• Member Since 7th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 14th

Hoodwinked MCShelster

Artsy Fartsy!!! Find me on youtube and DA @MCShelster

More Blog Posts32

  • 196 weeks
    Really important update + I am alive lol

    Sooooooo, I never made the update last month...homework and midterms came suddenly, swiftly and stressfully. Buuuut that's finally over and done with and I came back to my on hold commissions, slowly but I'm working on them at least! Thank you all again for your patience if those in question are reading! Your support means so much to me.

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    2 comments · 256 views
  • 200 weeks
    Update will be live and a QnA, leave Q's!

    Been a tad busy so I never got around to making a nice update video, but we can still have a live quick little thing. If I get questions I'll answer them on the stream. I'll go live at 3 pm PST on my youtube, so leave questions down below.

    3 comments · 223 views
  • 202 weeks
    Bad Intentions Collection Now Available on Teespring

    Bad Intentions Collection Now Available on Teespring

    New merch on teespring available, honestly this video has been basically ready since the other line was done, but I had to resist posting both, lol. It'll premier 12 PM PST I'll be in the comments during it, not sure how it'll work...lol

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    0 comments · 275 views
  • 205 weeks
    Channel/Personal Update

    This was suppose to go up Sunday but family visited and birthday stuff happened. And work happened. Anyways hope to see some questions for me to answer in the next update video!

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    0 comments · 167 views
  • 207 weeks
    Teespring store opening!

    I am proud to announce the opening of my teespring store. There is a little end bit where I express my feelings about the opening and how excited I am to bring this to you guys!

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    0 comments · 204 views

Bad Intentions Collection Now Available on Teespring · 6:15pm Sep 6th, 2020

Bad Intentions Collection Now Available on Teespring

New merch on teespring available, honestly this video has been basically ready since the other line was done, but I had to resist posting both, lol. It'll premier 12 PM PST I'll be in the comments during it, not sure how it'll work...lol

Click on the images below to go to the store pages! Also apologies for you yak fans, tee-spring is racist against yaks and didn't let Rutherford get his own merch, looks too much like a mascot icon I guess, but he made it onto the collective merch!

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