• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,054 Views, 437 Comments

A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Arc: Setting of the Sun

Ambassador Wildcard was, as he usually was, at his desk. Flash Sentry, and a changeling warrior that went by the name of Fangface were on the other side of the desk, and Lyra had stopped even trying to look busy as she watched the scene unfold.

"So let me get this straight," Wildcard said, his head held in a hoof as he inspected the short changeling before him. "You want to be decommissioned, and become a citizen of Equestria?" Wildcard asked.

Fangface nodded.

"You want me to go against everything the Hive has always stood for, bend my orders, potentially make the Queen even more angry, and use my position as Eta-Delta to make this happen?"

Fangface nodded again.

Wildcard was taken by a fit of laughter and fell back in his chair. "You're the first honest person I've met in months!" He exclaimed.

"Consider it done. I'll talk to Celestia later, I'm sure she'll approve," He said, leaning back forward.

Fangface grinned ear to ear and leapt across the desk, embracing his savior in a tight hug. "Thank you!" he yelled.

"I think he likes you," Flash said.

Wildcard peeled himself free, "I can tell," He said, and put the short warrior on the floor.

"Why are you two together is what I'm wondering. A legion officer with three legs and a changeling that can't change, you two make quite a pair," Wildcard commented as Fangface returned to he position beside Flash, leaning on him.

Flash was, indeed, trilegged. After losing his left leg in Manehatten it had been replaced with a basic prosthetic, with a little wheel at the bottom. He didn't seem to mind, in fact Wildcard had noticed Flash had seemed far more confident of himself lately.

"Why not? You're dating a pony after all," Flash said.

Wildcard nodded. "True, and it's got me in a whole lot of trouble. Be careful you two, there's more eyes watching you than you care to know about," Wildcard said.

Flash nodded and patted his friend on the head. "Let's get going Fangface, I'll show you around the guard barracks," Flash offered.

Fangface jumped to attention and Flash led him out of the room, just as they left Fangface glanced back, yelled another thanks, and disappeared down the hallway with his friend.

Lyra smiled at Wildcard. "They're absolutely adorable, you're a kind person Wildcard," She said, and turned back her to typewriter.

Wildcard sighed, and reached in his desk for a bottle of cider. "Maybe too kind," He mumbled.

His kindness with the ponies, and constant bending of his orders to suit himself, had meant he was constantly wary of some sort of backlash from home. He knew he was probably safe until the war was over, but nothing was certain- especially in war. Feeling under his desk he relaxed when he felt the cold steel of the crossbow taped underneath. Nobody was going to get the drop on him again. If Zeta showed his face again he was as good as dead, Wildcard would make sure of it. The Night Guard was fairly certain he was active in the south now, since a group of griffon mercenaries had been attacking any of the independent states that so much as uttered a kind word about Equestria. Zeta's goals were uncertain, but the one simple fact was he was a threat, and eventually he would have to be stopped.

Wildcard took a swig of the cider and turned his attention to a report on the desk, the latest 'intelligence report' from home. Two words: "Not Good". At this point home only sent these to keep up appearances, the folders were nice though.

He shook his head and crumbled it up, tossing it across the room into Lyra's bin. He smirked upon his accurate dunking.

"That's my bin, get your own," Lyra said.

"Lyra, how much money is in the account?" Wildcard asked.

She paused to consider it, and rummaged around on her desk for a sheet of paper.

"Ten thousand bits, finally going to do something with it?" She asked.

"I could use my own staff, dealing with these immigration papers is getting to be a job on it's own," She added.

Wildcard put his legs on the desk, and leaned back. "There's a few empty buildings around town now, maybe it's time to expand the operation," He said.

"Please," Lyra commented, and set back to her work.

Wildcard smiled. Lyra had actually been doing most of the work for him, all he really did was settle complaints, deal with home in the rare occasion they bothered talking to him, sign stuff, and attend meetings. He also drank cider, and was getting to an almost pony-like tolerance for it. At this point he could down a whole bottle with only a minor buzz.

