• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A Pole by birth, a Lawgiver by trade and a Trickster by choice. Altogether a most friendly, sociopathic madman. At your service...

More Blog Posts87

  • 1 week
    The Year's Outline

    ... because I don't want to use "rundown" again.

    Greetings, everyone.

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    10 comments · 244 views
  • 2 weeks
    Christmas Time, Yet Again, And That's Fine!

    Greetings, everyone!

    Don't let the title discourage you, though it might sound a little off. True, I am not used to using blogs on this site to do much more than wish everyone the best, as well as rant about every year's progress, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

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  • 54 weeks
    The Years Go By...

    ... but I'm still here!

    Greetings, everyone.

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  • 54 weeks
    It's Christmas, My Friends!

    Greetings, everyone!

    I was deliberating the "my dudes" joke in the title, but I figured out it would be too ridiculous, even for me. And while I wouldn't want to presume some deep acquaintanceship with anybody not comfortable with it, Friendship sure is Magic, as we were told for many, many years!

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    4 comments · 191 views
  • 106 weeks
    The Year's Rundown

    Greetings, everyone!

    My, what a year it was! Well, one could say that every year can be summarized by such a statement, yet I have a distinct feeling like this particular one could actually earn it properly, you know? Why? Well, let me tell you a little bit about it, if you would be so kind as to give me a moment to describe it.

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Best Christmas Wishes! · 9:56am Dec 25th, 2021


The season to be jolly is upon us again! Well, naive happiness and capitalistic capitalizing aside, it is a special time of the year that can be filled with joy and delight. As well as granting us the strength to persevere and continue our journeys through life.

Because, let's be honest, it has been a tough time for all of us. For many reasons, I imagine, especially one being worldwide and universal. The more grateful we should be that we have managed to reach this magical time in which our hearts should be open and our thoughts with each other.

Which is why I want to offer these small, Christmas wishes of good health, prosperity and God's blessings upon everyone. I sincerely hope that you shall all use this, albeit short, time to rest, recuperate and relax. A new year is coming soon, filled with more challenges, but I believe we shall face them all. Together and with dignity.

With that, important step done, I'd like to also inform that a small blog regarding the year's progress and my upcoming plans shall appear on the 31st of December and I'll be more than glad to share some information of my own cruise through life and writing with you, if you are only interested.

For now, stay safe, stay positive and stay tuned,


Report Gulheru · 241 views · #gulheru
Comments ( 7 )

Merry Christmas to you too Gulheru! It has definitely been a tough time for us all, but let's hope that this will be the last Christmas will spend in this situation.


Hear, hear. But it's up to us to make it so, as well! :pinkiesmile:

That's the beauty of Christmas' link with Easter; today we celebrate the man who will die on Good Friday and rise again after three days, allowing us to recognize that, while there will be difficulties in life, like Samwise Gamgee noted in The Return of the King, they are only a small and passing thing, one that fails to mar the joy of eternity which we receive a taste of today. Christmas is fundamentally a day of hope, one that not even the darkness of the Crucifixion on Good Friday can blot out; however bad our troubles may appear, we will get through them, and rise again all the stronger.

Merry Christmas, and peace and goodwill towards those who don't celebrate it.


Amen, my friend, amen. Let all cherish this time, for God's grace came to and for all. :twilightsmile:

Merry Xmas and a Happy Holidays to you and your kin, as well as to Twilight, Midnight, Rowan Berry, Moonwarden, and all the rest.


Someone wishing Moonwarden the best? Be still my beating heart! :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you very much.

Sunfall Ordain dressed up as Santa would be lovely :rainbowlaugh:

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