• Member Since 4th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2017


Started from the bottom now we're still at the bottom.

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The TWE has wrecked! · 11:20pm Dec 1st, 2012

If you haven't noticed by knighty's blog, the TWE have been disbanded.

Despite our efforts, we have been labeled as bullies. While I don't agree to the extent of our trusted reviewers, I don't think I really have a say in the development of this site.

More or less we began as a group meaning to express our similar distaste in the usual mediocre and often terrible works of fiction that shows up on the site.

You know, I'm starting to think that we should make a group for discussing/linking badfics or something.

I don't think there are any rules against such a group. Who shall be admin, though? That is the question.

I would approve of such a group.

In the beginning, it was simple rants of anger and annoyance, following a motto/picture that is now shunned within the group. We didn't anticipate how much our reputation and social image meant to us. So, when the time came that we started critiquing fan-fictions, using our literary knowledge and sometimes biased opinions towards the story, we wanted to retain that image of honest reviewers and neutral opinions, eradicating anything that appeared to be trolling or otherwise hateful.

We grew as a community; us admins in particular grew more accommodated and comfortable towards each other. Soon enough we started sharing Skype, email, and G-doc information with each other to converse and hang out with one another. Many intellectual conversations, thoughtful insight, literary assistance, and a bountiful amount of laughs were shared over the course of a couple months.

I enjoyed every bit of it, and often I was excited to come home from school and jump onto my computer to see what hilarious escapades we would go on.

In hindsight, I do believe that some of us have very close-minded opinions, and our close contact with one another remained as a release for every bit of pent up aggression that could be met with open approval or acceptance from us. I'm not calling anyone out or insulting anyone in the slightest, but as time goes on, we forget our roots as novice writers in favor of being the driving influence that sometimes scares new authors into submission.

While the Trainwreck Explorers are gone, us as individuals still stand.

If you enjoyed their company as much as I did, please join me in the Remnants of Exploration.

Please keep in mind this group isn't for reviewing or assisting authors in the slightest. Rather, the fellowship and friendship attained through the TWE that we wish to continue can still exist through here.

Report Distrance · 203 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Well, that sucks.

Looks like I got work to do on Freezecast, eh?


Hah I guess so! :yay:

I really hope it takes off at some point, ya know? But I'll be revising the rules to where any rudeness towards an author is an insta-ban from the group, if that's even possible.


I'd wait till they implement some better group commands so you can manage it better.

Not a former TWE.
Just saying.

Anyway I was going try to extend a message that I wanted to give you. A message that I believe to be true. So true in fact, it shattered the earth's core down to its knees. This undeniable fact had broke down the mighty rock, and all of its fellow occupants. I am being for real here. It is (to me) really honest. So pure and true it is. I solemnly swear upon my innocent heart that what I'm about to say is not a lie.

I believe that everybody on this site is a reviewer.

They give us authors feedback. Some of them just read the story and move on, but a select few of them would take the time to tell us what they thought of the chapter. Mine told me that they laughed. That they cried. Some said they loved it (and one certain other said he would love to hump my leg. What a weird fellow), while others told me they weren't satisfied. Each of them encouraged me to keep on getting better and better to the very end. Sure you might think that they were just telling me what they thought about the story, but in a way, they were helping me. I'm sure that most others would agree with me. I'm not sure about you though, but I digress. Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that even though you and some others created a fantastic group of reviewers and editors, this site was already in good hooves (hands).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that you skipped on ahead to the ending. I know I would.:rainbowlaugh:
But I would like to say one more thing. You guys did great. I had my doubts about the TWE. None of them came by any of my stories to review it or hand me out quote boxes full of edits, but it didn't stop me from searching around the site for you guys. Actually you know what? I want to tell you a little short story.

The Little Short Story: Chaotic went to find your group. He found a little group called the Train Wrecker Explorers. When he saw a great, big picture of a flaming train on their homepage, he scoffed with great ease. But as he continued on, he found some wonderful people there. He wanted to make contact with one of them, but he held back. He supposed he was satisfied with what he saw. Since that day, he wondered what would happen if he joined them. Would he be an Explorer like them? He pushed away the idea, thinking that writing fan fics was all he needed. Besides, he thought. They are probably better without me. After weeks have passed, he got on his favorite website again. He then happened upon an Alicorn, Mary Sue adventure story. With each chapter at only a few hundred words no doubt. After many weeks of writing up adventures of his own, he sighed and decided to give this one a try. He originally was going to read it, and give the author his honest and fair review. Hoping maybe he could help with his/her story a little. Then he looked at the comments as he always did. He always looked at a new story's comments, hoping to gather some prior knowledge of the fan fiction. What he found instead were many readers praising the fan fiction. He didn't understand. Was this story really good? Instead of delving further into the comments, he went on and clicked on the first chapter. What he met was a story a little bit below his writing style. Not too good, but not too bad either. He honestly wished he could say to himself that it was horrible, but he had a little soft spot for female alicorns OCs. Which just so happened to be the fan fic's main character. With all thoughts aside, he read on until the very end. Satisfied with what he had gathered, he went down to the comments to type up his review. What caught his eyes though were the comments again. After a quick exploration of the feedback, he noticed one of them chatting about how the "TWE sunk to a new low". After noting this down, he went back to main search bar of the website. He typed up on of the group's more prestigious members. He had found him. After scrolling through his user page, he found a certain blog. He scanned, read, and flew through its words and decided: "I should make a comment." So after a few minutes of careful detailing and planning, he finally finished his comment and hoped with all his heart that the owner of the blog would come across his comment. He hoped that he had down the right thing. Did he?

If you skipped here, this is the part where you say "tl;dr".
~Chaotic out

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