It also took a fairly linear path out of him, and he had to go make some cider of his own. He slipped out of his chair and tapped Lyra on the back.

"If anyone asks, I'm out on business," He said, and then left the room behind.

He met the salute of his guard outside, which if was right was the one he had dubbed 'Yin'. The other was Yang, and together they had made sure there was always a guard at the door for the last month or so. He knew full well they were probably reporting home too, but he didn't care. Buck the Queen, buck Medulla, buck them all. He would cross that bridge when he came to it. Oh if he could travel back in time and have a laugh with himself about how he would become ambassador to a state that wanted to kill him at the earliest opportunity.

Even so, Wildcard regretted nothing. His life was better now, better then he ever imagined he could be. Here he had found love, friends, and a nation worth fighting for. A nation founded on friendship, not class based separation and fanatic devotion to an insane overlord.

Wildcard had done what those in the business called 'going native', and he was happy he did.

Finishing his work in the washroom, which was almost a castle in itself, Wildcard trotted down the hallway with a grin on his face, it was high time he put the gem in his desk he had bought to good use. Approaching his office he found something unusual- the guard was missing.

Wildcard shrugged it off, but as he stood in the doorway he noticed Lyra was gone too. His 'something is going to try and kill me' sense tingled, and he fell into the silent walk of a seasoned changeling spy, intently noting anything different in the room. He looked under Lyra's desk, under the couches, the carpet, and his chair for anything amiss. Satisfied that nothing in the room was wrong, he looked out the window.

Across the street a griffon was standing, grinning in an open window, with a great big tube held on his shoulder.

"Sweet Celestia, he's got a rocket propelled grenade!" Wildcard exclaimed, and dove under his desk just as the griffon fired. Wildcard frantically tried to extend a magical field around himself, but was too slow. Only a moment after he had dived under the desk the rocket impacted on the window, shattering it with a deafening explosion and bathing all inside with fire and twisted shrapnel of the reinforced window.

To Wildcard's surprise, he opened his eyes. He was alive, somehow. He lifted his head in astonishment and slammed it against the desk, falling back with laughter when he realized what had saved him. He was a little burnt, and his coat had turned to ashes on him, but other then minor burns and an aching head he was alive. Alive and he had his desk to thank for it.

"Applebloom, whoever you are, I'm going to give you a medal," Wildcard said to himself, and grabbed the crossbow. He spun around to the window, the griffon was gone. Strapping it to his leg with the tape, he looked outside.

Apparently that griffon wasn't the only one, plumes of smoke and flame were rising from all over Canterlot, while in the sky the guard could be seen engaging other griffons. Bursts of fire here and there were replied with the rapid buzz of back mounted guns from the ponies, and the booming noise of ground based cannons filled the sky with clouds of flak. Down in the streets below it was total chaos as ponies ran to get to the emergency shelters, screaming with terror as they went. In the sky the garrisoned airships had their own problems, frantically firing flares as dozens of rockets approached from the ground. It was too late, and the sky was filled with fire as the frigates fell, pegasi leaping out like bees abandoning a flaming hive.

The emergency sirens weren't activated, which meant this attack must have been well thought out. It was probable that communications were cut too, the bulk of the fleet was currently staging in Baltimare for tomorrow, so help was a few hours away even if they could get a message out. Wildcard ducked his head inside and swept the debris on the floor away with a magic field- better to not tear up his hooves before leaving.

Wildcard tapped his desk, and noted that it was perfectly fine less the stain being singed a slightly darker shade of brown, which looked rather nice actually. His poor typewriter had been tossed against the wall, which was a somewhat expensive loss. Quickly unlocking the top drawer, he grabbed a small heart shaped gem and stuffed it in the remains of a jacket pocket. Swallowing the loss of the room, he darted out the door, sparing one last glance at his office. Nothing but shrapnel, debris, and his desk standing as a bulwark. He felt it proper to find something clever to say, almost as eulogy to his fallen office.

"You've burned out."

"It's been a blast."

"You're fired."

