• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2022

Visiden Visidane

Is that a terrorist?!?

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    Upheavology: The Southern Barrier Land

    Upheavology: The Southern Barrier Land

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    Upheavology: The Western Barrier Land

    Upheavology: The Western Barrier Land

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    New Year

    It is currently 12:15 AM of Jan 1 over here.

    Happy New Year everyone. May this current year prove better than the last current year.

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  • 241 weeks
    UK Elections

    Congratulations, Brits.

    I was rooting for the Elmo cosplayer, but the Trump cosplayer seems nice. The tweet salt is quite fantastic, gonna mine me some for a while.

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  • 241 weeks
    The Outer Worlds

    I got the game because it looked like the Fallout fix I needed. Obsidian, who made New Vegas, made it. It looked like Space Fallout and had a lot of similarities. Waited for the Black Friday sale, then grabbed it for $48. Thanks for the holiday, you turkey-eating Americans.


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UK Elections · 8:57am Dec 13th, 2019

Congratulations, Brits.

I was rooting for the Elmo cosplayer, but the Trump cosplayer seems nice. The tweet salt is quite fantastic, gonna mine me some for a while.

Report Visiden Visidane · 517 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Thanks. I'm personally pretty happy with the result. Maybe now we can finally get this shit over and done with.

Elmo cosplayer would be Farage or?

If corbyn then hes more Waldorf.

Yeahh i agree cba to deal with the big B

Dragr #4 · Dec 14th, 2019 · · 3 ·

I'm perfectly livid. And I hold every tory voter personally responsible for every homeless death over the winter, every in work povety bill, every hour spent waiting on a resourced starved NHS, uf there is another grenfel tpwer, for every drop of blood spilled if a hard boarder is placed in ireland, in direct violation to the goodfriday agreement which ended 800 years of bloody struggle, while the bigoted, homophobic, racist, misogynist, islamaphobic, child abandoning, disabilist, trump wannabe blond turd sits in office spending our money on weapons to bomb the Yemanese, and party donating companies, hiding public investigation results and slowly dismantle all that made our country great.
Hell the fact the Tories got propped up by the DUP tells you all you need to know about them. (For Americans, they were to the unionist terrorists in Northen Ireland, what Sinn Fein was to the IRA. Only the british government helped those ones in the troubles.

Promising to get brexit done? Pah! We haven't even started negotiations yet, up to now it's just been the withdrawal arrangements and political declarations which he siselined in favour of a general election because he didn't want parliament to vote on amendments! In other words, do their bloody job! Saying they are frustrating brexit, please he voted it down three times under May! He has no leg to stand on, is a know lier, and upset brexit more times then most, how he managed to spin it as our Lord and saviour I have no idea.

My personal opinion on the matter.

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