• Member Since 15th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2022


Earth pony enthusiast

More Blog Posts78

  • 171 weeks
    MLP: TNG

    I'm a month late to this, but here's my take on MLP: TNG (or whatever we're calling it). I was underwhelmed the first time I watched it, but I gave it a second chance, and it started to grow on me. I think my mistake was watching Raya and the Last Dragon just a few days before the G5 movie. Both movies have similar themes and plots, but they handle them differently. More on that later.

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  • 173 weeks
    Revisiting the Final Season

    A few months ago, I rewatched Season 9, and I liked it even better than the first time I saw it. There were still two episodes that I didn't care for: “3, 2, 1, Greaaat” and “Trivial Pursuit.” With both of those episodes, I went into them with the mindset that I would skip to the next episode when they started to annoy me. I only made it a few minutes into each episode.

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  • 174 weeks

    It's been awhile since I've posted any updates. Things happened one after another to make me lose interest in multicolored ponies. First the show ended, and then real world problems started happening. Then came the worst case scenario – I lost my father in February of this year.

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  • 237 weeks
    Random update

    I haven't been on this site as much as I use to because of real life distractions. Not all of the distractions have been good, but the good ones are truly amazing.

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  • 241 weeks
    Pony Life is a regression to Season One

    Maybe it's just because the MLP stop-motion shorts lowered my expectations, but so far I think Pony Life is okay. I wouldn't call it good, but at least it doesn't directly insult older fans the way Thundercats Roar does (or so I've heard). I enjoy Pony Life's animation style enough to recommend watching five minutes of it. Plus, there is actual dialog spoken by the same VA's from FiM, and they

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Revisiting the Final Season · 11:26am Oct 14th, 2021

A few months ago, I rewatched Season 9, and I liked it even better than the first time I saw it. There were still two episodes that I didn't care for: “3, 2, 1, Greaaat” and “Trivial Pursuit.” With both of those episodes, I went into them with the mindset that I would skip to the next episode when they started to annoy me. I only made it a few minutes into each episode.

Setting aside those episodes, I thoroughly enjoyed “Sparkle's Seven,” “Frenemies,” “Going to Seed,” “Between Dark and Dawn,” “The Big Mac Question,” and “The Ending of the End.”

And then there's “The Last Problem.” Right after it aired, I wrote:

Maybe this is a better episode that I'm giving it credit for and I'm just sad that FiM is over.

This turned out to be the case. When I rewatched the episode more than a year later, I was pleasantly surprised that most of the things that bothered me the first time don't irritate me anymore. I actually like seeing the Mane Six having their own careers while helping to lead Equestria, and I even appreciate seeing Pinkie's and Big Mac's children. The only thing I still don't like is another Lightword Time-of-day unicorn mare as the princess's special student. Is Twilight grooming a replacement so soon? And if so, does it have to be another unicorn? It does work as a framing device for the flashbacks, but they could just as easily have had the Mane Six and Spike reminisce about Twilight's coronation. That being said, the series still ends on a high note, which is more than I can say for most shows.

Comments ( 2 )

Twilight's been through the "immortal god-queen is surprisingly ineffectual in a crisis" routine too many times to not groom a Plan B. To say nothing of providing herself with a new generation of friends. It may sound callous, but it's better than pining after the other Bearers centuries after they pass on.

Yeah, I loved this season (it's in my top 3 or 4), and I also loved Trivial Pursuit honestly.
Oof, depressing but blunt.

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