"It was getting too hot."

"Burn notice," he said to himself, satisfied.

Dashing down the hallway without bothering to remove the tattered remains of his coat, Wildcard was mindful of the crossbow at his hip. It wouldn't do much from a distance, but if he could get in close he could finish this. There was only one person on this planet capable of planning something like this, one person with the sheer lack of empathy and crazed hatred to do it.


Wildcard's mission was clear: Find him, kill him, save the ponies. He only hoped he wasn't too late, a murderous changeling could do a lot of damage. Setting down the hallway quickly, but quietly, Wildcard was mindful of every sound and smell- the entire palace smelt of changeling at this point and it was hard to tell if this was himself and the guards, or someone new. In the distance muffled explosions and screams echoed throughout, the sound of chaos. If Discord wasn't stone, he would probably be enjoying this.

Thankfully he was, a god of chaos running around would do a lot more then cover Ponyville in snow for an hour if he was running loose during open warfare, why Celestia even bothered trying was beyond him.

While he frantically ran for the meeting room, assuming that the delegates for today's meeting had been moved there, he ran into Flash Sentry.

Before he could say hello, Wildcard found a gun in his face, followed by a click that drove home the reality of the situation.

"Against the wall!" Flash barked, Wildcard did as asked, feeling the gun at his neck the whole time. Flash was not messing around.

"Flash, what the buck is going on?" Wildcard asked frantically.

"Drop the disguise or I'll shoot you right now," Flash ordered.

Wildcard swallowed, Zeta had apparently already gotten to work.

"A few weeks ago, cider, my office, you won a statue off me in a game of cards!" Wildcard tried.

Flash pressed the gun in harder. "Oh please, the guards were they too, now I'm not going to ask again."

"The tower, you used to sleep in the highest tower of the castle- while on duty I might add!"

A tense pause followed, and then Wildcard was relieved to feel the gun removed from his neck.

"Sweet Celestia we've got problems, we can't even get a message out, the fleets in ruins, and..." Flash paused, Wildcard turned to find him looking him over with a horrified look on his face.

"If you're here, then who's observing the meeting?" he asked.

Wildcard took off down the hallway with Flash in tow. "It's Zeta, and he's got them all in the same place!" Wildcard shouted.

"I'll get to the legion, we'll get the palace locked down!" Flash shouted behind him, and darted down a side passage. Wildcard let him go, as much as he needed the help- dealing with Zeta had become personal. Zeta represented everything wrong with the changelings, and it was up to Wildcard to correct this.

Sliding around the corner he saw the doorway to the meeting room ahead, no guards at the doors. Wildcard dashed over, threw them open, and before he could speak was held in a blue field- alongside his doppleganger across the room. The princesses rose startled, interrupted by the realization there was a shapeshifter murderer in their midst.

The question to them, of course, was if he was at the door or sitting with them.

"Treachery!" Luna yelled, lifting them both into the air.

First Class stood beside Celestia and frantically glanced to and fro. She whispered something in her superiors ear.

"We'll just have to find out which one it is, and I know how," Celestia said, and beckoned her sister over. A quick explanation and she nodded, hovering the pair to the far side of the room while the leadership formed up to judge them intently.

"We'l st-" Celestia was interrupted by Shining Armour, his Alicorn glowing.

"I have a better idea!" He shouted, and released two rapid blasts of energy at them. Wildcard felt a fire burn at his insides and dropped to the ground writhing in pain as the blue field dissipated. He soon felt a warm hoof on his back and rolled over to see First Class- Zeta still hanging in the air behind her.

"Crude but effective, and it appears the Ambassador is no worse for wear," Luna noted somewhere in the back.

His pain was soothed with a field of golden energy, and he stood to meet the gaze of his love. Events at hand, however, demanded his attention.

"So what are we going to do with him?" Twilight asked, staring up at the slowly spinning form.

Zeta glared down at her with a force enough that she backed up. "Nothing, you're all weak. You'll imprison me, or some other foolish nonsense, and I'll come back," He growled.

