• Member Since 12th Jul, 2019
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Darth Wrex


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  • Wednesday
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. (Snap fingers)

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  • 1 week
    G5 Adventures Segment 7

    Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Back to G5 Adventures, we go. This part on 'The Smurfs' and 'Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword'. These two basically follow their respective movies. If I'm being honest, I didn't care much for the former... Never was a fan of the franchise... But it was impressive how the writer altered it for the fan fiction. As for the Samurai

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  • 1 week
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. We Witch!

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  • 2 weeks
    Spike and the Ninja Turtles

    Hey everyone, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Get ready for a iconic meet up. I'm reviewing 'Spike and the Ninja Turtles', a crossover between MLP and 2012 TMNT. In this story, Spike gets displaced from his home thanks to the Kraang and ends up being rescued by the iconic brothers. This story follows the series' script pretty well while alternating for Spike's involvement. I enjoyed the

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  • 2 weeks
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. Spiders, the animals of Halloween.

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Song of the Week · 3:26pm Apr 13th, 2022

Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. Song Chargers, Ready!

Comments ( 33 )

One of the catchiest theme songs for Power Rangers.

Definitely my favorite season of Power Rangers

Comment posted by Ocellus The Changeling deleted Nov 23rd, 2022

Gotta love the Power Ranger theme song. They never stop being original.

i love this one it is one of my favorites

Glad to hear that.

but my other favorite is the time force theme

Darth! Can ya do Blue dabba dee by eiffle 65 for next weeks song of the week?

Don't know what that is

Its a song from the 90s europop band Eiffle 65 and the song wasnt a hit until the early 2000s. But the song is on Youtube.

Sorry. I can't do it. Don't want to get in legal trouble.

You think Notacon and Dash are okay?

i have no idea what you are talking about sorry

ah okay two things one i have not watch all the way through time force but i will since it's on Netflix, and two it's good that they became good guys but considering how mutants are viewed and treated by humans in the future but maybe with the help of the rangers those two might be okay.

Dash has to serve his time, but Notacon is eligible for Community Service.

How would you get in legal trouble over sharing a song?

So how are you not getting in trouble sharing this one, which is also YouTube?

Also, just to get in the mood of the song

International laws. Plus, I'm not a big fan of Europop

Ah, ok. You might get a kick out of the music video though, it's so cheesy it's impossible to not laugh at some point

well that's good

Yep. Whatever the case... I hope they're alright.

also i found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXAtbZOJalQ&t=390s sometime ago while looking for any decent power ranger fan series it actually pretty well made

yeah i hope so to

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