345 The thing about Discord is that you have to operate from within his logic. Discord is deeply self-absorbed and megalomaniacal. For at least a millennia he's lived in this world where he is the only thing that matters. Now, suddenly, he has a friend or two, and he's beginning to question what it is to exist.

So you have two great ways to motivate. Either something that threatens everyone else also threatens him. By doing so, you motivate him naturally towards everyone else's shared goal. In working together to solve the problem he gains empathy with them. The second way is to threaten Fluttershy (or have his behavior cause Fluttershy to leave). She's his only true friend, and now he has to make a decision to put someone's interests ahead of his own in order to keep that friendship. The problem is that Discord is very powerful, so you would either need to depower him or come up with a really credible threat.

1647673 Ahah! I loved Mind-Scorpy!

I should probably finish watching that series sometime... :applejackunsure:

why are they all asian or at least like they are of asian descent

I believe you should try to make him act like 'Q' from 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' specifically his personality from 'Déjà Q' since he has to learn to be nice to others (more or less a 'good guy') and Lauren largely based Discord off of him.

Don't change his personality beyond going from 'For CHAOS' to 'For EQUESTRIA'.

1647345 Don't change him at all. Let him be his chaotic self, but have his intents be good. Or rather, not-so-bad.

He's a Chaotic Good character.

1650249 He's not completely reformed. Remember, "I promise to use my powers for good instead of evil… Most of the time." I'd say he's Chaotic Neutral with Chaotic intentions.

1654384 1650249 1649142 1648563 1647716 1647674 1647673

Thank you all for the opinions and ideas I will by sure to utilize all of them!:pinkiehappy:

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