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Mino Mortigan

Hello! Part-time brony, full-time nerd. Usually go by Mino. Have a nice day!

More Blog Posts4

  • 172 weeks
    Light and Shadow: The Darkness Scale of Fanfiction

    Hello! I apologize for my period of relative inactivity, but real life intervened. In any case, today I want to talk about fanfiction and the differences in tone that occur between the source material and the derivative work. MLP: FiM will provide our examples today.

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  • 185 weeks
    I'm No Irving Berlin, But...

    Hello again! Welcome to 2021, and may all its days be filled with sunshine. I know that last year was The Worst Year, but hopefully we, as a world, can move on and heal. Moving on to lighter topics, I have a lyric rewrite for "This Day Aria," which is totally unnecessary and which I can neither defend nor justify.

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  • 190 weeks
    What to Expect

    Hello again! Today, I'm posting mainly to set up some expectations concerning my blogging on FimFiction.

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  • 193 weeks
    It's All About Me! (This Blog Post, I Mean)

    So, this is my first blog post! I'm writing this mostly because I want to get some of my thoughts on MLP out there, and don't want to just spam comments with irrelevant stuff that only I want to talk about. In any case, welcome!

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I'm No Irving Berlin, But... · 6:53pm Jan 3rd, 2021

Hello again! Welcome to 2021, and may all its days be filled with sunshine. I know that last year was The Worst Year, but hopefully we, as a world, can move on and heal. Moving on to lighter topics, I have a lyric rewrite for "This Day Aria," which is totally unnecessary and which I can neither defend nor justify.

So, it all started when I wondered to myself, "What if Chrysalis and Cadence were singing the song as the groom instead of the bride?" Not the most original of ideas, I know, but a line for the song popped into my head, and I said to myself, "What the heck," and rewrote the song around it. Afterwards, I checked YouTube, and found that someone else had had the same idea (except with Shining Armor and Chrysalis singing), and someone liked it enough to sing it. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyrT0bMNO1Y

Anyways, the point is that I really liked their version, specifically the line:

No I do not love the Bride! / For my heart is dead inside!

I would have used that, but One.) that would be plagiarism, and Two.) the line that popped into my head fully formed already took the spot, and I couldn't bear to part with it.

In any case, I did my best to match the original song beat for beat, keep the same number of syllables per line, have a consistent rhyme scheme, etc., etc. I think I did a good job, but in some cases I had to fudge it a little. See if you can spot the differences! Anyways, without further ado, I am proud to present "This Day Aria (r63)."

This day is going to be perfect / The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small / Everypony will come and see / Watch my beautiful bride and me / What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

This day was going to be perfect / The kind of day of day of which I've dreamed since I was small / But instead of sharing life / With a wonderful new wife / My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all.

I give no bucks about the tux / I won't partake in any cake / Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say / That through any kind of weather / I'll want us to be together / The truth is I don't care for her at all / No I do not love the bride / In my heart she can't reside! / But I still want her to be / All mine!

We must escape before it's too late / Find a way to save the day / Hope? I'll be lying if I say / "I don't fear that I may lose her / To one who wants to use her / Not care for, love, and cherish her each day." / For I oh so love my mate / To hold her I cannot wait / Oh, Gleaming Shield / I will not be too late!


Finally, the moment's very soon / For me to be one lucky groom / Oh the wedding we won't make / She'll end up marrying a fake / Gleaming Shield will be... / Mine / All mine. / EVIL LAUGH

So . . . Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? All are welcome!

I do have a few notes about the song. Firstly, anyone who wants to use it in their own work is welcome to it, provided they credit me in an author's note or something. I doubt anyone will take me up on that, but it helps to be clear and upfront about this kind of thing. Secondly, "Princess Cadence" can be substituted for "Gleaming Shield" without any problems. I don't really have any reason for this to be r63 in the first place, other than it fitting my vision of the song better.

Alright, enough about my own song. Now it's time to talk about the show's songs! For today's question, are there any songs from the show that you feel are underrated? This may overlap with the previous question, but personal favorite song? My favorite song would probably be "A Better Way to be Bad." It's got a catchy beat, the lyrics are fun, and it's a villain song. A villain song, I tell you! Everybody knows those are the best songs! As for underrated songs, I would pick "Glass of Water," from "Three's a Crowd" (Season 4, Episode 11). It's Discord's first song, and it's just as delightfully wacky as you'd expect.

Alright, the time has come to say farewell. Thank you for reading this far, and for humoring my nascent lyrical abilities. Until next time, adieu!

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