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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:

More Blog Posts126

  • 15 weeks
    Hiatus For Now: Phoenix and OHS Both

    Hello my lovely readers,

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  • 19 weeks
    Small Update: State of Dewdrops

    Hello my lovely readers. I'm sure you've been waiting for the next Phoenix, as well as other things from me.

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  • 26 weeks
    Phoenix Update: Set a New Record!

    Hello my lovelies. If you've not already seen, Star Trek: Phoenix has released its latest full chapter, episode 7 for season 3, "Under the Sea." As you might surmise, it involves hippogriffs, and was a huge ton of fun to write.

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  • 27 weeks
    Update for Phoenix Plus Other News

    Hello, my lovelies. If you've not yet seen it, we have an interlude up for Star Trek: Phoenix written by my editor, Vic Fontaine. It features a couple of characters we haven't seen for a long while.

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  • 29 weeks
    Commissions Open! -- See Details Inside --

    Hello, my lovely readers! Last week or thereabouts you saw me explore the idea of commissions, which I am now opening! I will have a limited number of slots available; once those slots are filled I will close commissions until I have fulfilled them. This post will be regularly referred back to for the commission rules, which are as follows:

    Last Updated: 11/22/23

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Chapter 3 Part 4 Up! (Jan 9th) · 9:00am Jan 9th, 2021

Part 4 is up now! Which means we get to see the victim for this case, whom I hope won't be too surprising, as it wasn't intended as that surprising. The real mystery though, that I hope will be surprising.

Moving on to writing progress: I'm on the investigation of Chapter Five, which means I'm getting pretty close to finishing up this story. To say I'm excited is putting it mildly. Without giving much away, I think it's definitely feasible for me to finish writing the story well before it finishes posting. As in, I think it'll still be posting Chapter Four when I finish.

Which means I will be accelerating the posting schedule, when that happens. I will probably go up to three posts a week, or maybe even four. I will also be working on new writing projects after this story is done, though most will likely not be related to it. Hopefully if you've enjoyed my writing thus far you'll still enjoy what else I choose to write. I'm intending to do a couple of short happier pieces, and possibly at least one NSFW porn with plot story, because I have a few ideas for those and want to try my hand at it.

That said there are also two strong possible sequel ideas for this story as well. I can't talk about any specific details yet, because 1. I don't have any beyond the basic idea and 2. because it would spoil things yet to come, but there are sequel ideas. So that's a possibility too.

But regardless, whatever I choose to write will be shorter, at least for a while. I've been thoroughly enjoying writing this longer story, but judging by the length thus far it's going to clock in at nearly 500K words when its done. That's about the same length as the entire Lord of the Rings series. (Not including The Hobbit.) If I went straight into another long project I would burn myself out. Additionally, the nature of my job means my work hours will become busier as we get closer to summer, which means I'll have less time to write. A huge reason why I've been able to be so prolific is the amount of time I have to write while technically being on the job. That's only going to last so long.

So if a sequel to this story materializes, it might not be until closer to the end of the year, when I can devote the time and energy necessary to do it justice. I'd prefer any kind of long story like that be able to keep up the same sort of posting schedule I've managed for this one, which means building a large buffer before I even start posting.

But even if one doesn't, sooner or later I will have a new long story going. I've got many ideas rolling around this head of mine, so we'll see what else I choose to do. In the meantime, thank you all again for having come this far on the journey. There's still plenty yet to come.

Comments ( 10 )

This might be a bit presumptuous to ask now, but would you be willing to possibly take ideas for shorter NSFW fics to write when the time comes, or would you rather just focus on your own stuff?

I might be? It really depends. I don't intend to write a whole bunch of porn for the sake of porn, and would probably prefer not to. I'd rather my porn come with an actual story to it. But that said, I would be open to suggestions. I am considering starting a Ko-Fi account, and taking small donations through that to write stories is something I am willing to do.

Though if I did this, there'd be limits, and things I would refuse to write. Without going down a whole list of fetishes (since for now anything like this is a long way off anyway) there are three subjects of such things I will never, ever touch: non-consensual, child/adult(or foalcon as is the preferred term around here) and Anon. I also won't be willing to write second person stories unless I had a remarkably good idea for one.

I'm also far more likely to prefer stories featuring LGBT themes, because I am quite LGBT myself and would like to write things that appeal to me. Which I think is reasonable. :twilightsmile:

I'm still thinking all of this through for now, though. So I'll have to get back to you. I will say, if nothing else, the Ko-Fi account is pretty likely, because apparently they have no platform fees. I did not know that until I looked it up today.

