• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
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MasterBrony Forever

Hey! I writer anything with my favorite characters, Spike, Ember, Smolder, Discord, Fizzle, Garble...that is most of works and coming works.

More Blog Posts136

  • 112 weeks
    New Story Soon

    Got a new story already to be posted, but I am thinking of finding/making some cover art for it before posting cause stories with some type of cover art are always more interesting lol

    Garble x Smolder Incest Fic.

    3 comments · 203 views
  • 140 weeks
    How Spike x Rarity Looks to Me

    Whenever I think about the episode where Rarity is not written well this is how I see Spike and Rarity's reltionship:

    0 comments · 185 views
  • 147 weeks
    Looking for Writer to Commission

    I am considering taking some off hand story ideas I have and would love to write and testing getting them written by someone else.

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    5 comments · 241 views
  • 151 weeks
    Story Bonus Chapters and Sequals

    Me and my friend beirirangu are currently collabing on each and every story we do. And we are doing our best to make one-shots to keep some form of content coming out without years of gaps in between anymore. While also helping us improve on writing quicker stuff for short burst of ideas we have.

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    2 comments · 358 views
  • 156 weeks
    New Stories in Pipeline

    Hello! It has been a while.

    Me and beirirangu have been dealing with some IRL stuff as of late but we have been working on a few stories when we can. Hopefully we can share them with you soon.

    One story will be going up later today in fact! A Spike x Celestia story. Hope you all are looking forward to that~

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    0 comments · 230 views

Looking for Writer to Commission · 10:19pm Sep 26th, 2021

I am considering taking some off hand story ideas I have and would love to write and testing getting them written by someone else.

I have a lot of one shot quickie ideas I don't think I have enough skill to write a full story on. If you know anyone here on FIMFiction that takes story commissions and is cool with working on not only straight stories but gay stories with ships that are not part of the "norm" feel free to link them in the comments so I can poke around and see their stuff.

Cause so many ideas I have just die cause I am unable to write out the full details. I have the basic idea that starts it, and stuff I would love to see in it, but not enough time or thought to fully flesh out all the minor details.

So help a fellow brony out and link some writers who take commissions below if you want.

Report MasterBrony Forever · 241 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Depends on the nature of the ideas!

Got ideas galore lol, like they come and go daily just cause I think it is hot. lol

If any dragon based ones you got, I'll tackle them.

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