Bound Snow Hiatus · 11:01pm Sep 24th, 2021
If you read the authors note at the end of the last chapter, you should know that I have been having a bit of writer's block lately. Well, I haven't gotten over it and have thus decided to put the story of hiatus. I really dislike it when authors just abandon stories, so when I started writing Bound Snow, I promised myself I would stick to a scheduled and continue writing until it was done. I don't think it is fair to the readers to leave them hanging on a story they got invested in. But, as I was writing the chapter for tomorrow, that I had put off for most of the last two weeks, I realized that I was being unfair to my reader in another way. The chapter I was working on, and I think the last few chapters, haven't been my best, writer's block sapped my passion for the story and I think that showed. So, I decided that it would be better to give myself some time to rest, to over come this block, rather then to keep pushing out dispassionate, subpar work. I hope to keep myself writing during my hiatus, so when I come back, I can come back strong.
Until then, thank you for your support.
I thought the last two chapters were good myself, but take a break if you need to. No reason to overwork yourself.