"I don't think so," Wildcard said, and the eyes in the room turned to him. "High treason, war crimes, and murder? You're not leaving here, not on my watch. You knew the risks."

"Oh please, like I don't have an escape plan," Zeta said, and for a moment he glowed before releasing a blast of green magic that threw Wildcard back. He quickly rolled over and took off after Zeta down the hallway, the others stunned by the release of magic. He waved a gun backward, firing wildly as he ran. Wildcard put up a green tinted shield before his face and gave chase.

"Zeta!" Wildcard yelled, clutching his crossbow. He couldn't hit anything running this fast. "Come back here you coward!"

Zeta glanced back and grinned, darting down a side hallway. Wildcard pursued and ran into the arms of a griffon soldier.

To that soldiers surprise a crossbow bolt found itself embedded in his belly and he collapsed to the side. Wildcard took his flame gun and prodded him, he would probably live. Noting that for later Wildcard hefted the weapon and took off down the hallway, Zeta had gotten ahead of him but was stopped short by a locked door, finding himself at a dead end. He frantically hammered at it while Wildcard approached, checking the weapon. As far as he could tell the fuel reserve was full, and it was fired by pushing down a lever at the back.

"It's not supposed to be locked!" Zeta yelled, he kicked at the door and rebounded off.

Seeing Wildcard approached he aimed his gun, and with a series of clicks realized he had dumped the magazine. He growled and tossed it at Wildcard, who dodged it easily, trying at the door again.

"Zeta, you ever do cove watch?" Wildcard asked. Zeta turned back and, with fear in his eyes, answered. His horn buzzed with a green light, but his magic had been spent.

"For five years- now you can't possibly be serious with that thing can you?" He returned, glancing around for some escape.

"You ever hear the sailors? When they depart they always say 'dos vedunya', do you know what that means?" Wildcard asked, closing the distance slowly, savouring his victory.

"Well it means goodbye, obviously. Now put that thing down, we can work something out!" Zeta yelled, turning back to frantically hammer at the door.

"No, Zeta, it means 'until we meet again'."

"Zeta..." Wildcard was mere feet away, and the other changeling shuddered with fear as he turned to meet his doom. "... you knew the risks," he added.

"Dos vedunya," Wildcard said, and pushed the lever down just as Zeta took a final desperate leap of attack. He burst into flames and ran screaming past Wildcard, jumping out of a window. Wildcard threw the weapon down and darted to the window. When he looked down he was relieved to see that Zeta would threaten this world no longer, he lay in a charred heap on the ground five stories down. When he looked back up he saw Flash hovering over, who looked away in disgust and turned to Wildcard.

"So that's it then?" Flash asked.

Wildcard nodded. "That's it for him, how's the situation outside?" Wildcard asked. The explosions had long since stopped, and only the sporadic sound of gunfire broke the silence.

"Once they ran out of ammunition they cut and ran, we sent a runner to contact the rest of the Legion- but they'll be too late. It looks to me like it was a cover, diverting us so your friend here could make a move," Flash explained.

Wildcard looked past him out to the city. Smoke filled the sky from a hundred fires, and quite a few buildings either had gaping holes in them or were gone completely.

"Hey Flash, what happened to Lyra and my guards?" Wildcard asked.

"Well you, or he," Flash gestured downwards, "Ordered them to escort her home, She lives in the government quarter, Legion kept it safe," Flash replied.

Wildcard was relieved to hear that and let Flash depart. Curious, he trotted over to that door and took a look at it. There was nothing unusual about it specifically, except these weren't normally locked. Putting a hoof to the knob, Wildcard opened it. Confused, he walked in to see Mezza Luna standing there with a collection of other night guards at her side.

"Mezza Luna, aren't you up past your bed time?" Wildcard asked.

She grinned, "Ambassador, really, you should be thanking me. You got your revenge, all thanks to me," She said.

"You.. knew he would come this way?" Wildcard asked. Something smelled in the state of Equestria.

