• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Horrifically Fun

More Blog Posts231

  • Tuesday
    Knock. Knock.

    We are back, DEAR READERS!

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    15 comments · 255 views
  • 108 weeks
    Women we are no longer, Ohms we be!


    Poetry alert! Poetry alert! Poetry Alert!

    Oh my! Is that an Aria huggin' Blaze at my keyboard?!

    [Warning, Sharp Edges and DJs Aheads!]

    DJ-p0n3 here with buet butt-kicker Aria Blaze

    JUSTICE AND VENGEANCE AND SUNSET & ARIA B & VYNIL look, we made a poem it's on CommaFull.

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  • 108 weeks
    Short story posting!

    Sunset and I and a bunch of others, (:pinkiehappy: There was a Ninja, some woman with green hair named Gertrude, probably my sister Vengeance, and Lord Skywalker. You know. The one that likes to snorkle.) colabed on a story!

    If you like magic, myth, and also our poetry, please give it a read!

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    1 comments · 508 views
  • 109 weeks
    Blessings of the Supreme Beings and Creators (Blessings for the Terrestrials)

    May the stars above, below, and around you be your guide

    May they shine through the blackest nights, shine on the cloudiest days, and shine through the whitest days

    May the sky keep you. May the clouds watch over you

    May the rains caress and keep you well

    May day bring you joy and night keep you safe

    May the earth and ground beneath you guide your path

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    5 comments · 470 views
  • 109 weeks
    Like a mighty Pheonix, the Fox Returns.

    We interrupt your irregular scheduled assault on Society Indoctrination to bring more unscheduled assaults on Society Indoctrinations.

    Hey read-a-rinos!

    Remember when using the internet didn't suck and Wookiepedia didn't redirect you to Disneylazyland Star Wars pages?

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    10 comments · 616 views

Changing the ratings on some things! · 8:39pm Nov 17th, 2021

In a bout of extreme remembering, he was some people's moral compass, Justice changed some ratings. Stories still are there he just realized that "mature" means what it means to the reader.

Hello reader,

The clan is back and we've decided the kids, who haven't quite grasped morality are in charge!

Why'd we do that?

Maybe we have to accept we're so narcissistic sometimes that we believe our own minors are geniuses!

Still, not charging for the site, it's free. It's gen fic time.

Comments ( 4 )

... I'm confused, but happy to hear from you.

I'm confused.

Is it all that much less confusing than his stories?

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