EDIT: Though it also seems like they forbid using it for adult content, which is fair. As such I probably would have to accept donations for not-adult stories. Fluffy shipping fics and the like. Or just make it a general "if you want to donate to support my writing go ahead" type deal.


I'd rather my porn come with an actual story to it.

That's fair enough, I'll try my best to make sure that my suggestions accomplish that.

there are three subjects of such things I will never, ever touch: non-consensual, child/adult(or foalcon as is the preferred term around here) and Anon

Would the non-con part include something like mind control leading to sex (even if the mind control and the sex technically don't actually have anything to do directly with each other)?
And would the foalcon part include foal characters being older?

I'm also far more likely to prefer stories featuring LGBT themes, because I am quite LGBT myself and would like to write things that appeal to me. Which I think is reasonable.

It is, and I'll try to make a few of my suggestions fit that theme, though most of my ships are straight (Not really by design, that's just how the pieces fell into place). But I know I've got a few in me.

And alright on the rest.


Would the non-con part include something like mind control leading to sex (even if the mind control and the sex technically don't actually have anything to do directly with each other)?

I'm not willing to write that, no. Mind control is such an iffy subject that I would prefer my writings lean on the side of avoiding it altogether. Too easy to abuse. (Power dynamics that are between consenting adults, in the form of risk aware consensual kink/BDSM, however, is perfectly acceptable.)

And would the foalcon part include foal characters being older?

Correct. I am not willing to write anything pornographic involving aged up characters. It's too iffy. SFW shipping stories, where the aged up characters aren't involved with characters that are already canonically adults, however, that would be fine. So for example, I'd be happy to write a fluffy ScootaBloom piece, but not ScootaDash. The only possible except to such a thing is if the story involves a circumstance where the characters have been away from each other for years and years, thus there's no chance of any form of grooming taking place. The reason I'm so against writing this myself is that it's far too easy for there to be some form of power dynamics involved that make things sketchy.

As an example: Twilestia is a ship I'm generally uncomfortable with. I was wholly against it back in the days of unicorn Twilight. Post Magical Mystery Cure, it became more acceptable, but not by much, because regardless of any official status, Twilight still saw Celestia as a superior, and was still raised by Celestia from a young age. Post Ending of the Ending, however, it starts becoming more acceptable, until we reach the time of The Last Problem at which point I'd say enough time has passed for anything like that to no longer have an effect on Twilight's psyche.

For another example: Sparity is another ship that I am extremely uncomfortable with, for similar reasons. Spike is a child, and has been interested in Rarity as a puppy love crush, and Rarity has used this. Regardless of her attachment to him (and frankly the way she acted in "Dragon Dropped" left me feeling uncomfortable on several levels) there are power dynamics in play, adult to child, that make any kind of future relationship full of sketchy problems. Again the only way this could work is if Spike and Rarity do not see each other for a LONG time and then choose to get together at a later date. Even then, however, it's not one I want to write. The only two stories to ever make me like Sparity as a ship is the MLP Time Loops (which uses a setting so unusual with such a massive time scale that it allows for all sorts of things to be worked out that otherwise couldn't be worked out over the scale of a mortal lifetime) and Sleepless Brony's Like Fine Wine, which involved a much older Rarity who hadn't seen Spike in decades.

Every ship that involves a character who canonically is a child has similar problems, even after being aged up. There's too much influence and raising involved, and it's all such a minefield I want to avoid it entirely.

Fair enough on both counts.
Mind control is like the one fetish that really gets me going, but it's not something that's essential in a story for me to enjoy it.

SFW shipping stories, where the aged up characters aren't involved with characters that are already canonically adults, however, that would be fine.

That, I know I can do.

I appreciate it. I also want to say how much I appreciate your interest in my continuing work. It makes me feel happy to know my works are enjoyed.

I think I will be starting a Ko-Fi account. I've looked into the details and I can justify getting one started straight away even without commissions being open.

Also, I forgot to mention this, because I think it went so much without saying it didn't occur to me to mention it, but I will not do any incest either. Not happening. Period.

That's also fair enough.
Incest, while not super common, still happens enough in the fandom that mentioning it would probably be necessary at some point

Distressingly so. I've seen more incest in this fandom than I can recall ever seeing in any other. I don't care for it. I know why it happens in this fandom, but I don't care for it.

Being completely honest, I'm kinda weird when it comes to incest. I'm okay with it depending on whose involved when it comes to fanworks, but I never want to see it in anything I actually watch.

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