"Knew? I planned it. We've been feeding that felon bad intelligence for weeks- he thought he was attacking ammo dumps in the city, all he got was a few abandoned stores!" She exclaimed, sticking out her chest with pride. "And those griffons? They'll never see Wing's Reach again," She added.

"You knew this was going to happen, and you allowed it? Are you insane?!" Wildcard shouted, "You let a murderer in with the Princess's, you let the griffons attack the very capital, and I almost got killed!" He ran up and prodded her chest, ignoring the sound of weapons being unsheathed.

"How many died today, how may died for your recklessness? Does Lu-" She pushed him down, and he found himself surrounded by pikes.

"This is war, Ambassdor. Ponies die, I saved lives today! With Zeta out of the picture, I can start work on our final victory. Stay out of my way, or you'll lose more then your office," She threatened, and stepped over him. The guards stayed for a moment with their pikes, and then left after her. Together they disappeared down a hallway, Wildcard swallowed his rage and let them go.

"There's going to be a reckoning, you can't get away with this!" Wildcard shouted after them.


Luna leapt across the table for the door, stopping short as the crack of a gun heralded a bullet whizzing past. She put a hoof to her side and caught First Class, stopping her short of the hallway while a few more bullets went past, and then silences filled the hallway.

"Let him go," Luna ordered, turning to see Wildcards love, trembling with fear and adrenaline, her eyes intently looking out into the hallway.

"What if he gets hurt? I have to help him!" She yelled, and pressed against Luna's arm. Greater forces then her had tried and failed to move that arm.

"What if you get hurt?" Luna asked, closing the door magically.

"I can handle myself, Princess, wh-"

A soft loud thud broke the silence, and she pressed against Luna with a renewed vigor.

"I have no doubt you can handle yourself, but you're responsible for more then yourself now," Luna said, mindful of the clearly visible bump in her sisters assistants midsection.

She looked up to the Princess of the Night, and received a warm smile. Luna put a hoof on her shoulder and led her back to the meeting table.

"She's right, and he can handle himself," Celestia said from behind. "The Legion has things well in control out there, we'll be safest here," She added.

"You're not going to blast them with your horn, or something?" First Class suggested. Princess Twilight seemed to perk up at the suggestion, but Celestia shook her head as First Class took her place beside her.

"It's a slippery slope, using that kind of power has a way of changing you," She replied.

"This is a fact, such power is tempered for a reason. Perhaps, however..."

Celestia shot her sister a look that silenced her.

The door swung open, and they all rose with their glowing horns pointed at it, but were relieved to be greeted by Field Martial Armour.

"Shining!" Cadence shouted, and dashed to embrace him. He took her up, and looked past with the eyes of a season soldier towards the other alicorns.

"The griffons are in full retreat, and it doesn't look like they have reinforcements. This was a raid, not an invasion," He reported.

Celestia and Luna both sighed with relief, Canterlot could hold against a siege, but it would be painful.

"What about the changeling traitor?" Luna asked.

"Dead, he won't be bothering us anymore," Shining said, coming to take his place hoof and hoof with his wife.

"And Wildcard?" First Class asked.

"The Ambassador? He's fine, can't say the same for his office though," Shining replied, taking his seat.

"Oh thank Celestia," First Class sighed, relieved.

Celestia couldn't help but laugh, "Wasn't me."

A few minutes of talk about the damage to Canterlot, which was thankfully minimal, later Air Martial Spitfire arrived.

"Good Afternoon Air Martial, have you contacted the fleet?" Celestia addressed as she walked in.

"I sent a runner to Ponyville, the Magnificent is on it's way. It'll be too late to go after those griffons though, damned cowards will be long gone," she replied, and took her seat. She polished off the nameplate before settling in.

Only a moment later General Masse arrived, and with a nod to his superior took his seat beside Spitfire. Almost immediately they started having a hushed, but intense, argument. Celestia pointed this out to her sister, who shrugged it off.

Three seats remained empty, the next of which arrived at the doorway with the composure of a cat that had just been startled.

