• Member Since 27th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2023


“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain”

More Blog Posts8

  • 104 weeks
    Greasing the gears again

    I’ve been slacking. Work and school were taking turns beating me but, now school is over wit. Searching for a new job while working shit load hours so time to write has been little and to make things worse I’m usually too tired to write by then. Hopefully tonight starts a rhythm and I get cooking again.

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  • 145 weeks
    Bonus chapter coming up

    Given the context of the next chapter and where we left off, it only feels appropriate I make this extra scene a bonus treat. While shorter then a normal chapter it will be exclusively CLOP. It has a little build up beforehand but I will not be putting a warning within the chapter as it would serve no purpose given the chapters intent.

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  • 160 weeks
    Good stuff

    I like writing cuddle scenes

    I like cuddles

    I put them in my story

    I hope you enjoy them as much as I do

    Next chapter has some early cuddles

    It’s also gunna be long so prepare for a thicc wait

    Also big D is going to be in it and I hope you all will love how I write him.


    1 comments · 123 views
  • 184 weeks
    Fell in love

    So I’ve been watching this show and honestly when I stopped years ago it turns out I skipped out on lots of episodes around season 3. I’ve made sure to find out exactly where we are chronologically in the story and have planned ahead accordingly. Either season 3 and season 4 are amazing or I’ve fallen in love with this show unlike when I stopped watching around 2012-13

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  • 186 weeks
    Future Expectations

    During my rewatch of the series I’ve realized that some of my characters are a little off to my liking. I believe my dialogue will be much better on my return. Also with watching content I’ve never seen before, there’s much more to happen in my little universe! Since we’ve gone past the original planned story I’ll have to have episodes from the show be our new guideline. With each moment I watch

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Sad Boi Noises · 8:32am May 28th, 2021

Good news and bad news, good news is that I got a new job that’s willing to give me more hours and doesn’t suck! Bad news is I’m not going to have nearly as much time to write this story.

Given the fact it’s a night shift and I’ll be going to school again, this story will experience a large increase in time between chapters. The newest chapter I’m currently writing shouldn’t take much longer to come out but after it, there’s sure to be some constipation. I’d like to apologize in advance and give you a paragraph from the new chapter to let you take a guess at what’s coming up. (It’s a bribe to prevent y’all from beating me up)

“Peering out the window there’s an apparent change in scenery compared to what I had last seen. Rather than the vast flat fields and farms surrounding Ponyville, a series of mountainous terrain made up the horizon. Taking a second to lean more toward the window at our approaching destination it’s clear that we’re rising in elevation as well. In the distance stands a large mountain, it’s snow tipped peaks remain high etched into the sky, at points breaching the clouds. Squinting for a closer look there’s an even more surprising sight. A vast city built into the mountain side, it’s walls coated with bright colors consisting of whites and tans. Almost like something out of The Lord of the Ring, I feel as if I’m looking at Minas Tirith in its entirety. Completely shocked at what I’m witnessing, it can only be described as magical, a true wonder of this world. How could such a place exist?”

Report wubnub · 107 views · Story: I’m trying ·
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