• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Serinity Southerland

Hobby Writer, Fledgling Fanfic Creator

More Blog Posts8

  • 59 weeks

    Hello everyone! I hope this finds you well! Better than me, at the very least :twilightsheepish:

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    13 comments · 515 views
  • 85 weeks

    Hello everyone! I hope this blog post finds you well!

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    9 comments · 526 views
  • 94 weeks

    Hello, everyone! I hope this blog post finds you well, because I know it's been a while since my last post. :twilightblush:

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    8 comments · 359 views
  • 109 weeks
    Temporary Delay

    Hello everyone! I hope this finds you well!

    There will not be a release this weekend, as I will be out of town for a very close friend's birthday. If I am able, I will make a post mid-week, and another post on my regular schedule.

    I sincerely apologize for making you all wait, but I hope to see you when the chapter drops! Until then!

    5 comments · 310 views
  • 118 weeks
    Temporary Delay

    Hello Everyone! I hope this finds you well!

    I just wanted to make it known that due to some medical issues, I will not be able to post this week's chapter of "Zinnias." You can expect the next regular chapter release next Saturday.

    1 comments · 270 views

Birthday Delay? · 7:35pm Feb 16th, 2022

Hello everyone! Hope your Valentines week has been a blast! As for me, well...

I'm pretty close to being a Valentines baby myself, my birthday is tomorrow. I'll be taking a weekend vacation to a cabin in the mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle of my town. I'll do my best to post the next chapter on Saturday (Feb. 19, 2022) but I may be late a day or two. In the meantime, I'll be using my vacation to come up with new idea about the story and nail down where I want it to go in the end while relaxing by the campfire.

As far as how much of "Zinnias" is completed; I have about 7 weeks of material on backlog for you guys, but things are only just getting started. I have to say, thank you again for taking the time to read my first fanfic in what I hope will become a growing list of works. You don't know how much every view means to me, and I'm truly grateful to everyone for giving me the courage to keep posting.

Until my next post, have a wonderful week!

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