• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2022

Visiden Visidane

Is that a terrorist?!?

More Blog Posts182

  • 236 weeks
    Upheavology: The Southern Barrier Land

    Upheavology: The Southern Barrier Land

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    7 comments · 1,501 views
  • 237 weeks
    Upheavology: The Western Barrier Land

    Upheavology: The Western Barrier Land

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  • 238 weeks
    New Year

    It is currently 12:15 AM of Jan 1 over here.

    Happy New Year everyone. May this current year prove better than the last current year.

    6 comments · 476 views
  • 241 weeks
    UK Elections

    Congratulations, Brits.

    I was rooting for the Elmo cosplayer, but the Trump cosplayer seems nice. The tweet salt is quite fantastic, gonna mine me some for a while.

    5 comments · 516 views
  • 241 weeks
    The Outer Worlds

    I got the game because it looked like the Fallout fix I needed. Obsidian, who made New Vegas, made it. It looked like Space Fallout and had a lot of similarities. Waited for the Black Friday sale, then grabbed it for $48. Thanks for the holiday, you turkey-eating Americans.


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New Year · 4:15pm Dec 31st, 2019

It is currently 12:15 AM of Jan 1 over here.

Happy New Year everyone. May this current year prove better than the last current year.

Report Visiden Visidane · 476 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Happy new year :trollestia:

Is the grass greener?

Holy Celestia! Time Traveler!
Happy new year!

:pinkiehappy: Happy new year ! :trollestia:

Happy new year.

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