"Ambassador Pike- you look like you're expecting..." Luna paused, she was going to say 'war' but that seemed insensitive.

"The Legion only just started letting trains arrive, just what the buck is going on around here?!" He asked feverishly, glancing around for his place.

"Have a seat, an we'll explain everything," Celestia offered. He did so, glancing around as the situation was explained.

"It's really that bad?" He asked upon being caught up. His reply was a nod from Celestia.

"So what can I do, then?" He asked.

"Field Martial, General, Air Martial, Attention!" Luna ordered, and then nodded to her sister as the side conversation fell to silence.

"The Wonderbolts need a ground force, but the Legion refuses to let them be in direct control, this is where you come in- General," Celestia said.

"General?!" Pike exclaimed.

"General. You will be in charge of this new 'Marine Corps'. Members will be pulled from the Legion, and a wing of Wonderbolts will be attached. You will report both to the Air Martial and the Field Martial- if you accept," Celestia explained.

All eyes were on Ambassador Pike as he considered. "You're really that desperate huh? Well, I don't suppose I do much in the hive- they pretty much just keep me around because they like me," He said, and paused before pulling the trigger.

"I accept," General Pike finished.

"Good, the details can be worked out later," Celestia said, and seeing something at the door rose along with her sister.

"Ambassador Vizitane, I'm glad you could make it," She said, giving a slight curtsy. Twilight and Cadence followed with the same, exchanging an unsure glance. Neither of the had seen this zebra before.

"I apologize for the state of security, You weren't hurt were you?" Celestia asked.

Vizitane shook his head, and filled the second seat. "Oh no, no need to apologize. This was completely out of your control, and suits my needs rather well, actually,"

"Oh?" Luna asked.

"The griffons made a fatal mistake today- they attacked a zebra owned business. While it was empty, and none were hurt, it will be enough. Along with the situation in the south, this will be enough for the Emperor to justify intervention,"

"That's fantastic, news! With the south under control we can focus fully on the ocean," Luna noted.

"You can indeed, and we stand to make significant... gains.. in the south," Vizitane said, clacking his hooves together on the table.

Luna looked over the room, and satisfied with some inner question turned to her sister, "Before we get started, could we talk outside- in private?" Luna asked.

Celestia nodded, and silently followed her sister outside. The door shut behind them, and the two guards that had been standing watch went inside behind them.

"I'm going to call the vote," Luna said.

"I suspected as much, you've been drumming up support for days now, " Celestia returned.

"It's no secret that I think it is I who should be in charge, that is true. I just want to... make sure this doesn't come between us," Luna said.

"You've ruled for as long as I have, and if you think it's the best thing to do, then so be it. At least this time you haven't torn down the castle," Celestia smirked, and continued. "I'll fight, don't think I won't. But if you win, then I won't stand in the way."

"I expect no less, I won't hold back," Luna warned,

"Neither will I," Celestia returned, and pushed open the door.

"Sister," She said, gesturing inside.


Wildcard turned and departed back for the meeting room. He considered bursting in and accusing Mezza Luna of treason, but the Night Guard surely wouldn't be brought down that easy. There was nothing he could do right now, but perhaps they had wronged some of the others and a plan could be conceived. He would tell Luna on his own time, she trusted him enough to believe him, but she might well agree with their methods. They were successful, if reckless, and managed to remove the threat of Zeta and his mercenaries. It was a stupid plan though, and could have destroyed them all.

That, and it had almost gotten himself killed. Himself and, gritting his teeth with rage at the thought, First Class.

Mezza Luna was gonna pay, in time. For now Wildcard had a vote to observe. He obviously didn't have a vote in the regency election, but was entitled to observe. The idea was tossed around after yesterday's meeting, which lined up perfectly with the final liberation of Baltimare. The fleet was staging there, the Legion was ready, and a few hundred changeling warriors were even on standby. Tomorrow they would finally be rid of the griffon threat in the north.

Luna had asked him last night, intruding on his dreams, again, if the she would have the hives support. His answer was as simple as it was true: "No more or less then Celestia,"

Wildcard himself supported her, she was a pony that could get things done. Almost like Chrysalis, except her plans actually succeeded.

