• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!

More Blog Posts177

  • 3 weeks
    Apr-Jun 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Sensorites and Sensibility

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    3 comments · 25 views
  • 16 weeks
    Jan-Mar 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Terror of the Crablikes!

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    1 comments · 78 views
  • 27 weeks
    Supermassive 2023 Art Dump

    So! Back. Not dead. Big surprise. Life's been kinda hectic for awhile now for a variety of reasons I won't go too much into, but I've had a nice long break and am feeling ready to get back to a semi-regular writing schedule! However, I have still been doing art for the past,,, six months, has it really been that long? Jeez. So, here's a big ol' pile of stuff that I haven't shared here, by month.

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    5 comments · 104 views
  • 56 weeks
    Hues of June Week 3

    Hues of June 18a - Flesh!Big Macintosh
    (Spoilered for body horror)
    Nothing like a hard day’s work to get up an appetite.
    tbh, this might be one of the best things I’ve ever drawn in terms of anatomy and shading.

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  • 57 weeks
    Hues of June Week 2

    You know what time it is!

    Hues of June 11a - Eye!Sunset

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April Rainbows 4 & Sundry Updates · 3:44pm Apr 30th, 2022

Hello, and welcome to the final installment of April Rainbows. It's been a great experience, and I've enjoyed the challenge of the limited palette.

Next month, I've scheduled another art month, which is something I freely admit is deranged. I'll probably just be doing a big art dump of those at the end of the month rather than weekly update. I'm calling it 'Horrible Things We Say May' because all of the days' prompts are things my friends and I have said in conversation!

Finally, I've updated the Sunset Archives today. The final installments may be a bit delayed, as we're coming into finals season, followed quickly by graduation season, so I'm going to be a bit preoccupied. Once this first part of the Sunset Archives is over, I intend to return to the Doctor Whooves series for a little while.

Anyway, that's all the announcements I've got. Here's the art.

April Rainbows 25 - Concept for an original regeneration of the Doctor to play in the DWRPG (3/3: The Doctor of Hearth) in Reignite

April Rainbows 26 - Library Knight in Hopeless Romantic
A return and tribute to my middle school fursona

April Rainbows 29 - Anglerfish in Punk Rocker
Ah, Anglerfish. Episode one of the Magnus Archives, and just like the title suggests, the episode is an excellent lure to draw in listeners...

April Rainbows 30 - Kobold 13 in Handshake
The Thirteenth Doctor as a kobold artificer, because it's fun to reimagine characters to play in D&D, and even more so to turn them into furries.


Report Sixes_And_Sevens · 120 views ·
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