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Mino Mortigan

Hello! Part-time brony, full-time nerd. Usually go by Mino. Have a nice day!

More Blog Posts4

  • 172 weeks
    Light and Shadow: The Darkness Scale of Fanfiction

    Hello! I apologize for my period of relative inactivity, but real life intervened. In any case, today I want to talk about fanfiction and the differences in tone that occur between the source material and the derivative work. MLP: FiM will provide our examples today.

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  • 185 weeks
    I'm No Irving Berlin, But...

    Hello again! Welcome to 2021, and may all its days be filled with sunshine. I know that last year was The Worst Year, but hopefully we, as a world, can move on and heal. Moving on to lighter topics, I have a lyric rewrite for "This Day Aria," which is totally unnecessary and which I can neither defend nor justify.

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  • 190 weeks
    What to Expect

    Hello again! Today, I'm posting mainly to set up some expectations concerning my blogging on FimFiction.

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  • 193 weeks
    It's All About Me! (This Blog Post, I Mean)

    So, this is my first blog post! I'm writing this mostly because I want to get some of my thoughts on MLP out there, and don't want to just spam comments with irrelevant stuff that only I want to talk about. In any case, welcome!

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Light and Shadow: The Darkness Scale of Fanfiction · 3:18pm Apr 6th, 2021

Hello! I apologize for my period of relative inactivity, but real life intervened. In any case, today I want to talk about fanfiction and the differences in tone that occur between the source material and the derivative work. MLP: FiM will provide our examples today.

To start off with, there are works that are comedic and light-hearted in tone, often more so than FiM. I include works that deal with adult themes in a humorous manner here, mostly because the tone is the same, even if the subject matter is vastly divergent from that which is appropriate for the intended demographic of MLP. An excellent example of these types of fanfics are the works of Justice3442. Swearing, alcoholism, and attempted murder all feature, but it's all in good fun (we hope). An example of a fanfic that is still comedic, but closer to the show in tone, is Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally), by RainbowDoubleDash.

Then there are fanfics which closely mirror the tone and feel of the show. They may feature more complex and nuanced plots, but still have the same "feel," so to speak. Once again, we turn to RainbowDoubleDash. His fanfic Trouble in Tiatarta is an example of such fanfics. It may feature drugged-up changelings taking blimps on joyrides, Queen Chrysalis meddling in things, and a romantic relationship between Smolder and Ocellus, but there are no lasting, major, negative consequences to the actions of the villains, and said villains are thwarted in the end. There are most likely many others which more closely resemble the show in tone, but I can't think of them off the top of my head, so no complaining.

Further down the scale, we come to fanfics that take on darker themes, with more complex storytelling and plotting than is present on the show, but are still ultimately about good ponies who eventually triumph over evil. An excellent example of this category is Moonlight Palaver, by Carabas. It, and subsequent sequels, depict the reactions of various leaders of other governments on Equus to the various crises which plague Equestria on a semi-annual basis. The leaders have varying moral frameworks, differing motivations, and a wide range of reactions to events, but many of the ones we focus on are ultimately good people, trying to do their best to deal with problems far beyond their ability to comprehend.

Next up are fanfics that are darker still, with themes like death, mental illness, and other such things. The best written fics in this category deal with these themes with respect and delicacy, not sensationalism. One such fic, which may not be the best, but still good, is Broken Blossom, by BronyWriter. Despite being a sequel to a story where Rarity is a serial killer, it still manages to tell a good story. It follows Sweetie Belle's daughter, Joyous Blossom, who struggles with Rarity's legacy and how it affects her life.

Lastly, we come to the grimdark fanfics. Cupcakes and the like. They deal with darkness for darkness' sake, which isn't really attractive to most people. But hey, if that's your thing, by all means, go ahead.

One question that I think it is worthwhile to ask is, "Are any of these approaches to writing fanfiction better than the others?" The answer, as I see it, is no. All viewpoints are equally valid, and as long as a story is well-written, enjoyable, and doesn't stray into offensive territory, then there isn't really any harm in authors sharing their work with others, regardless of tone. Of course, as always, I would love to hear any comments and thoughts about this topic. Until next time!

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