Wildcard came up on the meeting room, and was relieved to see it was guarded now. Nodding at him Wildcard passed inside, and closed the doors behind him as he entered into a fierce debate. He silently weaved behind the others and took a seat on the corner, exchanging a smile with First Class.

"... Alright that's enough, we've all got our own ideas on how to fight this war, which means there's only one way to proceed. You all know the rules. Myself, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining Armour can all run, and will be allowed opening arguments. All of you- less our friends here, can vote, agreed?" Celestia said, the 'nominees' nodded their approval.

Equestria had an odd form of governance, almost seemingly made up on the fly. The important part was those with the real power agreed with it, and thus it was barely written down if at all.

"As you all know, the office of Queen Regent has existed only once before, taken by myself in the absence of my sister in order to better repair the fallout from that... dark period. For Nine hundred years there has been no Queen Regent, and the office represents the total faith of all of Equestria," Celestia explained.

Looking across the room he noticed the other 'friends'. Ambassador Vizitane of the Zebra's was here, and strangely so was Ambassador Pike, it had been a long time since Wildcard had seen the Equestrian Ambassador to the Changelings. They all exchanged nods.

"I won't be running, and neither will my husband," Princess Cadence said, Shining Armour nodded his agreement.

"That leaves us then," Twilight said, seated in between Celestia and Luna.

Wildcard grinned to himself, and settled into his chair. Princess Twilight Sparkle was apparently going to try for it, this might be fun.

"Well, by all means then you can argue first, Princess," Luna suggested.

Twilight stood, looking proud in her royal regalia. Spitfire, sitting somewhat to the side beside the General, suppressed laughter.

"I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, may be Equestria's newest Princess, but I do have something to offer," She opened, and conjured up a glowing field of blue. "Magic,"

"I propose that we use our most powerful magic, and go on the offensive. Who needs a fleet, or armies, or even weapons when we can bend time and space? We could lift the griffon home islands into the air!" She exclaimed, and extinguished the effect.

Wildcard, and the rest, were horrified at the idea.

"You have no idea what you're getting into Twilight Sparkle, such reckless use of powerful magic would destroy our world!" Luna shouted.

"What's the alternative, Princess? Hundreds have already died, and we have the power to end this all in one fell swoop!" Twilight returned, slamming the table.

"My sister is right, Twilight. Such power cannot be controlled even by the best of us, we live in dark times indeed, but what you propose is lighting the whole world on fire," Celestia argued.

"I can control it, let me help! I can save them!" Twilight argued bitterly, Wildcard saw a visible tear drop from her eye.

He felt sorry for her, all this chaos thrown at here mere months into her reign. She must feel powerless, yet everybody looked up to her to save them. Imagine a million people calling for help, and having so much power that you could only destroy them if you tried to save them.

She shook on the table, stammering. Shining Armour whispered something in his wife's ear and came to her side.

"Twilight, relax, you can't take the whole world on your shoulders," He said, softly.

"I'm a princess, that's what princess's do! Celestia raises the sun, Luna raises the moon, Cadence looks after the Crystal Empire- I have to..."

She fell into her brothers arms, crying. Hushed conversations ran through the room as he led her out the doors, closing them softly behind him.

Celestia sighed and shook her head. "This war is bringing out the worst in all of us, which is why I argue we must strive to take a defensive posture. Cooler heads will prevail eventually, with the griffons off the continent we can fortify our position," She said.

"Fortify, and wait for a repeat of today? Or Black Friday? Or Baltimare? Unless we remove their ability to fight, they will return. They will return and we still don't know what it is they want the crystal heart for- we must retrieve it before they use it for whatever end," Luna retorted.

"A repeat of today would cost far less lives then an invasion of the griffon home islands. Do you have any idea how many troops, how much supplies, and how much time that would take? I've gone over this Luna- ten thousand casualties. Ten thousand. That's assuming the griffons don't have any more surprises!" Celestia yelled.

