• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
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“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb

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  • 138 weeks
    I'm (still) not quite dead...

    I'm sorry, I am so very sorry for the lack of updates on, well, anything. A few of you have probably noticed that I've still been putting in the occasional appearance or comment, but as for chapter updates...yeah I've barely written anything for months for various reasons - work sucks, arranging a couple vacations, a falling out in my D&D group of 14 years, and just a sort of malaise that

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  • 174 weeks
    So I know I'm a little late to the party, but...

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  • 178 weeks
    When you're writing a chapter...

    And listening to music to keep yourself in the mood, and then you hear a song that has you suddenly realize that you've been writing the entire chapter wrong and should have instead been basing it around the song - not necessarily using the song directly (especially since that would be against site rules concerning wholesale copying of lyrics), but certainly drawing on it for inspiration.

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  • 182 weeks
    The Good News and the Bad News

    The good news is that I got a root canal on Monday. No more pain in teeth. Yay!

    The bad news is that I was 3/4ths of the way through the next chapter of Midnight Castle (~5000 words) and realized that I was writing it totally wrong. I need to go back to practically the start and change up a lot, though I'm salvaging lines and paragraphs wherever I can.

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When you're writing a chapter... · 3:46am Feb 26th, 2021

And listening to music to keep yourself in the mood, and then you hear a song that has you suddenly realize that you've been writing the entire chapter wrong and should have instead been basing it around the song - not necessarily using the song directly (especially since that would be against site rules concerning wholesale copying of lyrics), but certainly drawing on it for inspiration.

I think I can still make things work without deleting the some 4,800 words I already am into it...

Report RainbowDoubleDash · 514 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Oooh, now I'm super interested in what you're writing because I love this song!

Same! The Greatest Showman is full of terrific songs, and this one is the best of the bunch. I eagerly await the unveiling of whatever chapter is inspired by this.

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Most of the songs are pretty good in it, yeah. I admit I'm not as big a fan of "Tightrope" or "Come Alive", and I don't know if it was over-exposure or what but "This is Me" kind of wore itself out for me.

But the closest thing to a villain song in it, "Never Enough", is fantastic, and kind of a personal mantra for me even if it kind of runs counter to the point of the film.

My personal favorite song from it actually ended up being the last one, though: "From Now On".

And this is easily one of my favorite love songs from any musical:

I am pretty sure that happened while you were writing ocellus' ordinary day

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