• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.

More Blog Posts167

  • 23 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day 2024

    Hey, it's me, believe it or not.

    Still struggling with life (aren't we all?), but finally making some progress, including coming back. Chatting with some you guys wouldn't hurt me getting on that road.

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    5 comments · 216 views
  • 75 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day

    Yes, I know I've been gone for a while. There's a lot, and I mean a lot reasons for that, but I've never left this place. Maybe I'll go into more details in the future.

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    3 comments · 223 views
  • 166 weeks
    I've Finally Watched Breaking Bad... Really lives up to Hype!

    For years, I have had some friends who have gone on and on about a show called "Breaking Bad", with many naming it the greatest show they've ever seen. Despite having access to it, I never got around to actually watching it for a few reasons, with the big ones being time and the fear of the overhype.

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    4 comments · 252 views
  • 170 weeks
    Why Writing the SunLight Wedding is Difficult

    If I blink, I swear weeks go by. Where does the time go? :rainbowderp:

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    2 comments · 381 views
  • 174 weeks
    Getting Back on Track

    Okay, after much time away, I'm back for the time being.

    After the most recent tragedy, I decided to take some time away and do some readjusting. Something here, something there, new job, etc. I've been away from writing (except for my big project) and my blogs, so I hope to restart those. I've been keeping up with my art commissions, and I'll be sure to comment on those, too.

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    13 comments · 375 views

Happy New Year + Art w/ Links · 12:59am Jan 2nd, 2021

Happy 2021, everybody! I don't have time to say too much right now, but I want to wish everyone a great new year. Let's make this one better than the last.

Here's some appropriate art for the occasion. Idea and commissioned by me, done by Riouku.

Enjoy! I'll be back with a proper blog soon!

Report RS-Belle14 · 101 views ·
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