"If we don't then we set ourselves up as a weak nation, unable to protect itself! The griffons won't be our only problems, every two bit warlord on the planet will be out to grab a piece of the Equestrian pie! If ten thousand valiant sacrifices is what it takes to ensure our freedom, then so be it!" Luna returned.

"May I remind you, sister, that the regency was originally created to fix your mistakes? How can we trust you with this power, considering you almost killed me trying to take it in the first place!" Celestia argued, staring her sister down.

Wildcard joined the gasps around the room. This was getting dirty.

"My mistakes? I strengthened our nation! I founded our healthcare system, unified the guard, nationalized the trains, and created our school system- you never did repeal those acts!" Luna yelled, meeting her glare.

"You also made taxes nearly universal, created communal farms, conscripted thousands into your new guard, annexed a half dozen independent states, and nearly went to war with the zebras!"

Wildcard noted the history lesson, fascinating.

"And I'll do it all again! Those measures are exactly what we need right now!" Luna shouted, and turned to the others. They all nodded their approval- except General Mass.

"I call the vote," Luna said, sitting.

Celestia did as well, she had spent her magazine.

"Second," Cadence added.

First Class sat up, finally able to do her job. "Vote is called, we'll start on the left," She said, banging a small gavel on the table (where she had been keeping it the whole time Wildcard hadn't the faintest idea.)

"Abstain," Celestia muttered.

Luna mulled it over for a moment, she couldn't vote for herself, and Cadence had dropped out.

"Abstain," She said.

"Prince Shining Armour and I will vote for Princess Luna," Cadence said.

Wildcard glanced at Celestia as First Class noted this, she had basically lost at this point, and seemed utterly heartbroken. He couldn't help but feel sympathetic, Luna would surely see Equestria victorious, but the cost would be enormous to the nation. A nation founded on the ideas of friendship and harmony, launching an offensive and surely bloody military campaign.

"I get a vote?" Pike asked.

"You do ,general, I have to admit we're basically making this up as we go," First Class replied.

Wildcard concealed a laugh. General. Equestria really must be desperate for leadership if they were calling up the pony that disobeyed his orders to save the changelings.

He rolled his head around, considering his options.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle," He said. Wildcard was taken aback, but the others just shrugged it off.

"Princess Celestia," General Masse said quickly after him.

"Princess Luna," Air Martial Spitfire added.

The door opened, and Shining Armour returned with his sister. Her eyes were damp with tears, but she seemed to have regained her composure.

"I vote for Princess Luna, and let's get this over with," She said.

Luna grinned and rose from her position, First Class banged her gavel.

"I then, by whatever powers I have now, declare Princess Luna the second Queen Regent of Equestria. May she help us all," She announced.

Celestia quickly left, General Masse behind her.

"Field Martial, start the draft," Luna ordered, Shining nodded and departed with Cadence behind him.

"Air Martial, have your fleet prepare for oceanic operations, and get General Pike set up. I'll give you twenty thousand from the Legion- make good use of it," Luna ordered her.

"Yes ma'am!" Spitfire replied with a sharp salute. She was grinning nearly ear to ear as she led Pike out, explaining something deeply rooted in military jargon to him.

"First Class, continue to assist my sister in whatever duties she sees fit to take, and Ambassador," Luna gestured to Wildcard.

"I believe you have something to say, so we will leave you two alone," Luna said, and left. Vizitane followed after her, with a wink to his counterpart.

First Class cocked an eyebrow and came to Wildcard, taking his hoof in hers.

"What's up, and why does Luna know?" She asked.

Wildcard sighed, he was dreaming of their wedding last night, Luna must have been there for some time.

He reached into his scorched pocket, and produced a heart shaped gem. It was blue, but if you looked at it at a certain angle a green hue was visible inside. Wildcard bent down and offered it to her.

"First Class, will y-"

She pulled him back up. "Yes, of course," She said, and took him in with a kiss that seemed, to Wildcard, like a perfect moment in time.

Author's Note:


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